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Everything posted by Luke

  1. What add-on does this, That's really cool. Also, Sorry for so many posts, I am pimping out my Board this week so I have run into some issues, as well as seen things that would be good additions. Nevermind, got that. Now how do you guys have those things in green and blue that are added when a topic is closed etc.
  2. Well.. What it does, It basically makes a floating header (I header that stays in place when you scroll) A good example would be the header on http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap When you scroll it would stay in place. Say if you wanted a home page, and you wanted the header from the home page to stay existent on the forums this would be the way to do it, Sorry about he accusing, I was very pissed about the fact AdminCurve quite literally copied and pasted this tutorial.
  3. No, As I have a strong feeling you are Aurora from the crappy site AdminCurve which stole this tutorial, SO if you want a demo do it yourself.
  4. Lovely guide.. However I think you should use something besdies 000webhost, as they tend to suspend accounts for nulled software, I recomend x10hosting (Sometimes) 1freehosting, or neq3. Those have all worked for me.
  5. The best thing to do is get a Linode, or a similar VPS... Then you don't have to worry about it. Also, http://gingehosting.comIs a great hosting site, My Friend over at xFteam owns it, I get unlimited hosting for $10 a month, I have a bunch of nulled stuff on there (IPB,XF,VB).
  6. WebFlake's Skin is Awesome... I wish paradiize would release it
  7. Baisik.. is ok on IPB... I looked at cubic... but it doesn't appeal too much to me, Thanks though! Paradiize? did you make FC's last theme?
  8. Not sure if this is support... but I really need a IPB skin, I like XenForo for it's skins... but it seems to lack some stuff, and IPB is a lot sleeker feature wise... I just want a nice simple skin, I personally think the default IPB skin is O.K. But it's not the best, I really liked ForumCore's skin.. If I could get a skin like that it would be super! Or if someone has a theme similar to Aurora for XenForo I would appreciate it too!
  9. That's why I said it's best to only choose the button and nav components
  10. First off you need to create a php file in your IPB root. name it something like header.php **IT MUST BE PHP AS THAT WILL BE HOW WE INTERGRATE IT** Then add your header in there. For this tutorial I will be using bootstrap. If you have your stylesheets in a seperate folder than you can do that accordingly. Here is what I did for bootstrap. PUT THIS IN header.php --: I then created a bootstrap folder in the IPB root. When you go download bootstrap I recomend you only download the essential navbar and button stuff or it just screws the forum up. Place js and css files in the bootstrap folder. Then you are good to go. This part is really importat: add this to the top of ipb_style.css: #header_bar{margin-top: 30px;} Where it says 30px adjust it to where it looks right on your forum, If you don't add that the user nav will be hidden and you won't be able to do anything like log out etc.. Now, Once you have done that go to the global template. and add the following code: <php>include('path/to/ipboard/header.php');</php> Some more info: Just because I used bootstrap doesn't mean you have to. You can use anything really.. I even used a simple header a friend of mine made, As long as the file is something.php it will work, I am sure you could even add an advertisement block or a banner of sorts. If you need anyhelp or have suggestions for this system feel free to PM me!
  11. Luke

    Your hosting?

    OVH For the Win! I love OVH, $60 a month for a dedicated server... hell yeah.
  12. Ok Thanks! Oh, And did you make FC's last theme too? I liked it
  13. I was wondering... How do users like Phun have a custom background and stuff on their profile? It kinda reminds me of the FB wall... I think it would be a great addon to my forum. Can someone tell me what Mod this is/ how it's done? Thanks!
  14. Hey Hey! I am back from the abyss of forumcore! I am really excited to see this site take off! Just one quick question... (I am kinda a noob to IPB) But on Phun's profile how did he get a custom background... it almost seems like a personal page kinda like the FB wall... Make this two questions, what style is WebFlake based off of? It's really sexy
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