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Everything posted by Cheerio

  1. Version 1.1.0


    This plugin will add board startup date and age at the bottom of the board index, age updates in realtime.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin will restore the suite version on Admin CP Dashboard.
  3. Version 2.0.0


    Automate the mundane task of updating your Email List in MailChimp and have our tool do it for you! When a new user registers or changes their email they will automatically be added/updated to your list in MailChimp. Easy peasy, no more executing SQL, downloading and messing through lists! This is the FREE version. Features: Users will be added on each new Registration Users email address will be updated upon changing it Users will only be added if they subscribed to receive emails from Admins Admins can sync a user by pushing a button on their profile in the ACP Currently only the username and email are being sync'd (AVAILABLE NOW! http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7378-jimmo-mailchimp-sync/
  4. Version 2.0.0


    This plugin (hook) will redirect yours users to elsewhere (your portal/site, for instance) when they logout from your board. You can set the URL where they'll be redirected on a setting on Admin CP.
  5. Version 2.0.1


    Simple plugin that calculates the Average Number of Content that the user has created per day since they joined your community. Features: Custom language string for "Avg. Content Per Day" Template editable under "Themes" Follows IPS structure and style guide for head items Round Settings. Round to whole numbers, 1 or 2 decimal point values. Dev files included for those who want to extend this functionality
  6. Version 1.0.4


    Will let users to see Notifications, new Message and new Reports count without refreshing the page How To Install To install you just need upload XML file (Admin CP > System > Site Features > Plugins > Install)
  7. Version 1.0.0


    [b]About This File[/b] [color=#a52a2a][b]Click It![/b][/color] Dirt simple IPS.Gallery plugin that adds (restores?) the ability to just click the image when viewing a single album image to bring up the larger lightboxed image. Currently the image is not linked and you are required to click the lightbox button above and to the left of the image. When viewing the image in the lightbox, this plugin also moves the full size button from the bottom left to the top left and increases the font size. All the other options remain functional with this plugin enabled including rotate, notes, set as, and of course the default lightbox button. [b]Notes:[/b] Currently toggling the enable/disable button in the plugins menu only disables the css changes. You will need to uninstall the plugin to stop ClickIt! entirely. This is an IPS bug; not a problem with the plugin.
  8. i had changed to xenforo and began to dislike it, sorta messed up my db in the conversion and then when i decided to go back to ip board, i went head first at 4.x.x since it's rc days, sure it has it's issues, but it's in rapid production and released at this stage, it will have many versions in it's early days to patch up loose ends in the new core, but 3.x.x went through the same if not more issues. Once skins and mods get released, they will go into rapid production also, but you shoudl always start off with the default skin anyways.
  9. i have to disagree also, why? ipb 4 is cleaner, fully responsive and mobile friendly. The core is more secure and the reason themes aren't out is the fact the filesystem was been tinkered with and devs have been holding on till it was changed. Most of the plugins will be the same issue, but there are lots out there already. The pages system and the navigation system is 100 times better in 4 You can even make your own tracker system and portal in the new pages, and that shows a lot. the ACP is good, and the theme manager and custom css options in 4 are brilliant. adding pages and plugins to the navigation and picking default page is much easier now also. my 5c worth!!
  10. 4.0.6 is the current build now, finally fixed the filesystem issues.
  11. You can easily upgrade in a sub domain and test the waters,use a copy of your DB and work on a skin on that sub domain thus making your initial upgrade that much easier.
  12. i uploaded a few ipb 4 plugins a week or so ago, still waiting on them to be approved, probably be too old by then lol Thre are a lot of cool things about ipb 4 but there are also a lot of kinks to be worked out and 4 will likelt have a lot of quick sub edutions, 4.0.5 i think it's at already. pages is nice and offers a lot of customisation to even the novice.
  13. Version 1.0.1


    WhoWeAre showcases your users, their messages and the active topics - it makes your users the stars of your forum. User engagement is increased when Community members see themselves both through their avatars and their threads that they participate in. With many features able to be toggled on or off, you can control how it displays on your own forum, go traditionally horizontal, or put it in the sidebar. Community members will make WhoWeAre an integral part of their forum experience. WhoWeAre makes your community members remember who you are.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Header Image by IPS Themes is a small plugin that adds the ability to quickly and easily add a background image to your theme's header. Features Set a background color for your theme's header Upload a background image Various customization options such as position, repeatable, sizing and fixed positioning.
  15. this is the ipb 4.0.x section, this mod is for 3.4, hence broken for 4.0
  16. ah i was trying to upload them since yesterday, kept failing with a unknown error, then a 403. it's all good, once they're up now it's fine, i'll put some more up later.
  17. sounds like a chmod issue then, make sure to run a permissions check on folders from with the ACP.
  18. ok, which version of IPB? Ok, you should just create a php block, best thing to use would be using the application portal which is available for IPb 3 and 4, or if it's 3.x.x branch you could use (e32 Custom sidebar blocks) plugin for same results, and then you wouldn't need to add all the wrapping or the separate php files as it has the option to include that in the creation of a php block. IP Board won't let you just throw php anywhere in it's page but allows these mods to so they're your best option. You also would not need to separate the files, as you could edit the block from with portal settings in the acp. This way you can create a block and give it's header "video of the moment" and then just add the code to the block and save.. <iframe width="95%" height="95%" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/PhPSS8u5qHg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin adds a bar at the top of an IPS4 Suite which informs the user that the site uses cookies and offers more information in the way of a pop up. This plugin creates and stores a cookie in order to dismiss it. This is unavoidable.
  20. are you uploading a xml file or the zip file file with the xml file in it?
  21. there are plenty of mods for 4, just webflake doesn't allow the uploading of them it seems.
  22. You couild try just echo 'hello'; since the php header is already set. Also your news.php and video.php files should not be trying to set a header that ipb is already setting also, that ambigious and will cause issues Also if you were wanting a youtube video you could just make an array of videos that read from an array that user could add to...the portal application allows php blocks. Example..this is just random youtube videos onload from a array of video ids (but you could read them from a database. <?php $yids = array( "hkPkz72ddJ0", "ZSvRjLOp08o", "O_j9uKBmUEk", "N4ony2r0QFs", "k5k-DphstxE", "N4ony2r0QFs", "jE785LNs2Nk", "c-_buBIfShs", "BzclS_TIDGk", "hg3eFbYag9E", "79xjgsBzFcE", "tHQiYPiNVEE", "zZfXF6uB3nQ", "xe1LrMqURuw", "QfOZWGLT1JM", "o4ZnwrpQTK4", "J4ls3xtcP1A", "ngElkyQ6Rhs", "W4D7TG-Vup4"); $video = rand(0, count($yids)-1); echo '<iframe width="100%" height="150" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $yids[$video] . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; ?> You could do the same with a new block, either reading it from a news row and column from the database, that staff could edit and remove via a form like ninja suggested. You could also have a new thread and use the rss block available already to read from your rss feed. Using ftp to do something so minimal will cause you issues. Also when using forms, do not declare global variables when submitting post or get data, make sure to filter all data through filter_input() or trim() to prevent sql injection. You also should show us your news.php and video.php , as they seem to be causing issues and what path they're in.
  23. i would imagine it would have to be in a section that allows raw php like blocks or content or pages..then it's as simple as.. <?php include('test.php'); ?> <!--some html--> <?php include('test2.php'); ?>
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