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Everything posted by Luke

  1. I think you are confusing them with the ForumCore ones, Those are found
  2. Unfortunately I have to say no. For one reason - I see flexile used almost on EVERY single xF site I see... It's a nice theme but widely overused, I think you should add a lot of custom stuff.
  3. It's multi-moderation with some custom BBCode. I believe there is a tutorial if you search.
  4. Sure. I've also found out that if I reply to a thread then delete it it appears. I'll see if I can get a account setup later on kinda busy right now. Thanks, I appreciate your willingness to help! Edit - I used all the tools under recount and rebuild and it worked! Thank you so much Phun!
  5. Recently, I found an old backup of an SMF forum that I was fortunate enough to get working and I would like to use it, However I've noticed a problem. Here is a screenshot. As you can see the Topics display fine but it doesn't grab the Recent Posts, Which I need.. I've tried Rebuilding and stuff, But it doesn't seem to work. Thanks.
  6. I've been using this tutorial to create some BBCode for archiving messages etc.. For some reason it's not really looking pretty. Here is an example. Is there anyways to make this fill the whole post body, It also seems to not work with multiple lines.
  7. I believe there is a tutorial! Let me link you to that. - It doesn't have the sexy WF background, however it's not too hard to add. If you want I could teach you how to add a background to it. EDIT - Actually I'll just make a tutorial on the whole thing.
  8. I'd say he probably stepped down for personal reasons, but don't quote me on that.
  9. Crap, It's unfortunate Content Spy isn't on WebFlake.
  10. Not exactly, It's got things like New Replies to topics etc.
  11. I Like all of them, (Maybe not the tags) However, I believe the the Forum Statistics is just the Default that comes with IPB.
  12. I love this Feature on WF. Is there perhaps a tutorial on how to do it?
  13. Alright, which ever post helped you best You should mark as best answer so that everyone knows it's been answered (I don't think it's required)
  14. Woot got it to work, just copied over some stuff from the Post template, and bingo it worked! Thanks.
  15. I personally don't know too much about ProMenu.. What exactly are you trying to change?
  16. That's the thing, I can't find the PM template.
  17. Not that I am the best Graphical Designer, But could you perhaps give us some more details on how you would like it to look E.G. Colors, resolution, styles etc. Besides just Modern. Maybe give us an example.
  18. Uhm.... Not sure what you mean can you be more specific? I think if you are using one of the Curve skins that's located in the skin_custom.css file.
  19. The Posts are fine, It just occurs in Private Messages.
  20. No, but how wold it make a difference if this is the only skin with a horizontal user info pane.
  21. Hello, I am doing some cleaning up on my board and found an error in the PM userinfopane, I have a Horizontal UserInfoPane and it works perfectly on posts, but in PMs the date is in the post body instead of up on the top bar, Here is a screenshot, of the PM. And here is a screenshot of a post Does anyone perhaps know how to fix this?
  22. Dude! This is EPIC! You should make a tutorial on how you do this, It's amazing, I love the "3d" effect. You should launch a custom wallpaper site or something!
  23. Oh I see so you can only see your own? No one else sees that under anyones name except theirs right?
  24. This might not be the right place for this, however I don't know of another place for this. And I'm not sure if it would be appropriate to PM one of the moderation team members. I'm just a bit curious, Why does my User Info Pane have "Warning Points: 0" under it. I don't think I have any.. I mean it says 0 right? I've been wondering this for a while but now that the user info pane is more like Forum Core's it really stands out to me as looking odd.
  25. Best i've seen, It reminds me of the ForumCore skin lol.
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