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Everything posted by DjZGFX

  1. Sure, give me a render or a stock image and i'll make it asap. PM me though.
  2. I want to upload cometchat for IPB on here but i can't post in IPB or upload D:

    1. Justin™


      Report it to Phun or Para.

    2. Guest


      Select the Applications Sub Category.

    3. DjZGFX


      It's blacked out. Can't select it :/

  3. I used to know how to do this, but i forgot.... lol. Can someone tell me how to change the default avatar?
  4. Welcome. hope you enjoy the forum as much as we do.
  5. You can either download your whole pubic_html folder and export your database, or you can do a complete backup with your host. After that, upload everything in the "upload" folder of the new version, and then go to http://(yourwebsite.com)/upgrade and everything that phun said lol.
  6. Who here has Xbox?

    1. V!rus™


      i still got that gamecube o.o

    2. DjZGFX


      Try hostmafia.net lol. and jerison add me lol: Persception

  7. You could pay for an offshore host, or you could go with a post 2 host FREE offshore hosting (http://hostmafia.net). A good paid offshore webhost REALLY CHEAP, and AMAZING service is http://offshorewebspace.net 000webhost sucks. unless you're going legit with a small wordpress blog, then you can use it. they don't allow nulled (obviously). But yeah, with the above links i posted, you have enough choices! 000webhost goes down A LOT. Bandwidth is not much of a problem, but since their downtime is terrible, then i would use cloudflare nonstop.
  8. Here you go. PM Viewer:
  9. So this is better/faster than the other method on this topic?
  10. Alright, i really want to know how in the world do i find out the actual IP addresses of a user on IPB when i'm using cloudflare. I heard that there's a mod for IPB that would show you the actual IPs and not the ones masked by cloudflare. Any idea? I'm not sure if this is in the right forum category but it's close enough lol. But yeah, I need help on how to figure out the IPs.
  11. DjZGFX

    IPB & Suhosin

    Sadly, it doesn't work
  12. Haha, don't feel like that dude. Keep at it! You have some great work from what i've seen. I was feeling the same way about your stuff haha. But yeah, keep at it! If you ever want to know something, send me a message.
  13. Thanks man! Not a long time actually, almost 3 years.
  14. Yes sir! Their hosting is AMAZING. Awesome support, blazing fast speeds, very high uptime (never gone down for me so far and i've been with them for about 2 years now.), a giant load of features that comes with their hosting, and they offer VERY cheap domains. This is getting a bit offtopic, PM me about this and i'll tell you more about it.
  15. lmfao! Agreed. They're very strict on their rules. especially with nulled I use HostMafia/offshorewebspace so i'm good ^.^
  16. I just love being a part of a very active forum... So much activity makes me happy :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DjZGFX


      Yep! That's until the noobs come though :/

    3. Guest


      Well, we dont use hide content anymore + almost all downloads in download system.

    4. DjZGFX


      :D so noobs can stay away from spamming the forums :3
  17. Thank you guys! For LRO yes lol. (Learning rights only). PM me about it.
  18. Made this as a gift for a friend (Hiro). Tried a bit lol. Comments & critiques are appreciated!
  19. Not gonna want to "Spam" this forum, so i'll just put majority of my stuff in this post for what i have now. comments are appreciated. Oldest to newest:
  20. Another wallpaper i made not so long ago. Made a sig accompanying it. Comments and critiques are appreciated.
  21. "The way you perceive things, is the way you'll interpret it. And the way you'll interpret it, is the way you'll believe it." A 1920x1080 HD wallpaper i made not too long ago. Uhh, not my best, but my best abstract. Comments and critiques are appreciated.
  22. It works!!!!! Thank you so much!
  23. I'M ASKING THAT DUDE xD lol.
  24. use http://offshorewebspace.net/ it's great. Use the shared hosting here (very cheap): http://offshorewebspace.net/hosting/shared-hosting/ow-starter.html or use the free p2h on http://hostmafia.net/
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