I am in the Forums tab, and go in the shoutbox, and I typ : and ) and click enter in the shoutbox, I see a
When I go to the shoutbox tab and go into the shoutbox I type : and ) I see in the white area where to write.
After clicking enter, I see the in the shoutbox
But when I select a smiley I again see the in the box where to write.
After clicking enter i don't see the smiley, but the text Posted Image and is clickable and redirect me to an error page.
Does anyone know what happened?
I found something in the database. I looked in the table IPB_shoutbox_shouts and saw in s_message a problem
The problem is that some letters which supposed to be a caps lock letter turned into a small letter, and the other way around..
and the link is between [ img] and [ /img] (I had to change it into [ img] ptherwise i couldn't typ it here).
[ img]http://www.mylink.info/Radioforum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png[ /img] became
[ img]http://www.mylink.info/radioforum/public/style_Emoticons/default/biggrin.png[ /img]
Sorry about the mylink.. My site is not ready yet for public.
Does anyone know why those 2 letters changed?
IPB 3.4.5 (from here)
Thanks for understanding..
Thank you for your answers