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Everything posted by MidnightAlways

  1. You are a medium flake too
  2. Most probably they'll get boared soon
  3. Woo.. I have custom title above extraordinary...Btw.. Im still medium flake
  4. Nice.. He has some good music out there...
  5. Roses are redviolets are blueoh my webflakeI love you
  6. Im from india... Gonna visit japan and chicago soon
  7. The songs you selected are perfect for that thing.Im sure theey eill hold good, but make sure you remix them a lil and sync music with all the transitions you have...If you need any help, ping me... I knoe quite alot about video editingEDIT: try to ude only indttumentals of the songs above, vocals always ruin the mood
  8. Yup thats always works.. Just like davlin, i am pretty much demanding myself, but im always polite to all... This avtually helps me alot.. Also i would recommend you to make anotjer group called junior mod or something like this with little less permissions.. Also if yhe things goes on like this and he doesnt become active soon... Be blunt nut still polite...
  9. i wont agree, whenever i used this, i always get css files and had to rip images manually
  10. i saw that in there footer, also any wax i can get something like thir using ipb?
  11. yea it isnt too far, bt my personnel openion
  12. agree, mozilla has an awsm thing called, 'view background image' too helped me alot rip it
  13. hello, what script are these two sites based on, i could have scanned them bt for some unavaoidable reasons, i cant. Well heres the links... Http://mp3khan.net http://djmaza.com
  14. i have myself used all the three... I have no problems with ipb. Xf can be a mess actually, sure its lite bt without much possilibities.. Vb can be heavy, usees alot of space and bw, ipb has everything stored and organised well? I would go fwnr ipb
  15. all your cereals are absuletly for me, i make sites for hobby and they all worked pretty good, but not great... I still have few up bt i never update them. Thankyou for your cereals, helped alot
  16. i loved your lies but what would you say if your site is for sol pirated content, eh?
  17. i have hated that unicorn myself too, and i never thought otger people might thinj samd way too, i agree to most of your points... Actually all, and yot are completely right, i hv never seen someone from opp rex naked thanks, this will help
  18. nice tuto, bt the imagd ripping can be more easy if you just open the image directory, like, example.com/images, and save all images, bt your trick will work better if webmaster har an blank index to hide images, i ripped many hosting templates like this... Anyways, nice tuto again might be, bt it usually fails, you can get css files easily from this bt for hmages you have to do manual stuff
  19. Nice article :-D thanks allot... I did a game forum... Too many categorirs i made... For every platform.. And 2 for pc.. Rip & iso... Gonna make less now... Also nitendo.. Wii & ds... Thanks alot... :-)
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