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Everything posted by Rekoboy

  1. Hello webflakers. A new problem I have found on our board. When we create a new forum or category or topic, and since today also in the shoutbox we seems to have a caps lock problem. What happens is.. We create a forum/category/topic or write in the shoutbox for example with the following text: New forum on our board then the title becomes New Forum On Our Board Every first letter of the word is caps lock. In the shoutbox we type lines with 1 caps lock, and after enter all words starts with a caps lock... Why is this? Can this be stopped? Is it a bug? We use board 3.4.5 Thank you for your answer ======================Edit===================== Solved.
  2. Thank you for the explanation. I'm gonna try this also.
  3. Yes thanks, this works. This doesn't work. Or this code must be placed somewhere else?
  4. Well, I just got it to work for a couple of days now, and I used blanc png files for it... So in the slide show you have a picture going to the left, and then a couple of blancs and then a few pics.. Is this what you meant? Or doe you mean something else? so it depends on how much contents you fill in your ACP!! Total contents in slideshow depands on How many contents in one slideshow page? So if you want to show 4 at the most it's gonna be like Total contents in slideshow 1 image plus 4 blancs plus 3 or 4 images makes 8 or 9 plus 3 or 4 blancs (to let them slide out of the screen) How many contents in one slideshow page? 3 or 4 depends on your choice
  5. Thank you for your answers. Now I've got a slider. Thank you both. You helped me a lot!! Please, last question... Which setting is need to put this slider not on top of the forum but in the middle (above the first forum). I've tried some things in as you can see in the image(without succes). Unfortunately, the slider stayed on top after several tryouts. Thank you in advance. *Bedankt* Anyone?
  6. Yes, you're right. This means I put the number on 150 and all images (which are bigger) shows "small" in the topics, and when you click them, the lightbox will show them as"orginal" size. That works like a charm. But........ How to solve the problem with the signature??? Because not only my images in the topic became small, also the signatures, and I don't want that to happen... Images in topic yes, signature no.. Is this possible?? I've read here but after doing this, the lightbox is not working on the image in the topic anymore. Maybe I must try this code on the signature... Yes, gonna try this. Edit: The image in the topic is small (and clickable to get larger) and the signature image remains big.. So it works. Tnx for the tuts here on webflake!!
  7. Thank you for your answer... Checked yes... Categories and added... No, because in the tar folder there are games, so i thought that those games in the tar folder, are the games i can use... In ACP I have noticed a tar installer, and I thought I could install those games. But that does not work. Maybe because of no categories? But, that's why I asked here... I've got to sort that out then... I'm gonna try to make categories.. hopefully it is simple.. Thank you once again. Reko Done... Problem solved. Thank you paradiizee.
  8. Yes it is. But still not working Still searching on google, but... Maybe some day? Who knows.
  9. Yes, I found that out by suprise (in the shoutbox this morning). But it is better to stay with the english language I presume.. Ja hahahaha dat ondekte ik in de shoutbox vanmorgen. Maar het is denk ik beter om het bij engels te laten.. Finding solutions here will take some time... I have 2 issues I really can't solve. Arcade games, Paradiizee pointed out an direction, but nevertheless, I find it hard... Filmstrip someone said it is Fcontent. I do have Fcontent 1.3.8 but as always the documentation is ******* Older people like me needs step by step tutorials... Have a nice day..
  10. Oliebollen en appelflappen

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Verified


      @Paradiizee I will unfriend you! Oh yeah, I went there!

    3. Phun


      Mmm, een lekkere appelflap gaat er altijd in.

    4. Rekoboy


      Oh, Dat regeltje met hannover heb ik gisteren niet gezien... Ik woon niet ver daar vandaan.

      For verified:

      Oh, I didn't noticed the line about hannover... I don't live that far away from hannover.

  11. Thank you guys for your answer.. Indeed it is the fcontent app.. Thank you for leading me the way...
  12. Hello again to all on the board.. After searching in 43 pages in the section of "IPB Answered Questions" It's now 2:00 in the middle of the night. And I haven't got a clue. As it is working on that IPBoard 3.4.5 forum I visited today, I was certain I could get it to work too. Maybe it is a module for IPB3.4.5 ? They have a scrolling filmstrip. It is going from the right to the left. I watched their code and I've tried to use the code... I borrowed it from the page info. Their code is after the shoutbox. I copy the beginning and the end.. I've tried to use their script, and after that parts from it... But it won't scroll. All little pictures were underneath the other. Maybe it is a module for IPB3.4.5 ? Does anyone knows here on the board? Any help is welcome. Thank you for your answers, Regards,
  13. Hi there. I'm really sorry to bother you with a question about how to install this arcade issue. After 3 days I am getting desperate. I've read the document with the explanation, but all i have now is what you see below on the first picture. An empty block. I've created an ID on the Mochi site, verified my website. Played with the settings. Call me stupid.. I can't get it done. I must be missing something. I've tried with some help, but as it turns out, we are at the same point as we started.... Please someone out there.. What is the little trick to activate this module? If I click on the Arcade in the menu I'v get an error. Can someone please give me an helping hand or a clue? My whole weekend is ********* and I'm about to give up Thank you for your answer, Regards, Reko Oh no... I posted in the wrong section Please forgive me. Can someone move it to the ask help section? I do apologize..
  14. Hello Webflake and all of it's members. I'm Dutch (The Netherlands is a small country), I'm 45 yrs, and learnig to work with computers... I've just started to work with IPBoard, and I'm already stuck The reason I've joined here, is because I am searching for answers... Hopefully I will find them here.. Regards, Rekoboy
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