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Everything posted by Djlatino

  1. when ur site is flawless :>

  2. i dont think its bad the code only uses pp_main_photo which is something that ipb4 has already implemented its not like i made the code i just used their code in a different place and got the result i havent been able to use ipb lately to update the code further also cant test it on my phone to see how it looks but if the default profile photo is giving problems you can just reuse the default code by replacing after {{else}} in my code <a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}-{$comment->author()->name}" seoTemplate="profile" seoTitle="$seoName"}' data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}-{$comment->author()->name}&do=hovercard" seoTemplate="profile" seoTitle="$seoName"}' title="{lang="view_user_profile" sprintf="$name"}"><img src="Default Image Url" /></a>with <li class='cAuthorPane_photo'> {template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$comment->author(), 'large', $comment->warningRef()"} </li> and see if it reverts the default image for the author info for the pc and phone it shouldnt break my code in the earlier page cause ur just replacing that for the default image would just revert the settings for default image on ur forum and not affect the ones uploaded by users I didn't mean to call your code bad, I meant the fact that it was a code issue rather than CSS made me sad, lol. I'll check it out on Saturday, thanks! Kinda diggin' the no avatar look atm though.
  3. @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { .ipsUserPhoto_variable img, img.ipsUserPhoto_variable, .ipsUserPhoto_variable:after { width: 100px; {{if theme.rounded_photos}} border-radius: 0px; {{endif}} } } Should work. lol didn't work because this isn't something css can fix. thanks anyways, really! I just didn't add any default image for the default image url so that nothing shows instead, it makes the forum much cleaner and encourages people to get an avatar.
  4. Just a heads up, the code for this messes up posts when on mobile view when the user has the default avatar: wat do fam
  5. Make sure your image is favicon sized (16x16)
  6. I always use DHL, or just regular economy shipping. USPS are so weird lol. I got a free tshirt from a website, and the shipping was 5 days. Being that they're in the US and I'm in Canada, it was understood. I clicked the link that was given for tracking, and even tried putting in the tracking ID, and all I kept getting was "error". That being said, USPS has followed through as well, but I always made sure to never order stuff on the brink of the weekend unless I'm using DHL. USPS always messes stuff up if you order on Fridays.
  7. Do whatever you need to to understand what I said in my post about using the round function. I said, if you really want to, use the function. Please read next time.
  8. Muh dark skinned bro and I are having the same issue QQ not sure that is my code doing it, on that guy's website i hit the url on the board index for the person's username and i saw the same yet if u click on insane's profile it opens up perfectly http://darkvibe.ro/forum/index.php?/profile/3-insane/ #note my code only affects the postContainer aka the userinfopane not the board index or any other part of the forum anyway i recommend u guys either do a revert on the postContainer (to see if it really is my code's doing) and then click the url see if it loads the profile and if its still happening then make a thread in the support section http://webflake.sx/forum/69-ipboard-support/ It's funny cause once I remove your code, my profile works again, but my profile is still accessible to others even when the code is active. IPS' new error system is just horrid, so don't know what it could be.
  9. Muh dark skinned bro and I are having the same issue QQ
  10. But there's no way to change something in IPB so the payment will work? I mean something in the code that will remove decimal from the currency? I guess, theoretically, you could. You'd have to use the round function for the payment method "PayPal". The directories you should be going into to see where the value placement takes place are in: It's either that, or just don't use decimals, lol.
  11. I know you think your method is correct, but due to the fact that people upload images of all sizes, it's not something that can be practically used due to issues like image stretching that make boards look horrid. I tried doing it via css before, but never managed to get images to not look over-stretched, regardless of whether or not i used auto for one of the sizes with width/height. Regardless, John's code makes it so that it retrieves the pp_main_photo uploaded, rather than the downsized and compressed one IPB automatically uses if you were to just edit the CSS. Thanks John, my board looks great because of your little snippet :)
  12. The placebo fix is: when showing your prices with whatever you're using, don't make the prices determined by paypal, rather the IPB application itself. However, because PayPal doesn't support decimal via API means that it won't support it at all, period. The issue here is that PayPal doesn't support decimal because the amount in decimal is so minimal compared to the US Dollar that they lose money with the feature enabled therefore disable it completely for those currencies. That being said, if you really want it, it's not something anyone with IPB knowledge can help you with, but speaking with PayPal dev support would, however, they would probably tell you the same thing. Bypassing these kind of things could get you banned from the API, but some people do it anyways, I haven't seen anyone bypass the decimal issue as they just conformed to not using decimals.
  13. Many of my members asked the same thing as him, but the button he's referring to adding the a button on the toolbar of the actual ckeditor. @OP Customization->Editor->Add Button Then for the HTML [hide]{content}[/hide] Then you have to drag the button to your toolbar!
  14. Doesn't matter what my website is (it's in my profile), I'm not running any custom theme, it's based off the default IPS one. Even webflake has this triangle, Thanks! That worked.
  15. It was in the wrong section, thread got closed. @AwesomeBoy - Go into cpanel (I assume you have it installed) and repair the database of your forum. This error comes from a crashed mysql table.
  16. 1px borders are your friends, not enemies. When you get involved with dark/2 color palette themes, you end up using borders to help you keep the design consisted and "contained". If not, people feel that they don't know what they're looking at.
  17. I'm nearly complete my theme on the site I run, but one thing is missing, and it ticks me off! Does anyone know the class/id for that white triangle tooltip thing? I can't seem to get it with inspect element.
  18. welp... my bad Well, font awesome uses classes in order to specify what icon are displayed, so I'd go into your global index template and look for the boardIndex one, and change the classes to whatever glyph you want it as. I haven't upgraded to iPB4 so I don't know exactly where to go for that, but it is somewhere along the lines. http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/examples/ For an example of what I just said. http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ For the names of the glyphs needed so that you can change them to whatever is avail. However, if you're looking to change the image to something else not included in the font set, that's a bit more tricky.
  19. If you right click and inspect element, depending on what class it's placed in, you'd use .fa { color: colorgoeshere; }More info: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14474452/can-i-change-the-color-of-font-awesomes-icon-color
  20. Those are probably images, which require you to manually edit them. You could also add a hover css which changes the color around it, but I'd need you to be more decisive of what you want changed...
  21. I installed the Enterprise version where it automatically ops out of all that garbage. Feels great, and with a Numix Theme, it feels great!
  22. Sad to hear and hope he's all right! But change is always good, and hopefully we can move forward from it! On to bigger, better things.
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