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Everything posted by MidnightAlways

  1. But I wish to upload pirated games, you think mega will allow it, they will delete it for sure.
  2. Hey! I want to upload my games for sharing, can anyone tell me any file host that doesn't delete files for inactivity and resumable capacity. Mediafire - It will eventually delete files if someone reports and max file size is 200MB Any other? I want to finish off my site ASAP
  3. Hi, I wanted to know how to increase the dimensions of avatar on thread view I would like to make it 200x200, and now its 100x100.. any guesses?
  4. EDIT: Now I added it from phpmyadmin and changed the permissions in ACP
  5. Hi, I installed IPB 3.4.4, copied the database table for 'forums' and then imported it in phpmyadmin after installing ipb 3.4.1 but now when trying to make forum in ACP, i get this error http://puu.sh/2bsb6Pls help, urent
  6. try this, http://webflake.net/topic/622-arrange-subforum-in-3-columns/ and use these steps to change it to 4
  7. Yep, doesn't work, gives 500 Internal Server Error
  8. Wait try this out too http://webflake.net/topic/420-how-to-remove-license-key-missing-warning-in-acp/
  9. dammit, i wish I saw it before, I had to reinstall my old IPB :3
  10. hy cody, thanks for this but i have one more question? how do you set which posts are shown in portal?
  11. If you have bought it then use the license you got, other wise go for nulled version I would recomment 3.4.1
  12. Oh well, I'm too sleepy to write everything about me. So I'll start off with my biodata First Name: Mdnight Last Name: Dreams Interests: Animes, Graphic Designing, VFX, IPB Modding, Nulling, Cracking Location: India Age: 16 (~17 this march) [also I'm not a kid anymore] Virgin: Yes Dunno what next to say... If I find anyone here in need of help, I would happily do that. I abide by the rules and regulations and looks forward to thie new community
  13. don't like any of them, I would go for [*]Johny Depp [*]Hugh Hackman
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