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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Would be nice if you posted the solution next time...
  2. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  3. "Advertisements" it's built in to IPS4, put the ad code in and you're done. If you wanna dress it up prettier than that you need to add some other divs around the ad code and style them appropriately. If you really wanna copy our thing then you can just check the code out via "Inspect Element".
  4. As your topic appears to be a support topic for IP.Board, we have moved it to the appropriate forum.
  5. ​I feel sorry for those people and hope they find out it's a free theme.
  6. ​Probably, the css is freely editable so i don't see why it wouldn't be possible.
  7. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. ​Thanks for the help ♥ But i already searched for alot of threads of these types but none of them where helping and no one says delete from "'registerCoppaStart" anyway thank you ​Why aren't you marking the answer as best answer. :|
  9. Hey Flakes and Flakettes! It's time for another Member Spotlight, this time featuring the one, the only: AfricanOreo Since joining WebFlake, this dude has done some amazing things. I mean what a guy. Did you know he runs his very own, legit invision power board powered community? It's called Red VS Blue TV ( http://redvsblue.tv/ ). Every day AfricanOreo works hard finding the right gaming content for his site and users. He scours the IPS marketplace tirelessly to provide not only his site but our downloads system with amazingly purchased products. But the fun doesn't stop there folks, no no no! He even has his very own company called King Media Productions. This amazing business sells high quality, responsive skins on the IPS marketplace for fairly cheap prices. Can this guy be more awesome? Probably not! Just take a peek at his latest release, Kamandi, a responsive IPS4 compatible skin which just got released on the marketplace: https://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7632-kamandi-responsive-theme/ Doesn't that look stunni-.. "hey wait a minute" i hear you think, "that skin looks oddly familiar". Well well well, you smart little fella, that's what i thought too so i sat down, researched and researched and researched and after working hours and hours on end to find the clues, i finally had it figured out: Kamandi is a complete and exact copy of Mountains. A free skin released and created by WebFlake: Not only has AfricanOreo (or Power Service) uploaded our free skin to the IPS marketplace, he's charging for it. Yes folks, AfricanOreo is our member of the month because he is, without a doubt, the best guy. ever. in the world. https://community.invisionpower.com/profile/403782-power-service/
  10. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  11. ​It's at the same place, just above - use CTRL+F to find it if you don't see it.
  12. ​GlobalTemplate If you want to use the search in themes just search for "footerBar" and you will find it.
  13. ​Can you on the homepage bring up the blocks menu and then press the edit button ON the shoutbox block and set permissions for that?
  14. ​Why wouldn't you be able to manage DNS for the root domain on any panel? As long as the nameservers point to where the dns is served from, it should just work right?
  15. It's a plugin somewhere, you should be able to find it in our downloads system :)
  16. ​Go into "Manage Resources" the headerbar should be in there, edit it and delete the current image and upload a new one (1920x200) keep the same name for it and it should be fine.
  17. Welcome to WebFlake ^-^
  18. ​Add this to custom.css: #ipsLayout_header header { padding: XXpx 0; } Change the XXpx to whatever you want. Default is 20px so anything higher than that will change it.
  19. Don't you guys think status updates are way too hidden in IPS4? I want the post button back on the dropdown or on the sidebar hook. Makes no sense to only have it here :(

    1. Thomas


      I know! Status updates on IPS 4 has to be the only disappointment to me; I think IPS was trying to minimize it though. I also wish you could leave comments on the sidebar like before. It was so much easier to interact!

    2. Erza


      Interacting with someone through status updates have become more complex than it needs to. :(

    3. Prof. Connor Manheim

      Prof. Connor Manheim

      It seems like it turned into more of a Facebook thing then again...That's just me XD

  20. Hey, just a quick little announcement about our release of IPS4, i completely missed the upgrader in the nullifying process. This means users will get stuck trying to upgrade their community. This has now been fixed and a new .zip has been uploaded. If you've been stuck on this screen and don't want to upload the entire file again, upload just this: /applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/ overwrite this folder ^
  21. My guess (i don't know for sure ;) ) is that it's a custom block (WYSIWYG)
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Staff edit: This does NOT work on ANY 4.1 version of IPB. It was made for 4.0! Simplistic, minimal yet professional IPS4 Theme for your website.
  23. Hey everyone, I've added a new homemade theme to the selectable themes at the bottom of the site. Mountains is an IPS4 theme designed to be simple and calm, not feature rich but just enough to give that professional look and feel to your website. And ofcourse since we're a sharing community - instead of letting other sites do the work, Mountains will be uploaded and available to download FOR FREE. http://webflake.sx/files/file/2598-mountains/ Have a nice day guys :)
  24. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
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