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Everything posted by Chris

  1. H24, I used nulled scripts on it; but if someone complains you are buggered.
  2. 48 downloads

    Let me introduce you The Birds Creation Kit: Cute Little Birds, for the endless customizing possibilities in creating mascots, your own customized twitter icons or character designs. And all that in more then 21.888 combinations + endless color variations. The creation kit/vector pack contains the following: • EPS 10 vector file • Illustrator Template Files for CS, CS2 , CS3, CS4 or CS5 – You choose! • Photoshop Template File with smart objects so you can easily scale your little (or extra large) birds • Also 10 PNG files of premade characters are included – in case you ever need them All files are grouped neatly in layers with proper naming so you can easily change color or make your own combination of elements. Have some fun with these little fellas.. Graphics Files Included: Photoshop PSD, Tran PNG, AI Illustrator Layered? Yes Minimum Adobe CS Version CS
  3. 46 downloads

    Features Overview[list] [*]HTML5 and CSS tableless design [*]Responsive design for all screen resolution sizes [*]Option to turn special stylesheet that targets tablets and mobile devices off or on. [*]Unbranded Theme Options Panel [list] [*]Panel #1 – Styles ([url="http://themeblvd.com/demo/assets/akita/theme_options_styles.png"]See screenshot[/url]) [*]Panel #2 – Layout ([url="http://themeblvd.com/demo/assets/akita/theme_options_layout.png"]See screenshot[/url]) [*]Panel #3 – Content ([url="http://themeblvd.com/demo/assets/akita/theme_options_content.png"]See screenshot[/url]) [*]Panel #4 – Configuration ([url="http://themeblvd.com/demo/assets/akita/theme_options_configuration.png"]See screenshot[/url]) [/list][*]Layout Builder [list] [*]Video #1: [url="http://vimeo.com/32434094"]Introduction[/url] [*]Video #2: [url="http://vimeo.com/32433942"]Add New Layout[/url] [*]Video #3: [url="http://vimeo.com/32433978"]Configure Layout Elements[/url] [*]Video #4: [url="http://vimeo.com/32434009"]Apply the Layout[/url] [*]Video #5: [url="http://vimeo.com/32434025"]Apply Layout as Homepage[/url] [*]Video #6: [url="http://vimeo.com/32434047"]Fine Tune the Layout[/url] [*]Video #7: [url="http://vimeo.com/32434067"]Sample Layouts[/url] [/list][*]Slider Manager [list] [*]Video #1: [url="http://vimeo.com/32433773"]Setting Up a Basic Slider[/url] [*]Video #2: [url="http://vimeo.com/32433810"]Image Slides[/url] [*]Video #3: [url="http://vimeo.com/32433855"]Video Slides[/url] [*]Video #4: [url="http://vimeo.com/32433914"]Standard Slider Settings[/url] [/list][*]Widget Area Manager (i.e. Unlimited Sidebars) [list] [*]Video #1: [url="http://vimeo.com/32471324"]Locations[/url] [*]Video #2: [url="http://vimeo.com/32471481"]Collapsible Vs Fixed[/url] [*]Video #3: [url="http://vimeo.com/32471583"]Custom Widget Areas[/url] [*]Video #4: [url="http://vimeo.com/32471674"]Floating Widget Areas[/url] [/list][*]6 Sidebar Layouts ([url="http://vimeo.com/32560099"]Watch Video[/url]) [*]Tons of shortcodes with shortcode generator ([url="http://themeblvd.com/demo/assets/framework/shortcode_generator.png"]See screenshot[/url]) [*]prettyPhoto lightbox integration ([url="http://vimeo.com/32560047"]Watch Video[/url]) [*]Dynamic typography with Google Font Directory support ([url="http://vimeo.com/32559926"]Watch Video[/url]) [*]100% child theme compatible with sample child theme included ([url="http://vimeo.com/41331677"]Watch Video[/url]) [*]Optional no-click drop down menus ([url="http://vimeo.com/32559964"]Watch Video[/url]) [*]5 Custom Widgets (Twitter, Video, Simple Contact, Mini Post Grid and Mini Post List) [*]Localization-ready (for translation into foreign languages) [*]New! – Full WPML compatibility. [url="http://wpml.themeblvd.com/"]http://wpml.themeblvd.com[/url] [*]New! – Sample Data included ([url="https://vimeo.com/41578326"]Watch Video[/url]) [*]New! – Developer tutorials for working with our framework. [url="http://dev.themeblvd.com/"]http://dev.themeblvd.com[/url] [/list] Free Theme Blvd Addons[list] [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-admin-presence/"]Theme Blvd Admin Presence[/url] – Show or Hide theme’s admin pages. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-featured-image-link-override/"]Theme Blvd Featured Link Override[/url] – Set site-wide featured image links. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-featured-videos/"]Theme Blvd Featured Videos[/url] – Replace featured images with embedded videos. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-image-sizes/"]Theme Blvd Image Sizes[/url] – Adjust your theme’s image crop sizes. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-news-scroller/"]Theme Blvd News Scroller Widget[/url] – A widget that scrolls through posts. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-piecemaker-addon/"]Theme Blvd Piecemaker Addon[/url] – Add Piecemaker onto theme’s built-in sliders. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-post-to-page-link/"]Theme Blvd Post-to-Page Link[/url] – Link a post to a page for modifying the breadcrumb trail. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-responsive-google-maps/"]Theme Blvd Responsive Google Maps[/url] – Responsive Google Map shortcode. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-string-swap/"]Theme Blvd String Swap[/url] – Quickly translate text strings on frontend of your site. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-woocommerce-patch/"]Theme Blvd WooCommerce Patch[/url] – Adds basic compatibility with WooCommerce. [*][url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-wpml-bridge/"]Theme Blvd WPML Bridge[/url] – Full WPML compatibility. [url="http://wpml.themeblvd.com/"]http://wpml.themeblvd.com[/url] [/list] Homepage Setup Here is the quick step-by-step guide for how this theme’s [url="http://demo.themeblvd.com/?theme=akita"]demo homepage[/url] was setup from the WordPress admin panel. You can find much more information on the following steps in great detail by viewing the documentation that came in your theme’s download package. Keep in mind this is only a quick step-by-step for the theme demo’s homepage and you definitely do not have to setup your site in this way if you don’t want to.[list=1] [*]Install the theme under Appearance > Themes. [*]Go to Settings > Reading > Frontpage Displays, and make sure you’ve selected “your latest posts”. [*]Go to Appearance > Widget Areas and create a new custom widget area. For its location, select for it to be a “Floating Widget Area.” [*]Go to Appearance > Widgets and add the “Search” widget to your new custom widget area along with the “Theme Blvd News Scroller” widget, which you can download [url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-news-scroller/"]here[/url]. [*]Go to the Sliders page and create a custom slider. [*]Go to the Builder page and create a new custom layout. Use “Akita Homepage” as your layout’s starting point. Configure your element settings. This includes selecting your custom slider in the slider element, and selecting the custom widget area you created within the second column of the Columns element. Then, save the layout. [*]Go to Appearance > Theme Options > Content > Homepage, select to show a custom layout, and select the custom layout you’ve created. [/list] Image Sizes For your reference, listed here are all of the image sizes that your images get cropped to when using this theme. If your WordPress installation already has many images uploaded, it’s best to run the [url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/"]Thumbnail Generator plugin[/url] after installing the theme.[list] [*]Slider Full Width – 960×350 (hard crop) [*]Slider Staged Left/Right – 542×292 (hard crop) [*]1/5 Column of Grid – 200×125 (hard crop) [*]1/4 Column of Grid – 240×150 (hard crop) [*]1/3 Column of Grid – 320×200 (hard crop) [*]1/2 Column of Grid – 472×295 (hard crop) [*]Small Thumbnail of List – 195×195 (soft crop) [*]Small Square – 130×130 (hard crop) [*]Smaller Square – 70×70 (hard crop) [*]Smallest Square – 45×45 (hard crop) [/list] NOTE : If you require changes to these image sizes, you do have options. [url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/theme-blvd-image-sizes/"]Learn More[/url] Sample Layouts On the [url="http://demo.themeblvd.com/?theme=akita"]live demo[/url], you will see a section on the main menu called Sample Layouts. Within this theme framework, sample layouts are not anything that require any kind of XML import file. When you go to the Layout Builder to build your custom layouts, you have the option to choose from any of these sample layouts as your starting point. So, in other words, when you install the theme, you have all of the sample layouts. You don’t need to import anything or perform any additional tasks. Server Requirements In order to run this theme, your server must have PHP5 and you must have WordPress 3.2+ installed. Changelog Listed here all of updates to this theme and when they were posted. In your WordPress admin panel, you can see what version of the theme you’re using by going to Appearance > Themes and looking at the version number next to the name of the theme. To update the theme, you need to download it again from your ThemeForest Downloads page, and update the files on your server. (See video: [url="http://www.jasonbobich.com/wordpress/updates/"]All About Updates[/url])[list] [*]v1.1.5 – August 15, 2012 [*]v1.1.4 – July 2, 2012 [*]v1.1.3 – June 2, 2012 [*]v1.1.2 – May 25, 2012 [*]v1.1.1 – May 12, 2012 [*]v1.1.0 – May 7, 2012 – ([url="http://www.wpjumpstart.com/framework-updates/theme-blvd-2-1-0-framework-update/#highlights"]Information about this update[/url]) [/list] [url="http://www.themeblvd.com/changelog/?theme=akita"]View Full Changelog[/url] Demo: [url="http://demo.themeblvd.com/?theme=akita"]http://demo.themeblvd.com/?theme=akita[/url]
  4. Version v1.5.1


    Update – Ver 1.5.1 – August 06, 2012[list] [*]IE9 /IE8 Errors Fixed [*]send.php Included [/list] Update – Ver 1.5 – August 01, 2012[list] [*]More HTML Pages [*]Some HTML Errors Fixed [/list] Update – Ver 1.1 – April 28, 2011[list] [*]Updated Documentation [*]Some HTML Errors Fixed [/list] Zeepry is an awesome simple minimalist HTML template which could be suitable for almost all kinds of business .You can use it as Business template, Your personal portfolio or even a Blog. It’s comes with valid well written code, working contact form, google maps and much more. Features[list] [*]17 HTML Pages:Homepage, Homepage Nivo Slider, About us, Our Team, Job Opportunities,Our Services,Services Item,Clients Testimonials,Typography,Portfolio,Portfolio Three Columns,Portfolio Four Columns, Blog,Blog Post,Contact [*]Grid layout 940px – easy to customize [*]Working Google Maps [*]Working Contact Form [*]Cool JQuery Effects [list] [*]3 level dropdown menu [*]Anything Content Slider [*]Cycle Content Slider [*]Scroll to top control [*]Scroll to anchor [*]Simple Tooltips [*]Nivo Slider [*]Style Switcher [*]Jquery Form Validation [*]Twitter Posts [/list][*]PSD Included [*]Full Documentation [*]8 Backgrounds [*]5 Color Schemes [*]Valid HTML [*]SEO Friendly Template [*]+ Landing Page [/list] Demo Live demo is encrypted for security measures,but download version has properly formatted and well commented code.. [url="http://themes.trendywebstar.com/Zeepry/"]themes.trendywebstar.com/Zeepry/[/url] [url="http://www.trendywebstar.com/assets/zeepry-code.jpg"]Well Formatted Code Screenshot[/url] Documentation / Support I’m happy to assist customer with any problems with my theme.The item documentation is extensive and the source code is properly commented and formatted, and it’s easy to customize.Template has Valid XHTML + the code is properly commented and formatted [img]http://www.trendywebstar.com/assets/box-1.png[/img] [img]http://www.trendywebstar.com/assets/box-2.png[/img]
  5. Version v1


    GREPTEM is a HTML5 one page template, best suited for small Business and Portfolio sites. This template have unique structure, first of that in Themeforest. jQuery will load your page automatically without any refresh and so on. Your company not have a lot of information? You are in correct theme, because our theme will allow to you represent your company with nice colors and good typography with using not much text. Client will easily remind information and your site look, so they will be back easier. Theme Features[list] [*]HTML5 and CSS3 [*]Ajax Form [*]Unique structure [*]jQuery page loader, one page, withour refresh [*]Custom scroll bar [*]Ajax contact form, without refresh [*]Google maps [*]Work gallery [*]Work gallery popup (lightbox) [*]Animated blog page [*]Font-face [*]Fast, stable work [/list] Sources and Credits[list] [*]jQuery – [url="http://jquery.com/"]www.jquery.com/[/url] [*]jQuery Cycle – [url="http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/"]www.jquery.malsup.com/cycle/[/url] [*]jScrollPane – [url="http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/"]www.jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/[/url] [*]modernizr – [url="http://www.modernizr.com/"]www.modernizr.com[/url] [*]bmap – [url="http://www.blocsoft.com/bmap/"]www.blocsoft.com/bmap[/url] [*]jQuery Mousewheel – [url="http://brandonaaron.net/code/mousewheel/demos"]www.brandonaaron.net/code/mousewheel/demos[/url] [/list] This theme wont work locally due to Ajax functionalities. Demo: [url="http://greptem5.psdtohtml.lt/"]http://greptem5.psdtohtml.lt/[/url]
  6. Chris


    Version v1


    Multi-purpose theme for freelancers, agencies, studios, startups… anyone really.Features[list] [*]Responsive [*]Out-of-the-box working contact form [*]Out-of-the-box working newsletter subscription form [*]Multiply header variations [*]Image gallery with filtering [*]Price comparison table [*]Twitter feed [*]Social icons [*]Google Web Fonts [*]Google Maps [*]Easily customizable with different script to background texture and colour combos. [*]HTML5 & CSS3 [*]Plus more! [/list] Documentation / Support I’m [url="http://danielhellier.com/themes/help/"]here for support[/url] if you require assistance. The item documentation is extensive and the source code is properly commented and formatted, and it’s easy to customize. As updates are made to the template, additional documentation will be supplied, along with an updated frequently asked questions section. Demo: [url="http://danielhellier.com/themes/#studio"]http://danielhellier.com/themes/#studio[/url]
  7. Version v1


    ease – Responsive Admin Template ease is a responsive dashboard admin template built with twitter bootstrap. It is used for backend applications. It supports all modern devices. Ease comes with many custom made plugins and is user friendly designed and developed. It has a detailed documentation and developers can start new backend projects fast. The color correspond very good together and the color palette is very user friendly. Once you bought the item you can download all future updates for free! I will provide a good and as fast as possible support via comments and private email. Features[list] [*]Responsive layout [*]Default / Fixed Navigation&Topbar [*]Fluid / Fixed layout [*]HTML5 / CSS3 [*]FontAwesome icons [*]Fully based and compatible with Twitter Bootstrap v2.3.0 [*]Custom form style [*]Many form plugins with custom styling [*]Form wizard [*]Form validation [*]Multiple file upload [*]Custom pages [*]Invoice page [*]Calendar [*]File manager [*]Dynamic gallery [*]Charts / Statistics [*]Dynamic tables [*]Custom chat style [*]Message inbox page [*]User profile page [*]Search result page [/list] Changelog v1.0 – 20.02.2013[list] [*]Initial release [/list][font=inherit] Demo: [url="http://www.eakroko.de/ease/"]http://www.eakroko.de/ease/[/url][/font]
  8. Try recaching your skin, *yourlink*/admin/index.php?adsess=3447cc0c6f80530db7f0bad077f17b31&app=core&module=templates&section=tools&do=splash
  9. When you first install it; make sure on the drop down you select drop all data or what ever it says
  10. Don't know if this rules is relevant but it seems on most topics you are advertising your hosting company Please don't advertise other sites where it isn't neccessary. Adding your own site in your signature is fine. <--from the guideline thread
  11. Chris

    Your hosting?

    I use Hosting24.com, great support; they don't really care about what you use, while if they get reports they will care. Haven't been shut down yet because of using Nulled IPB and its quite cheap!
  12. IPB due to ease of use and it is sexy in the skins and such
  13. Hey, I am Chris; you may have seen me on ForumCore's facebook page; I am Eden Network, I usually keep quiet but found my voice and wanted to help Phun keep people in place and spread knowledge such as fake sites etc. Eden Network was founded in 2012 by me and a couple of friends, it was a success until I decided to close it (it had around 200 - 1000 unique hits per day). I closed it because it was turning corrupt everyone on it was just being meanies and not being cool. We tried to change but it didn't work. People just wanted to go on there to take our PSD files and other Adobe software files. I will be contributing to Webflake, when I can as I think that providing people will great files - because they can't afford it or want to learn from them is a great idea. Well thats me. Chris out
  14. Version 2


    [size=4][b]For Beta 3 I plan on including more features, like proper search/followed content integration with IP.Board![/b][/size] [size=4][color=rgb(0,0,255)][b]If you find a bug please post it in the [url="http://community.invisionbyte.net/tracker/project-3-tb-tickets-system/"][color=rgb(255,0,0)]tracker project[/color][/url] I made for this application![/b][/color][/size] This mod adds to your forum a fully featured Tickets System. [b]Features[/b][list] [*]The features list can be seen in [url="http://www.invisionbyte.net/ticketsystem/Features_List.html"]this additional file[/url]. [/list] What's New in Version 2.0.0 Beta 2 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=5060"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]Added external redirect links for support/copyright [*]Fixed "follow ticket" throwing an exception in some instances [*]Fixed a notification issue for members assigned as staff [*]Fixed staff list showing only 1 member [/list]
  15. Version 2.0.1


    This application will require members in selected groups to agree to special [b]Terms of Service[/b] before being able to view and use the site. You can require a specific or some members OR ALL MEMBERS to agree again to terms using 2 availables tools on Admin CP. [b]New on Version 2.0.1[/b]:[list] [*]No file edit required [/list][b]Update Note[/b][list] [*]If you're using version 2.0.0 which requires a file edit in[b] admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php[/b], please UNDO the file edits or upload new version of this file. Upgrade all files to your FTP and update the APP [/list] What's New in Version 2.0.1 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=2753"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]No file edit required [/list]
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