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Everything posted by nonsonokee

  1. looks really weird, check the logs, but imo, is not an error related to IPS
  2. it is, just follow the instructions i use that page/s on 4.5.4
  3. inspect it, and change it in the HTML/CSS theme editor (if you can't change it in the simple way)
  4. import ALL the ftp file install it, and then use the backup DB IF IM NOT WRONG
  5. are different plugins and some of them are ips core. 1st, Moderators > Choose the group > Enable show badge The green checkmark > https://webflake.sx/files/file/5213-itzverified-member-verification/ The "green badge" https://webflake.sx/files/file/4231-hq4-badges/ [REALLY OLD PLUGIN] what about the last and the junior moderator tag?
  6. are you changing the donations settings?
  7. .... if you have an .xml file, you must go in the plugins page!
  8. it's a plugin, not an application, so, below application, there's "plugin"
  9. conf_global.php 'guest_group' => 2, 'member_group' => 3, do you know how to take the group id?
  10. Theme > HTML/CSS customization > Search it...
  11. ofc Community > Chatbox > Settings > Top Right > Notifications
  12. Do you have the FTP access?
  13. do you have the "files backup" and the .sql backup?
  14. Version 1.1.2


    Simple plugin that adds table headers to the forum table. Both the css and template bit are customizable from the admin cps theme editor to easily modify the header style.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin will allow members (with specific groups) to rejoin to conversation members that left the conversation.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin will help you to not to talk alone by adding a notice and hiding the editor when only one user is active in the conversation.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    A simple plugin that improves the display names of Amazon S3 storage configurations. When you add an Amazon S3 bucket storage configuration, only the bucket name is displayed in the overview and settings lists. This makes it hard (close to impossible) to differentiate between different configurations, if you use the same bucket more than once, e.g. the same bucket with different bucket paths. This plugin appends the bucket path, if set, to the display name of Amazon S3 storage configurations. There are no settings or options, you just enable the plugin and let the magic happen
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