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Everything posted by DjZGFX

  1. Help, i downloaded the executive skin that brings the mobile skin, and under the default IPB mobile theme, it doesnt show if i can change the set key. These are the instructions: Installation Instructions for Executive 2 Mobile Skin:----------------------------------------------------1. Import the two XML files just like any other skin in your Look and Feeltab of the ACP. These files are:executive-2-mobile.xml.gzimages-exec2mobile.xml.gzSetting Your New Mobile Skin as Default Mobile Skin---------------------------------------------------1. After importing, go to the dropdown link next to the DEFAULT IP.Board Mobile skinin your Look and Feel tab, and click "Edit Settings."2. Change the "Skin Set Key?" option to "mobile_12345" and NOTHING else after it. Youcan change it to whatever you like, just make sure it no longer says "mobile."This is because the default mobile skin will only be chosen if the skin set key is justplain "mobile." Save.3. Next, uncheck the option that displays the default skin as default for everyone.4. Now go to "Edit Settings" of Executive 2 Mobile, and change the skin set key to "mobile" (with no numbers after it)and save.5. Lastly, check the option to make Executive 2 Mobile the default skin for everyone.NOTE: IPB has been known to be glitchy about changing the skin set key. If you need help setting a mobile skinas the default mobile skin for your board, please email [email protected] and we'll gladly assist you.
  2. I've used a majority of these, and my favorite is still IPB. Nothing else. IPB is the best looking, the most secure, and the fastest in my opinion.
  3. Someone please teach me how to use ip.content lol xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evarni


      IP.Content is so difficult to learn because there are no tutorials. Once you figure it out, it is very easy to use.

    3. Guest


      Just install it on a test site and play. Just play!

    4. DjZGFX


      thanks guys.

  4. Hey guys. I'm DjZGFX and i used to be on forumcore rarely until FS shutdown. so, i'm going to be on here real often, and try to be active. I own 2 forums on IPB. i used to have more but they were failures. I'm going to create yet another forum that'll hopefully be successful as my 2 with IPB. but yeah, a little more about me, uhhhh, i'm a graphics artist, webmaster, noob car mechanic, and a hardcore gamer (xbox ). that's pretty much it. any questions about me, please comment
  5. I think webflake sounds better. i would've done the same thing. Thanks for creating it again
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