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Everything posted by Rekoboy

  1. As I never win a thing in my entire life, what's the point writing here anything at all...
  2. He wants to upgrade, not downgrade.
  3. Could you please write in French AND English? Thank you, or like you French people say... Merci.
  4. When this topic is closed, the last written message has won. Now close the topic.
  5. What is yours?? ​Mine is Indonesia/chinese/cantonese food. (my opa was from Indonesia) I'm born with food like this. With kroepoek!!!
  6. Tnx for this tutorial. But point 10 and 11 has the same link. 10.recordRow: http://pastebin.com/EY24Jhdm 11.filterMessage: http://pastebin.com/EY24Jhdm Is this ok, or is it a mistake? Thanks again.
  7. No, I like tea more Why is the world so corrupt?
  8. And the winner is....... Me!!!
  9. I like Adidas I left Holland for an other country because of a woman. Would you leave your country for the "love of your life"?
  10. Solved with help from the author. If someone need to know what has to be done, it can be written in a tutorial (by me if necessary) Topic closed
  11. Hello all. Today I've installed the Guest Message 2.1.0 plugin on my IPB board. Works really great, but the only thing what is disturbing me is the border around the pictures I have put in the message. For the last 2.5 hours I've been trying to find out how to remove this border, but this new IPB4 is (as you all know) a lot more different then the 3.4.x versions. Would be great if someonee could give a hand with this. Greetings.
    I like it. I have this in use, and i put 2 pictures in it. Now I am going to write a topic on the WF forum how to remove the border from the pictures. I've tried to find it the last 2 hours, but didn't find it
  12. I'm using smf on one domain and Ipboard 3.4.8 on another domain. From Webflake I've tried the latest IPB4 with xampp before I decide to upgrade the 3.4.8 to 4 I like the new version, but in the beginning I found it hard to find my way in the ACP. But slowly I manage to do so. I would like to see more themes. I'm thinking about to search how to make a skin for IBP4 my own. Lately I have a lot of work so my time on the computer is getting less To answer your question, I like it and want to use it soon.
  13. Ik zie dat er geen taal pakket is voor ipb4. Ik ga er 1 maken. Ik ga er nu mee beginnen, eens zien hoever ik kom...
  14. Rekoboy

    Question Spark 3 skin

    Hello, In Firefox, chrome and IE11 was the problem. But of course my brother used my account to try to DL the file. No, we did not use a special prog for dl, just the internal download systems from FF, IE etc etc. Well yesterday I was not behind my laptop. Today the laptop was off. So I started the laptop and the first thing I've tried was DL the file. This time it took me 21 seconds. Without a problem. Last week the laptop was on for a few days, maybe that caused the or a problem, I don't know. Thanks for listning and helping me out with this. Case closed Regards, Reko
  15. Rekoboy

    Question Spark 3 skin

    I use webflake in IE. The download starts. The speed is only 4 or 5 kb/sec and will take 50 minutes for 11.2 mb Everytime after 35%-40% the dl has been canceled. The same story with my brother who lives in the Netherlands. I am not a noob and know about cache. It is empty. Tomorrow when I am allowed to dl again I'll give it another try.
  16. Rekoboy

    Question Spark 3 skin

    I've downloaded several other skins yesterday and today. But this spark 3 thing won't let me.. Over more then 15 times I've tried. Now I get the message: Sorry, you don't have permission for that! [310860] you have exceeded the maximum amount of downloads for the day No wonder after all my tries Other files were not a single problem yesterday and today. Only spark 3 skin is a pain.... Greetz
  17. Rekoboy

    Question Spark 3 skin

    Yes, that's the one.. With no succes.
  18. Rekoboy

    Question Spark 3 skin

    Does anyone else has a problem with downloading skin spark 3? I'v tried 20 times on several machines, in 2 countries, but did not succeed
  19. Rekoboy

    Spark 3

    I'll give up. 15 times I've tried to dl this file. But every time the dl has been slow and broken.
  20. Rekoboy

    Default BBCode

    Thank you very much.
  21. Thanks for your answer. I know what you mean, but i think you didn't understood my question. Thank you for your answer.. In conf_global.php the $info['board_url'] = 'http://www.mylink.info/Radioforum/'; Sorry that i changed it into mylink... In acp in general settings website address http : // www . mylink.info/ Maybe i should delete all, and start over again from point blanc and keep an eye on the hooks I install. Because I think a hook is causing this.. The emoticons problem, the every word starting with a caps lock in topic titles and in the shout, bold member names and bold titles...
  22. Hello, I am in the Forums tab, and go in the shoutbox, and I typ : and ) and click enter in the shoutbox, I see a When I go to the shoutbox tab and go into the shoutbox I type : and ) I see in the white area where to write. After clicking enter, I see the in the shoutbox But when I select a smiley I again see the in the box where to write. After clicking enter i don't see the smiley, but the text Posted Image and is clickable and redirect me to an error page. Does anyone know what happened? Regards, Reko ======Edit======= I found something in the database. I looked in the table IPB_shoutbox_shouts and saw in s_message a problem The problem is that some letters which supposed to be a caps lock letter turned into a small letter, and the other way around.. and the link is between [ img] and [ /img] (I had to change it into [ img] ptherwise i couldn't typ it here). Example: [ img]http://www.mylink.info/Radioforum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png[ /img] became [ img]http://www.mylink.info/radioforum/public/style_Emoticons/default/biggrin.png[ /img] Sorry about the mylink.. My site is not ready yet for public. Does anyone know why those 2 letters changed? IPB 3.4.5 (from here) Thanks for understanding.. Thank you for your answers Regards, Reko
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