A teamspeak 3 viewer for IPS. can be used on the forum index or as a content block (both included).
like my other free products, this is released under the DBAD license.
any one can use this, modify it, use it in their own projects. the license covers expectations and rights :smile:
NOTE: the demo url is a static representation of what the hook looks like when rendered. I do not have a teamspeak server and do not plan on one, as for the reason behind the static nature.
1. does this work with IPS 3.3 or 3.2?
answer: i did not test them on these platforms, i'm sure it can be used on them, as nothing, afaik, that i used relies on anything that is exclusive to the 3.4+ of IPS. its a free product, what you got to loose in trying?
2. will/can you, add this <insert feature request>?
answer: no, i will not. did this as a favor for a friend, who then said i could release it out into the "wild". Under the DBAD license you are free to alter and release any changes made to it if you like.
Demo: [url="http://demo.codingjungle.com/"]http://demo.codingjungle.com/[/url]