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Everything posted by nonsonokee

  1. try to fresh install it again
  2. try to check a dstat/htop, and see what happen in there when the forum freeze
  3. Version 4.5.2


    Here you find the Romanian language for IPS Community Suite 4.x Info: Translation status: Complete Content: System Forums Commerce Pages Downloads Calendar Gallery Blogs Converter
  4. Version 1.0.3


    The plugin formats the user name in the mention.
  5. Version 1.0.4


    This is a simple plugin that removes all references to the members group names on the public side of the suite. There's a for setting groups that should always be visible, and one for selecting groups that can see all group names. I believe I've covered all areas where the members group name, or group formatting, is used. If you find places I've missed, do let me know.
  6. it is a server freeze or forum only?
  7. Applications = .tar Files PLUGINS = .xml Files
  8. you could try to modify the page template (code) and add manually the header.. idk
  9. XAMPP > MySql > Start > Config > My.ini [mysqld] add below it > skip-grant-tables restart apache and MySql MySql > Admin > PhpMyAdmin > Users Account > root/account that you use > Set Password
  10. you are asking a logo for a community?
  11. you should see a row like this an the left
  12. https://webflake.sx/clients/purchases/ click the manage button
  13. I'm confused, i don't understand your request...
  14. You mean Members > Member Settings > Ranks? or the Forum group?
  15. Store > Manage Purchases > Manage Button > Download the files
  16. in the end, is possible (IPS 4.5.3) download any Application/Plugin? and using the FTP?
  17. basically, the login system works, but the admin cp not at all
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