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Everything posted by Cheerio

  1. If i get this straight, you want to track how many times a user has clicked a download link, not the amount of times a file has been downloaded. You could do this with cookies or a Text file or using HTTP POST or GET methods via javascript, probably already a Jquery script to do it already. Example: <?php if(!file_exists('counter.txt')){ file_put_contents('counter.txt', '0'); } if($_GET['click'] == 'yes'){ file_put_contents('counter.txt', ((int) file_get_contents('counter.txt')) + 1); header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); die; } ?> Then use File Downloaded: <?php echo file_get_contents('counter.txt'); ?> Times!
  2. this is a ipb issue and was addressed in the newest 3.4.7 build
  3. Looks pretty good, does the left info box move or the frame on the right? Is it responsive? Can you change the width manually? name... Aftermath
  4. Listening to Alex Gaudino - What A Feeling (Radio Edit) [Feat. Kelly Rowland]
  5. Seems ok, but then you might have people just posting anything just to get out of inactive.
  6. It's a common issue with the way IP Board uploads the gif file. You can try it again or use your ftp client and replace your photo-id.gif with the full saved animated one. Id been the id of your user account. Admin who set up the board is usually photo-1.gif Rename your local file say move_photo.gif to photo-1.gif then upload You will find the files in your ftp root folder at /uploads/profile you will notice when replacing the file that your animated one is a little bigger in size to the one you tried to upload because it's missing all it's frames. This is expected and fine.
  7. ah, noticed that n why i mentioned it, glad you got sorted.
  8. I'd say it's a case of ip.content and the socialengineforum mods you have installed conflicting.
  9. Try changing forums to ccs for it to read ip content. /** * Default app name * You can set this in your own scripts before 'initdata.php' is required. */ if ( ! defined( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP' ) ) { define( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', 'ccs' ); } When you use this where does your main page go? hmm that's weird, it would not post now it's showing i posted 3 times :| Shakes hand at ajax!
  10. I'll have to try that the next time and see if it works.
  11. oh yeah i know, i just made a bak file instead while looking for it and next update will overwrite it again anyways.
  12. I had that enabled but it still flashed before been disabled at load time.More than likely it was some query that was perhaps conflicting with the removal coming after another one but looked bad.That's why i wanted to hard remove it from the template completely.
  13. I've been looking for this and wondered if anybody ever done it also.i use a third party menu, so i want to completely remove the primary menuI know promenu can hide it but it still flashes up at site load then hides and just looks bad, i want to remove it completely from loading.Just to anser my own question, I removed the following code from the globaltemplate.Find: <!-- ::: APPLICATION TABS ::: -->Remove below it <div id='primary_nav' class='<if test="$this->settings['hideNavSubtitles']=='yes'">noSubText</if> clearfix'> <ul class='ipsList_inline' id='community_app_menu'> <if test="showhomeurl:|:$this->settings['home_url'] AND $this->settings['home_name']"> <li id='nav_home' class='left'><a href='{$this->settings['home_url']}' title='{$this->lang->words['homepage_title']}' rel="home">{$this->settings['home_name']}</a></li> </if> <if test="hasCustomPrimaryNavigation:|:!empty($header_items['primary_navigation_menu'])"> {$header_items['primary_navigation_menu']} <else /> <if test="applicationsloop:|:is_array($header_items['applications']) AND count($header_items['applications'])"> <foreach loop="applications:$header_items['applications'] as $data"> <if test="showingapp:|:$data['app_show']"> {parse variable="appActive" default="" oncondition="$data['app_active']" value="active"} <li id='nav_app_{$data['app_dir']}' class="left {parse variable="appActive"}"><a href='{parse url="{$data['app_link']}" seotitle="{$data['app_seotitle']}" template="{$data['app_template']}" base="{$data['app_base']}"}' title='{parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['go_to_prefix'], IPSLib::getAppTitle($data['app_dir']) )"}'>{IPSLib::getAppTitle($data['app_dir'])}</a></li> </if> </foreach> </if></if> <if test="$this->settings['navDropdown']=='yes'"> <li class='left'><a href="#" class='ipbmenu' id='primary_extra'>Extra links <img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/useropts_arrow.png' /></a></li> </if> <if test="$this->settings['defaultMoreDropdown']=='yes'"> <li id='nav_other_apps' style='display: none'> <a href='#' class='ipbmenu' id='more_apps'>{$this->lang->words['more_apps']} <img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/useropts_arrow.png' /></a> </li> </if> </ul> </div>This may not work for everyone but it done the job for me.
  14. Some skins also support this already so make sure to check the global config file under the skin.If it does, you usually select yes to enable it and name the image after the forum ID.
  15. ACP >Shoutbox >Settings >Shouts >Show user photo? Yes No
  16. Have you got friendly url's on or off? System Settings > System > Search Engine Optimization
  17. Cheerio

    Embed Tweets

    Version 1.0.0


    For embedding tweets by posting the link given under the tweet details setting. do not use the code from the embed option. for example this link: [url="https://twitter.com/invisionps/status/345210626232156161"]https://twitter.com/...210626232156161[/url] shows like this when posted I will try to answer questions but this should be considered non-supported. while I will try to simplify into one tag I will not try to add features, etc. I know this works on 3.4.5, I have no idea about any other version and will not test to see. NOTE FOR CHROME USERS if using chrome paste link into notepad or something then copy from there. nothing I can do about that
  18. Looks like a config or init issue, with index been called on every click. do you have ip content or had you it installed?
  19. Most Hosts whether bound by DMCA or it's European counterpart ACTA will usually comply with takedown notices. Each country has different takedown procedures but all have the same goals of stopping copyright infringement and abide by their countries law. DMCA agents are well aware of these different procedures also like this for example. A host can take down your site without notice in most cases and have a period of where a claim of copyright infringement can be investigated. This is where usually a procedure similar to OCILLA - the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act comes into play. You will find most ISP's and Host's have already stated most of this in the Terms of service you didn't read while signing up. So if you're using cheap hosting or a large host, you can consider yourself screwed by 90% of them when they get any reputable takedown notice.
  20. I have entered the Cosmos

  21. Cheerio

    Content Spy

    Version 1.2.3


    Content Spy an application that allows users to view a near-realtime stream of activity, with a full dynamic page of content, or in a mini-spy on the board index. [b]Features Include[/b][list] [*]Low resource usage [*]Admin configurable poll rate [*]Admin configurable timeout (stop looking for data after x minutes incase a user has left a window open) [*]Full Page Spy [*]Mini Spy in sidebar [*]Global Spy [*]Recent Activity Profile Tab [/list] [b]Supported IPS Applications[/b][list] [*]IP.Board (New Topics & Posts) [*]IP.Blog (New Entries & Comments) [*]IP.Downloads (New Files, Updated Files & Comments) [*]IP.Content (New Articles, Updated Articles & Article Comments) [*]IP.Gallery Support (Album Updates & New Comments) [*]IP.Calendar Support (New Comments only - event support coming soon.) [/list]
  22. Cheerio


    Version 1.0.0


    [img]http://i.imgur.com/bEjYQQZ.png[/img] [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)]Esmona has a few new innovations such as color picker where you can set your own color skin. It's a good options for individual choices. Proffessional design in which dark and light elements stand side by side makes the skin looks fresh and modern. Set your own slides and colors. Esmona hasn't thematic restrictions![/color][/size] [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)]Esmona has a lot of included modifications such as new topic icon generate system or topic view. Additionality the skin is full integraded with Nivo Slider and color picker.[/color][/size] [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)][img]http://i.imgur.com/kDWlZpe.png[/img][/color][/size] [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)][img]http://i.imgur.com/33YPAdU.png[/img][/color][/size] [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)][img]http://i.imgur.com/rNFK1nw.png[/img][/color][/size] [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)][img]http://i.imgur.com/Nrt6xuZ.png[/img][/color][/size] [size=5][color=rgb(105,105,105)][img]http://i.imgur.com/Iiqs8KJ.png[/img][/color][/size] [color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]Compatible with:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IPB 3.4.x[/b][/color] [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Gallery 5.x[/b][/color] [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Nexus 1.5.x[/b][/color] [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Blog 2.6.x[/b][/color] [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Calendar 3.3.x[/b][/color] [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Chat 1.4.x[/b][/color] [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Content 2.3.x[/b][/color] [*][color=rgb(105,105,105)][b]IP.Downloads 2.5.x[/b][/color] [/list]
  23. I'm sure when the board picks up after the changes, a staff member will help you out.
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