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Everything posted by Luke

  1. I know, I know later reply.. but why use SSH passwords at all?... I use Dropbox, Google Drive, or OwnCloud to sync SSH keys between my machines. That and fail2ban is a great start to securing a system. I use an Ansible playbook (fail2ban, ssh setup, unattended-upgrades on a jessie box) to setup everything on the node for me.. then I just login with that one SSH key to all of my different servers. I never take chances, always lock down root, root is never passworded, and login is disabled.
  2. I'd assume this doesn't apply in IPB 4... After my testing, I'll likely continue to use 3.x.x until an actual nulled release is made available by one of the generous flakes here!
  3. This works great, but is there anyways to remove the license key missing warning?
  4. For me it's this simple: TL;DR: XenForo and IPB are both great, each have their pros and cons, and at the end of the day, it's up to you to decide which one you like better, i'd suggest trying them both out on a local instance.. for example XAMMP or WAMP.
  5. Luke

    Question Caching system

    Nginx is great, try out MariaDB and or Percona Server for faster MySQL, memcached might be something else to try out as well.
  6. I'm just curious, what do you guys think about IPB 4? Are you excited? Are you maybe even dreading it? I for one am dreading it... I recently finished some skins and I am really hoping the skinning system doesn't drastically change like XenForo's..
  7. Luke


    Welcome to WebFlake, Kalash! I hope you enjoy your stay. Be sure to read over the rules!
  8. I still seem to get the same results. I did the following: <div class='post_block hentry clear clear fix column_view <if blah blah blah crap here. Then I went into the styles. .column_view .post_body { background: #F8F8F8; margin-left: 175px; padding: 12px; } And that seems to change just the post_body and not the author_info. Edit: Also tried .column_view .author_info with no avail.
  9. So, I wanted to change the background of the author_info and for some reason it doesn't seem to extend to the bottom of the post_body. I've tried making the height 100% and inherit still nothing. Here is what I'm seeing. CSS: .author_info { width: 155px; float: left; background: #F8F8F8; min-height: 100%; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; padding: 15px 10px; }
  10. I think you are looking for ipb_styles.css? It's on the CSS tab of the editor:
  11. These are nice looking, props to you!
  12. I totally agree with this, you might even be able to find someone willing to make a skin with matching group icons..
  13. Ehhh, I could agree, money is tight, and so is time, (They are easy to make too.) I honestly think $50 for any kind of forum rank badge is.. well outrageous, I really hope no one asks that. :3
  14. I Might be able to make some flat vectors in illustrator, nothing too fancy, but pretty stylish I suppose, due to the simplicity of the images, I would probably charge you around $20. Here is an example:
  15. Luke

    Feedback About activity.

    On the topic of clones: They always die, I've never seen one last more than 2 months.
  16. Luke

    Feedback About activity.

    Off Topic: Faboo is back!
  17. Entered! Why the hell not.
  18. Thanks phun! Actually it wasn't too expensive, I built a hackintosh for less than $500, the displays came in a bundle on ebay for a bit less than 350, it was a STEAL. <3 <3
  19. I'm late, and I apologize, but I couldn't resist. Well, I decided to literally post a picture of my desktop.... I couldn't find any decent screenshot software that captured BOTH monitors.. so yeah.
  20. I applaud your work, innovative is the right term... screw language.. this theme is the shit!
  21. Luke

    What is this?

    These answers! Genuinely shocking!
  22. OS X can only run on supported hardware. Not to mention it's not natively supported on PC hardware anyways. Apple has their own boot loader so it needs to be emulated.. there are various tools to do this. I've heard the GTX 660 TI is a decent card, also I would use windows 8.1 with the classic shell for the start menu.. people disregard it but it's got a pretty fair performance improvement. I would go for an Intel CPU.
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