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Everything posted by Chris

  1. be better if you say what and why you need help... Also may as well through in a few please's?
  2. It's an awful skin tho - Webflakes is so much better
  3. I love you ! :< Mine didn't work.
  4. Hey, I was wondering how I can do this: http://web.archive.org/web/20120818153736/http://extrinsicstudio.com/forum/ (go to the bottom and look at Rainbow queen) I am very confused on how to do this and I would like to get some help <3 thank you !
  5. It doesn't change the whois data lmao, they can still get it from there and other places. It still isn't 100% protection.
  6. Can we just add that Cloudflare isn't 100% protecting your servers from DDoS - you wont be online 100% if you are being ddosed. It just puts a splash page asking you to refresh.
  7. Mhmm it may have just been because it was different program, and I was a bit sceptical about it, but yeah xD - I may have another look later.
  8. Personally, I wouldn't look at not doing graphics without Photoshop (even if you download it illegally) it is by far the most desirable skill in the field. I used GIMP and found it hard to navigate around, Photoshop CS6 is like a angel compared.
  9. Hello I would like to request help on changing my statistics from the default 3.4 one to the 3.1.4 stats, I don't know how to do it nor do I know HTML or CSS, please help me ! Screenshots of what I mean: 3.4 to 3.1.4 Thank You, Chris
  10. o-o the 2nd guy because the others are disgusting... P.S. I am gay...
  11. Version Wordpress 3.3+


    Flare is a Responsive Wordpress Theme with Unlimited colors made for your Business/Corporate website, Portfolio, or Blog. It’s flexible, you can customize it with the powerful admin panel, which gives total control over many major aspects of your website. Key features[list] [*]Change the size of the slider with theme options without touching the code [*]Change image sizes with theme options without touching the code [*]Custom Post Types for Works and FlexSliders [*]Special custom taxonomy – Relation Tags – to relate various content [*]60+ shortcodes and Shortcode Generator [*]10+ Custom Widgets [*]Unlimited Sidebars [*]Ready for translation (contains .po/.mo files) [*]Documentation Included [*]Demo content included [*]PSD files included [*]HTML5 ready [*]Child Theme support [*]Video support through lightbox [*]Audio support [/list] Style control[list] [*]Style independently all 6 theme areas: preheader, header, precontent, content, prefooter, footer [/list] Work Showcase[list] [*]Custom post type [*]Custom taxonomies: work categories, work tags [*]Different templates for displaying work index | archive pages with display control over template components [*]5 templates for displaying a single work with display control over template components [*]Work related shortcodes: recent_works, popular_works, related_works, custom_works [*]Work related widgets: recent works, popular works, related works, custom works [/list] Blog with massive functionality[list] [*]2 templates for displaying post index | archive pages with display control over template components [*]2 templates for displaying a single post with display control over template components [*]Post related shortcodes: recent_posts, popular_posts, related_posts, custom_posts [*]Post related widgets: recent posts, popular_posts, related posts, custom posts [*]Support for nested comments [/list] Other features[list] [*]Support for splitted and password protected pages [*]Add tracking code through theme options [*]Contact form through shortcode or widget – no more special pages for contact form, place it wherever you want even multiple times [*]Social media links [*]No text as graphics [*]Enable/disable font replacement [*]Enable/disable breadcrumbs [*]Define logo, favicon and apple touch icon [*]Enable/disable search form in the header [*]Enable/disable sliding top panel (the preheader) [/list]
  12. Or what you guys do is have it so that people can only post a thread; but those people are only the ones who list what they can do; people can't request for things. Then it is just taken straight into PM's and followed up from there - therefore making it an easy moderation section (which can be left alone).
  13. Hello, I wanted to suggest that we made a freelance area there we could get people who have the skills to post about what they can do; e.g. Make skins, themes videos logo's etc. It would probably be a market area but it would be more the place for people to ask for things which they want to be customised. Cons: [*]People may not obey rules [*]People may expect things to be released [*]People may scam; providing bad atmosphere Pros: [*]People can get what they want customised [*]People can get what they need (New; unseen features etc.) [*]People have freedom to get revenue on a sight which helps them evolve and learn. I personally would love to see this as it could revolutionise WebFlake and let people support others by earning a living. Thank You, Chris.
  14. lowest prices ones are usually 5 - 15$
  15. 21 downloads

    Toonjuice is a responsive coming soon website template with countdown timer, easy configurable animation, subscription form and many other features.Theme features[list] [*]Cartoon style [*]Animated multi-layered header [*]Up to 999 days animated countdown timer [*]Responsive layout [*]Integrated twitter feed [*]Subscription form [*]MailChimp integration [*]Valid HTML and CSS code [*]Easy to customize [*]30+ ready to use social icons [*]Dynamic animation speed and direction (as option) [*]Countdown callback function that is invoked when timer reaches zero [*]Detailed documentation [*]and more… [/list] Note: animation is disabled at low-resolution devices. But you can turn it on. [img]http://www.pixelstance.com/themes/toonjuice/desc/qr.png[/img] CreditsFonts[list] [*][url="http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Fredoka+One"]Fredoka One[/url] SIL Open Font License, 1.1 [*][url="http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Boogaloo"]Boogaloo[/url] SIL Open Font License, 1.1 [*][url="http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Fascinate"]Fascinate[/url] SIL Open Font License, 1.1 [*][url="http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Droid+Sans"]Droid Sans[/url] SIL Open Font License, 1.1 [/list] Scripts, Plugins, etc.[list] [*][url="https://github.com/martinaglv/jQuery-Countdown"]jQuery Countdown Plugin[/url] Licensed under the MIT [*][url="http://www.spritely.net/"]Spritely 0.6 Plugin[/url] MIT or GPL license [*][url="http://jacklmoore.com/colorbox"]ColorBox v1.3.29[/url] MIT or GPL license [*][url="https://github.com/seaofclouds/tweet"]tweet! Plugin[/url] Licensed under the MIT [*][url="http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/"]Bootstrap[/url] Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 [/list] See documentation for more details Demo: [url="http://www.pixelstance.com/themes/toonjuice/"]http://www.pixelstance.com/themes/toonjuice/[/url]
  16. 43 downloads

    Kubik is landing page for app product or basic product, interactive, responsive and ready to convert visitor. Features.[list] [*]Responsive layout [*]Easy to costumize [*]Retina [*]4 variation [*]Interactive [*]Pricing table [*]3 different working ajax,php form [*]Fullscreen slideshow [*]Extensive doc file [/list] Credit and source[list] [*]Font using Open Sans [*]Background from wg blurred background [*]Icon from WP zoom developer icon set [/list] demo: [url="http://dz-cubica.tk/lv/kubik-2/index-2.html"]http://dz-cubica.tk/lv/kubik-2/index-2.html[/url]
  17. Chris


    Version v1


    Prime.io dark clean theme for Bootstrap A simple, clean and modern Bootstrap template for portfolio, photography, and business sites. Code:[list] [*]Compatible with Bootstrap 2.0.x [*]Uses Bootstrap 2.0.4 [/list] Assets:[list] [*]Icons PNG/PSD files included [/list] Browsers:[list] [*]Firefox 4+ [*]Latest Chrome [*]Latest Safari [*]Internet Explorer 8+ [*]Opera 11 [/list] Demo: [url="http://wrapbootstrap.com/preview/WB008U70J"]http://wrapbootstrap.com/preview/WB008U70J[/url]
  18. 961 downloads

    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3]This plugin will allow new users to sign into your forum through the steam open id authentication system Any Suggestions on what you would like to see in future releases can be posted in the support topic or sent my user Want to send me a donation? [url="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=LGZ5JV53BC9XW"]Click Here[/url] Want to view it's source, help fix bugs or even develop it even more? [url="https://github.com/Lavoaster/IP.Board-Steam-Authentication-Method"]Click here for the Github repository[/url][/size][/font][/color] What's New in Version 1.0.4 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=5393"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]Fixed - Following icon from steam not being spaced properly [/list]
  19. I use hosting24, I am pretty sure I have been reported plenty of times. I haven't been taken down because I just say they are lying (the people who reported me) - easy as. But just remember; you don't have to tell people who you are hosting with. All things aside Hosting24 is a great hosting company and their customer support is really good. Worth it in my honest opinion.
  20. Chris

    Cloud Hoster

    Version 1


    [img]http://rafalborowski.home.pl/images/responsive.png[/img][img]http://rafalborowski.home.pl/images/cleancode.png[/img] Features:[list] [*]Valid HTML5 and CSS3 [*]Responsive design [*]Light and Dark version [*]Built on a 960 Grid System [*]Built with twitter bootstrap [*]Crossbrowser compatible: IE8-10, FF, Chrome, Safari, Opera [*]Working Contact form and newsletter singup with validation [*]12 HTML files (in each version) [*]Images optimized with Smushit [*]Multilevel dropdown menu [*]Different pricing tables options [*]Easy to customize and use [*]Well commented code [*]Well documented [*]Customer support [/list] Psges Included: 12 HTML FILES (in each version)[list] [*]index.html [*]blog.html [*]single-post.html [*]about.html [*]columns.html [*]components.html [*]contact.html [*]hosting-plans.html [*]dedicated-servers.html [*]reseller-hosting.html [*]website-hosting.html [*]cloud-hosting.html [/list] Credits for images and scripts used are in the readme file. IMAGES ARE NOT INCLUDED! Support:If you have any questions or issues please contact me at: [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] or visit www.rafalborowski.com and got to Contact page.Update history: Version 1.1 – February 15th, 2013 - Slider navigation improved. - Theme is now fully responsive. - Minor CSS improvements. Version 1.0 – February 8th, 2013 - Initial release
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