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Everything posted by Luke

  1. I watched a few youtube tutorials before I built my Hackintosh, it's relatively simple. That's the best advice I can give, considering there are thousands of them out there. NCIX has some pretty good ones.
  2. I am so stupid.. I forgot to remove a section from includeRTL from what it looks like, nevertheless I'll still select your answer as the best, that made it look a bit better after all.
  3. Ok, so I recently made a horizontal userinfopane. All was working fine then I went to refresh the page and this happened: I have removed the margin of 185px.. yet is still appears, I also tried doing this in another skin, I simply can't seem to fix the issue. When I go to inspect it in firefox, safari, chrome whatever it shows this: I'm not sure what the issue is, I've looked through all of my CSS files and I can't find that anywhere, not to mention I find it even more odd that it happens in two skins, I thought it might be an addon, but I uninstalled it and the problem still persists.
  4. Luke

    Feedback Friendly URLs

    I see what it was, it was the editor, for some reason IPB doesn't use FURLs with the editor, I thought it was like that for the whole board. my mistake.
  5. Luke

    Feedback Friendly URLs

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking.. I'm pretty sure the other day when I looked at the html bar I saw index.php, maybe I just saw something, not sure.
  6. Found the issue, when I renamed the database some tables were corrupt, re-converted problem solved. Thanks!
  7. Luke

    Feedback Friendly URLs

    Hmm, seems like we weren't a few days ago.
  8. So, recently I just converted to IPB from XenForo. It was working fine on my test bed users could log in etc etc. Well, when I moved it into production the obvious things broke (upload url, etc) However, one thing that is very severe is the fact that no one can login. I was able to login after clearing cookies and changing the cookie domain but no one else can. I'm not sure if anyone else has had this issue before but I am in dire need of a solution! (I've tried rebuilding/recaching data, and chown/chmod)
  9. Luke

    Feedback Friendly URLs

    I'm curious as to why such a nice site like WebFlake isn't using friendly urls, I suppose it's a small thing I was just inquiring. I think it would be pretty cool to implement considering WebFlake is quite a sleek site as it is.
  10. Unfortunately no, I built a hackintosh (Mac OSX is my home, and always will be) I might be able to look around for you though. EDIT: looking at various sites, your budget should be able to accomidate something decent. EDIT 2: I'm not super intriguied by mobile gaming, therefore my knowledge on the nvidia "m" cards is well, not the best, however, this seems like a pretty nice laptop. I'm not totally sure about the benchmarks, I'm sure there is a video on youtube/vimeo/whatever that'll show you that information I hope I was some help.
  11. Ahh, so not SUPER intensive stuff, I'd say go with what appeals to you and you can afford, sometimes you should treat yourself and get what you want for the hell of it!
  12. IIf you just want to play basic games every now and then you might not even need a "gaming" laptop just one with a dedicated on board GPU. You don't HAVE to play at max settings.
  13. I think you might be best looking for a cheap one to test, free hosting is going to be poor, especially if you are in the US and the server(s) are half way around the world.
  14. Ehh, I planned to do that.. I might work on adding a custom footer too. I suppose it might look a bit less boring with more forums and custom forum icons too. Thanks for the input/suggestion.
  15. Hiya! I'd like fellow flake's opinions on this new site I am working on, it's a pretty slight modification of the standard IPB skin, i've also included some of the easter eggs from the original WebFlake skin that was live about 6 months back. Have a look for yourself. Main index: View of profile page (Here is one of those cool easter eggs.) Apologies for all of the random content, I'm working on this for my gaming/mc community and didn't feel like creating junk content so I just took screenshots as/is.
  16. Hiya, WebFlake! I'm very glad to be back on this forum and to see it has grown into something even larger than when I left it. I've always loved WebFlake not just for the downloadable content, but also the great community that offers extraordinary support. See ya around!
  17. I totally support building your own desktop, "gaming" laptops tend to be over-hyped and priced. I wouldn't buy a pre-built "gaming" PC either. At the end of the day you can always save up the money to build a gaming rig and buy a decent laptop.
  18. Heya! I was just curious what happened to the old blue/white WF skin? I know it's been quite a while since that theme was taken down. I really liked it and I honestly think it was better, is it possible that it would be released since it is no longer in use? (If not I suppose I could just use the curve skin(s))
  19. Well, I guess it is odd to choose my own answer, but the problem wasn't the link itself, it was me not paying attention to the fact I forgot to close <li>
  20. Sorry, I fixed it, turns out I forgot an </li> tag in my navbar.
  21. Unfortunately this does not work.
  22. Hello, I can not seem to get URLS to parse in an <a> tag, here is what i've done. <div class="message"> <strong>Guess What?</strong> You've got messages in your inbox, view them <a href='{parse url="app=members&module=messaging" base="public"}'>here.</a></div>However, when I click "here" on the actual site it just goes to the url forums.<url>/{parse url="app=members&module=messaging" base="public"} Instead of going to the messenger, the behaviour persists through everything i've tried to parse.
  23. I have a chihuahua dotson mix, here is a picture of mine Sorry for big picture just took it out of my camera threw it in lightroom and didn't think about editing the size.
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