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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Should work fine. The website sentora.org and the install script are both up.
  2. Welcome to WebFlake naiwen. Enjoy your stay
  3. Bonjour! That's all the french i know. Welcome to WebFlake
  4. Right click it and Inspect Element. That's about it.
  5. When creating a new forum you can choose between discussions or questions/answers. Just set it to questions/answers.
  6. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  7. Good job finding it yourself, you need to indeed fill out the part where it says "Display Format": We just have it like this so we can apply custom styling but you can start with the example in the description down there for your forum and see how it works. <strong>{title}:</strong> {content}
  8. You need to be in the Admin CP on this page here: From there you can edit and add any number of profile fields you want.
  9. The point of using discord is not about whether people are staying on our site or not. A lot of users probably have discord installed anyways and joining a chat with fellow WebFlakians might be fun and social. It's basically like having a Skype group for WebFlake, but a little better.
  10. It's mostly just how much crowd your site will attract that defines the safeness of these files. I think you should be fine. Make sure if you eventually do get a license that you use different usernames than on WebFlake and such. Makes it a little harder for these companies to track stuff.
  11. We have a discord server now. Now you can talk to fellow WebFlake members in a more convenient way. Click the image above to join it. You have to be registered with Discord to talk on our server. If you don't have discord installed on your PC or Mac, download it here: https://discordapp.com/apps Discord is also available for iOS or Android devices. =================================================================================== While talk can get technical, our discord server is generally not for support purposes. If you have a website issue, please use the appropriate forum for it.
  12. In the database and then in options i think this is the setting you're looking for: Not sure if last updated also means replies but worth a shot i suppose.
  13. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  14. In your case the following code is correct: a.logo { display: block; text-align: center; } #searchWrap { margin-top: -48px; } Note that the current stuff you have there can all be discarded. The result:
  15. Is now enabled on signup and can be edited at any time from your profile. To set it right now go to: https://webflake.sx/settings/ and hit the "Edit Profile" button on the right. (Seriously ips, why is this button so small and also not in the user dropdown?) You can only use numbers and dots in this field. My suggestion is to leave the minor version (last digit and dot) out. So for example 4.1.13 is enough. The reason this field was added is to possibly speed up support requests. It's not required so if you have legit security concerns you can leave it empty.
  16. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  17. add this to custom.css: .userBlock_name a { color: #000; }
  18. Could be easier with bitcoins, some people sell them via paypal and then buy them via skrill, so it's kind of a middle-way but it works. You might lose a tiny amount of money in the process though.
  19. I have two resources for you: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/why-you-may-not-want-to-run-your-own-mail-server https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-run-your-own-mail-server-with-mail-in-a-box-on-ubuntu-14-04
  20. The background changer is made up of some jquery, html and css so it's all viewable in your browser.
  21. There's an option in the acp to require validation. Members will still be put in the members group but they won't be able to do anything on your website until they validate their e-mail address. There's no need for a seperate group because the feature is already built in to the member group.
  22. What about step 4, going to /admin/upgrade/ and following the steps?
  23. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
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