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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Thanks for the valuable feedback so far guys - really appreciate it.
  2. Hello WebFlakians! Behind the scenes lurks a man, driven to get WebFlake to be the community IPBCore once was. Driven to make WebFlake more awesome, to make WebFlake the awesomest one could say. Faster, bigger, better and more helpful than ever before. Look at that man.. hiding there, by himself, in the shadows and depths of the online world.. slowly plotting what he thinks is his master plan. Howdy folks! Haven't posted a news update in a while but i'm feeling good today so here it is. I've never been good at writing short and simple stories that get to the point. The idea of hundreds of people roaming this website per day is slowly fading away - it is but a memory left over from the good ol' forum-/ipbcore days. I'm afraid that if i install the "Members Online Today" mod, the results would be much lower. What is this? I used to run one of - if not THE - biggest forum resource communities out there. WebFlake has merely been my attempt to regain that status, the status and awesomeness that FC/IPBC was. How come it's flow, it's feel and it's greatness are no longer there? For months i've been trying to find the answer to this question, sadly to no avail. Both of my previous sites felt good, they felt great even. Why can't i deliver that same feeling to you guys, to WebFlake? I don't know. I don't know and i'm angry with myself because of it. How can we fit the needs of everyone and everything forum/webmaster related? How can we get more engagement in webmaster discussion, forums, plugins, themes, code snippets, server maintenance, everything! Perhaps it's time for a new formula.. yes.. a new formula. What if i just... *pulls a lever* - holy cows! And maybe this.. and this.. yes.. YES! TL;DR Time for change, change is good and WebFlake needs a lot of it to get back to the top. I'll be working behind the scenes trying out different "formulas" and experimenting till i find the perfect one. Woohoo! ========================================================== Upcoming Maintenance In a day or two i'm gonna make some tweaks to our system configuration, the server and a few skin changes that will most likely go unnoticed. Also looking to change how we serve downloads but that will happen behind the scenes and somewhere else and won't affect uptime.
  3. Do you allow images in signatures? Also in Look & Feel > BBCode Management > Images - Press the little edit button, is it usable in all sections like this?
  4. I found three for you: 1. http://soliloquywp.com/ - From ratings this seems to be the most responsive one. (This one is in fact paid) 2. https://wordpress.org/plugins/cyclone-slider-2/ - Has a very high rating in the plugin directory 3. https://wordpress.org/plugins/ml-slider/ - Same as the above one. But higher rating and way more votes. Also has a full instructional video.
  5. Phun


    I can only do that if you play on Europe :3
  6. Just check the reputation points with an if statement (this is hardcoded, could be made into a hook aswell): <if test="$author['pp_reputation_points'] < 0"> <span class='fc reputationNegative'>{$author['pp_reputation_points']}</span> </if> <if test="$author['pp_reputation_points'] == 0"> <span class='fc reputationZero'>{$author['pp_reputation_points']}</span> </if> And add CSS classes for them: /* Reputation in post info */ .reputationNegative { border-radius: 3px; padding: 0 5px; color: white; float: right; background: #b82929; } Do a little bit of coding around and see if you can figure it out on your own - if not i'll give you the full code.
  7. I moved this back just to add that on WebFlake, what i've actually done is create a custom BBCode only usable by the admin group. This way you won't have to fiddle around with template files and thus it will be usable on any future skin or update you do. (Or i can invade topics with them, secretly - hahaha) The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. Hellp to you too, welcome to WebFlake
  9. Phun

    Past tense

    You need to go even further back to ipbcore :3
  10. QUOTE from the official forum topic over at IPS: We are releasing patches for IP.Board 3.3.x and IP.Board 3.4.x to address two issues recently reported to us. It has been brought to our attention that certain PHP configurations allow for a potential SQL injection vulnerability. Although this exploit requires some knowledge of your configuration and for certain files to be web-readable, we felt it important to release an update. Additionally, it has been brought to our attention that it may be possible to send attachments via the email classes which would ordinarily be removed. To apply the patch Simply download the attached zip for your IP.Board version and upload the files to your forum server. You do not need to run any scripts or the upgrade system. IP.Board 3.3.x 3_3_x_patch_nov_14.zip (36.87KB) IP.Board 3.4.x 3_4_x_patch_nov_14.zip (37.79KB) If you are an IPS Community in the Cloud client running IP.Board 3.3 or above, no further action is necessary as we have already automatically patched your account. If you are using a version older than IP.Board 3.3, you should contact support to upgrade. If you install or upgrade to IP.Board 3.4.7 after the date and time of this post, no further action is necessary as we have already updated the main download zips. We extend our thanks to Andrew Erb for notifying us of the email issue privately and promptly.
  11. This site also tests the Google Stuff - It has different tabs you can use!
  12. When are you getting this message? Are you getting it still after being put back in the members group?
  13. Nts Nts Nts Baby

  14. That's because the forums are already read.
  15. If this seriously is the correct answer i have no hope anymore.
  16. The zip file has a ReadMe.html which means exactly what it's called "READ ME".
  17. Which one did you download? There should be an instructions file included.....
  18. Have you made the appropriate skin/template edits? I think i had to make some before forum icons worked.
  19. Remember Remember.

    1. Chris


      That Phun is a babe

  20. Yeah, change the display mode to Replace the indicator icon.
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