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Everything posted by DicDal

    I think the virus is showing false warning.
    Very nice giveaways app. Working 4.4.10
    Very useful plugin for translate. Thanks for share
  1. How can i do that, it looks very nice and beautiful.
    there are some problems because it is newer.
    Can't see the mysql version req. Apart from that, everything works well
  2. </body> tag and insert the following code: <script> var link = document.getElementById('lkCopyright'); link.style.display = 'none'; link.style.visibility = 'hidden'; </script>
  3. Version 1.0.4


    If you have Google Adsense adverts on your forum, then you will know how fussy they are about where you place their adverts. This plugin will automatically try removing Ads from pages or area's where Google might not want their adverts displayed. For example this plugin will automatically remove adverts: When the site is off-line, On specific Core Pages: Settings, Notifications, Attachments, Followed Members, Messenger, ModCP, Ignore Members, Support, Register Page, Login Page and Member Profiles, Most Pages where there might be a Edit/Add/Modify/Submit/Create form, On the Commerce Pages for Clients and Support, On the Discovery and Stream Pages, Any Forum which is selected in the plugin Settings. This could be for forums that you would not want Google poking around in, You can also add Pages to the ignore list via the plugin settings. You can select to display Ads on the Staff Directory, On-line Users and Leaderboard Pages. At the moment this plugin has been tested on Forums, Pages and Nexus and may not work 100% of the time. If that is the case then use the Disable URL option within the settings.
  4. What theme does webflake use? maybe it should be white theme option.
  5. Version 5.12.1


    English: The plugin updates the Font Awesome version to version 5 without destroying the icons embedded in IPS version 4. The plugin uses the official site https://use.fontawesome.com/ Change Log => https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md Polski: Wtyczka aktualizuje wersję Font Awesome do wersji 5 bez niszczenia ikon osadzonych w IPS w wersji 4. Wtyczka korzysta z oficjalnej strony https://use.fontawesome.com/ Dziennik zmian => https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
  6. Version 1.0.1


    Adds the captcha check to the default contact us form for selected member groups.
  7. Version 1.0.5


    Search Bots Online - search bots in the online list. The plug-in, according to the rules of IPS, extends the function and does not replace it, thus it was possible to maintain compatibility with other plug-ins for this function.
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