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Everything posted by Phun

  1. I would like to change this rule now that the marketplace is here, more details soon
  2. Phun

    Designated Driver

    I so want to try this in real life.
  3. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  4. Heya, welcome to the site! Great to hear that you're enjoying it so far. Would like to see you around more Have fun!
  5. Hey! Welcome to the Site, please take the time to read our Rules & Guidelines found in the announcement forums. Other than that, if you want you can try to sell your services on WebFlake and try to make a few bucks off of it, or showcase your works in the graphics forum. Enjoy!
  6. Phun

    Minty Here

    Welcome to the site Minty, thanks for being here!
  7. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. Welcome, everyone, to a new and improved WebFlake! We started with these changes to improve upon a few things that we've been looking at for quite a while. For the sake of readability i'm going to break down what we did in a few sections. Here we go: Updated Stuff =============================================================================================== New Forums We added new forums, removed old forums and changed existing ones to make for a clearer overall website. It should now be easier to understand where to post your topic if you want to and the descriptions have been rewritten for some of the forums aswell, to explain what and what not to post in that section. Award Badges We have also added post achievements and award badges that you can earn by posting and uploading. We're adding more badges in the upcoming few days for special things such as donating, tutorials and more to give credit to the users for contributing to our website. Improve navigation of downloads To improve navigation of downloads and files, we re-added versioning and categorization back on the main forums. This should make it easier to navigate through and while we encourage you use the downloads system and search for the respective application, skin, release or whatever, some users may still want to browse the forums. New Style We're using a slightly customized version of Shift on WebFlake right now. I'm not sure if me or para have time to go for a complete custom skin, but if there's going to be one we will be sure to let you know. For now: deal with it. Marketplace The Marketplace is where you can sell, trade, hire or look to buy things or services. This includes but is not limited to selling your site set-up services, hosting services, freelance services or simply asking someone to fix your broken forum installation for a few bucks. WordPress After being requested a bazillion times, we've finally added a wordpress section on the website for you WP fans. Uploaders Is a new group that people get moved into after they've actively been uploading files to WebFlake. They will be recognized as trusted uploaders and some of them will have nulled versions of specific software released exclusively to WebFlake. =============================================================================================== I've found a bug, eeeek! =============================================================================================== Do not fear, if you've found a bug you can easily report it by sending me a Personal Message. Easy as that! Thanks everyone for continuously sending in your suggestions, it really improves the website. The feedback contest did not work out too well though and instead we've taken general suggestions made by multiple people. If you were expecting to win the feedback contest or wrote something specifically for the contest you would have otherwise not written, you are one greedy person . Anyways, thanks a ton again for being a member here and participating. We may have more exciting stuff planned, but that's for another day. For now: Enjoy! ~ WebFlake Team ~ Phun, Paradiizee
  9. And when you disable group format this goes away?
  10. Good luck, i hope you get what you're looking for. Should i close this topic?
  11. Note that this above hook is meant to be implemented into IP.Downloads. So you'll need both IP.Downloads and this hook. But seems they are outdated.
  12. Phun

    pebble watch

    No links, images or anything? I'm not sure what a pebble watch is. D:
  13. New avatar *-*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phun


      (Simply for the sake of easy moderation)

    3. Purple



      That is soooo cute.

    4. DarkXess


      Well thats stupid! you know you can add moderator notes so its just the thing as noting ive been warned and my previous name was DarkXess - easy as that :(

  14. It's called XML, not MXL right? Anyways i agree with what iSmA said. You can use a blue snowball to start with. Another good one is RODE Podcaster or Blue Yeti. Though it's pretty much up to you what you want to spend on it.
  15. Oh shit i didn't even see the other faces.. Qtpie! :*
  16. Is that doublelift from CLG?
  17. Hey, did you know there is a search function in ACP? Type minify and you will find the setting. System Settings -> General Configuration -> Minify -> No/Off
  18. Welcome back, Angels
  19. It's never too late for some Ubuntu.
  20. Lookin' fancy! There's no feature for this on Windows 7, but Windows 8 does it if you have multiple backgrounds selected it will automatically put one on the first monitor and another one on the second monitor. Yeah i think i had 3D Desktop before, it looks kind of messy though , yuck.
  21. Who needs two screens when you can have one massive one? How about two screens PLUS a massive one to watch shit on? Also dude i haven't seen you around in ages.
  22. Currently testing out some new restrictions for regular members to ensure server stability during traffic intensive periods.

  23. Phun

    Feedback Why I use other sites

    Adding to this i feel like your publicly insulting our staff or trying to get attention. It's been made pretty clear that you were in the wrong and we took action for it. If you want your account removed, dispute a warning or anything else feel free to send me a personal message. (I also changed the title and locked this because this thread is really out of place).
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