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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/14/2013 in all areas
255 points
248 points
189 points
130 points
With all of the excitement as of late about WebFlake potentially adding our own license to software distributions, I want to be perfectly clear: WebFlake has not, nor will we ever, require a license or implement a licensing system. It's unfortunate that the try-before-buy scene has become what it has: communities more interested in self-importance than its users. No one in this market has any moral standing with which to stake a claim to content distributions -- it defeats the purpose of "free". These licensing systems might claim to be about "exclusivity" but really, it's about ego and monetization of an equal-value product they foolishly believe they own the rights to. An attempt to corner the market, thereby alienating a significant number of users. As a result of this nonsense, WebFlake is going to show good faith in the community and challenge the status quo. Effective today, we are officially lifting our longtime policy against leeching. Group-based download restrictions will remain as they are but we will no longer actively enforce an anti-leeching policy. You are free to download our content and do with it whatever you so desire. We're confident that our work and this website speaks for itself. It is our hope that our integrity, professionalism, and tireless drive to be the absolute best instills your confidence in WebFlake. Most importantly perhaps, you can rest assured that our content will always be license free. Please be aware of the risk you put yourself in by agreeing to any of these new license agreements with other communities. WebFlake will still be here.94 points
Version 1.1.1 - 4.2+
About This File The theme of «Surface» is a fully modernized design IPS in different colors. We tried to make the best design and make it easier to customize style, so have worked out every detail. We wish to make as high quality a product as possible and «Surface» will reveal it.83 points -
75 points
Version 1.0.0
Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. Each picture have a file with 20px and 64px Format of picture is .png Sintax is like this 1_grinning.png and [email protected] i made each category for all pictures like emojione show in his website.64 points -
Version 4.6.9
Invision Community Suite 4.6.9 WebFlake Release Date: 12/7/2021 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic in IPS Support if you need assistance. IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTICE Please note that not all third-party applications and themes are yet compatible with Invision Community 4.6. If you utilize third-party resources, including custom themes, please ensure they have been declared compatible by their respective authors or your site may be non-functional after an upgrade.53 points -
Invision Community Suite WebFlake Release Date: 1/10/2021 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic in IPS Support if you need assistance. IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTICE Please note that not all third-party applications and themes are yet compatible with Invision Community 4.5. If you utilize third-party resources, including custom themes, please ensure they have been declared compatible by their respective authors or your site may be non-functional after an upgrade.51 points -
43 points
43 points
39 points
Version 3.4.8
Forum software for thriving discussions. IP. Board is the leading solution for creating an engaging discussion forum on the web. Trusted by thousands of forums, large and small. PROPER NOTES: We have detected problem in: admin/applications/members/extensions/enhancements/mandrill.php This is now corrected. Credits: ECHO37 points -
Release Notes Tutorial So after following a guide from IPS located here and some people wanted to re-create it i found out i did it myself and sharing the work here to simplify things for others. If you liked this tutorial please remember to give it a thumbs up. where you see this icon bottom right corner of this post. Let's get started! Pre - Download the files from the download section below 1) Import the Database 2) Permissions for the database 3) Delete the default template that gets created 4) Upload Template file 5) Add the CSS and JS 6) Finding and adding the correct field_id 7) Editing Database Settings 8) Creating the page If you liked this tutorial please remember to give it a thumbs up. where you see this icon bottom right corner of this post.36 points
Previously, users were required to post at least once every six months to ensure their accounts remained in good standing (e.g. "active"). In an effort to encourage activity with some tough love, the following mechanics are now being used: Inactivity Policy only applies to Newbies, Members, and Advanced Members Accounts that were created 30 or more days ago and have not posted in 30 or more days will be marked inactive. Content count is not considered. Whether you have 0 posts or 49, you're subject to this rule. To further clarify: if you create an account and don't post at all within 30 days, you'll be marked inactive. Even if you're logging in daily and downloading files. To remove yourself from the Inactive Members group, you only need to post once. Please do not spam with "thanks", "welcome", or other useless nonsense. Your account will just be flagged as a spammer. We're evaluating our options for improving this feature. Inactive Members have several restrictions placed on their accounts: Cannot view or download files. 300 second flood control (as opposed to 30 for Members). Cannot create profile status updates. A maximum of 1 PM can be sent per day, with a stored quota of 1 and a maximum of 10 stored notifications. New Threads: restricted to Off-topic Lounge, Member Introductions, and the Tutorials/Support areas for IPS, XenForo, and WordPress. Replies: restricted to Off-topic Lounge, Member Introductions, and the Support areas for IPS, XenForo, and WordPress. We understand that life sometimes gets in the way of hobbies, so please do not presume that if you are demoted to Inactive Member that this is some sort of blemish on your record. You can continue posting in most forums, including our support forums. The current setup is just a first pass and is subject to change; it currently does not delete any account from this website (as opposed to the old MIM system on 3.4).34 points
33 points
There are a lot of members that are posting support requests regarding problems during upgrading their suites. To prevent more topics from being opened in the support section, I'll have a guide on how to upgrade your forum correctly. Things Needed; Shared Hosting or Virtual Server Knowledge of Cpanel's File Manager Follow Instructions Instructions; Head over to the IPS Community Suite and download the latest WF version - Once you have downloaded the latest version, log into your hosting control panel. Find and open file manager. Go into the directory your IPS Suite is in - This is usually public_html, /community/, /forum/, or /forums/. Click Upload. Select File. Find the IPS Suite archive you've downloaded from WF. Upload it. Once it has been uploaded, refresh the directory. You'll see the archive in your directory. Right click and click "Extract". All of the folders from the archive will be extracted into your directory. It will be in a folder with the title of the archive to keep it organized. Go into the folder inside your directory. Holding the Ctrl key, click all the files. Once they have all been highlighted, drag them into the directory your IPS Suite is in. The old files will be overwritten. You will have to change the permissions of the following directories to 777 - /applications/, /datastore/, /plugins/, /uploads/, and /uploads/logs/ - To change the permissions, right click on those directories in the file manager and click Change Permissions. Check all of the check boxes. Open a new tab and enter your forum url into the address bar. Before you hit enter, type the location of your IPS ACP followed by the upgrade directory - /admin/upgrade/ Using an administrator account, follow the upgrade steps. Instruction GIFs;32 points
Version 2.6.5 - 4.4.10
Theme Borx based on modern trends of design and focused on community games theme. A large number of settings are available for full customization of the style. Selected fonts and colors are perfect for gaming forums, beautifully displaying all the content on your site. View demo - Login and Pass: test View demo - Settings31 points -
Version 4.0.7
This is very simple chat system with the basic features: Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Announcement (on Top or Tab). Supports emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg) *NEW* Supports GUGGY to turn any text message into funny GIF and Sticker by using /guggy command (Eg: /guggy I love you) *NEW* Supports GIPHY to finds GIFs and Stickers by using /giphy command (Eg: /giphy happy new year) *NEW* Supports Youtube, playing video in iframe and popup @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.29 points -
29 points
Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin places an online indicator next to usernames in posts and private conversations messages. You are able to specify the Font Awesome icon for both statuses, online and offline. Compatible with Community Suite 4.1.15+ What's New in Version 1.0.5 - Added some settings. - Support for round avatars.29 points -
Version 2.4.9
To put it simply, it welcomes newly registered members. It will welcome them with an optional personal message, email or topic alert. From there you can further customize each pm, email or topic message, the subject / title and so on. It also has the ability to welcome members that are added manually through the Admin CP.28 points -
Version 1.3.4
This is very simple chat system with the basic features: Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Announcement (on Top or Tab). Support emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg) @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages. Staff note: this is still 1.3.4, just repackaged. Previous submission had a broken ZIP file.25 points -
25 points
24 points
Compatibility IP.Board 3.4.X Possibly IP.Board 3.2 and 3.3, but not sure. This skin edit WILL BREAK with IPS Suite 4.0. This tutorial will show you how to set custom forum icons without the need for a modification like Forum Icons. This is a very simple skin edit and can be done by anyone. Getting Started: In your AdminCP, navigate to Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Your Skin. In the templates section, under Board Index, you'll see a file called boardIndexTemplate. Click this. Select all the code in the file and completely remove it. Replace all the code with this: The settings needed to setup the forum icons have already been done for you. There are some additional options at the top of the file. If you would like to use those too, feel free to do so. Setting it Up: Now, in your FTP client, navigate to /public/style_images/Your_Skin Create a new directory called "forum_images". On your forum, open up the forum you want to apply the icon to. Look at the URL. There will be a number, for example: You will be looking for "2" or whatever number is there (it changes per forum since every forum has a unique ID). Get the image you want to set as a forum icon (NOTE: The image must be 32x32, no larger). In your FTP client, navigate to /public/style_images/Your_Skin/forum_images. Upload the image you want to set as a forum icon to this directory. In this case, we would need to name the file "2.png" because the forum ID is 2. The picture must be in PNG format and the name must be whatever number the forum ID is (number). You're done. Refresh the page to see the icon. If the icon does not show up immediately, do a hard refresh or clear your cache. The instructions for this vary by what browser you're using. If you have any questions, concerns, or need some help, please make a post in this topic. Please note that this code has NOT been adapted for the IPB mobile skin, and never will be adapted for the mobile skin. Please see my post for more info.24 points
After nearly two years, WebFlake is reopening its doors to the community. We're excited to renew this adventure with you all and are so thankful for your love and commitment. We've heard your voices, and we've missed you too. Let's cover some important questions! What is the new domain name; what happened to WebFlakeSX? We no longer own the WebFlakeSX domain or Twitter/X account. Regrettably, we allowed the domain to lapse, and it was promptly snatched by one of the many domain squatters that hold beleaguered domains ransom. We have no desire to pay the fees required to recollect that domain, so we have moved on to the dev extension,, and have launched a new Twitter/X account Why is WebFlake returning; why now? You. That's the simple truth. WebFlake stood as a bastion for ingenuity, creativity, and ambition. Our community and webmasters everywhere still need us. Are you affiliated with the other WebFlake sites? No. We never were and never will be. It goes without saying that none of us expected our community or the market to just sit on their hands after WebFlake's closure. We fully respect and appreciate the efforts to provide a spiritual successor or an entirely new home for interested users. What we are absolutely uncomfortable with, are the two communities that thought it prudent to use our branding, our identity, and attempt to be us. Whether their intention was to defraud you or simply to take up the reins, their combined lack of success and egregious lack of respect for every one of us that made WebFlake possible is what is important here. Neither community acknowledged that they were not the original WebFlake and both communities made concerted efforts to effectively copy/paste elements of this community. We won't ban you for participating in their charade provided you do not advertise or discuss those communities on any of our platforms. We do strongly encourage you to avoid being deceived or preyed upon. You don't have to choose us over them, there are other options — just don't encourage or facilitate their unscrupulous endeavors. What can we expect with WebFlake's relaunch? WebFlake closed in January 2022. With that in mind, we ask that you temper your expectations. We've restored the website as it were twenty months ago in its totality. Users, donations, topics, posts, reputation, files, and everything in between is intact. We've upgraded the core and the database to current versions. We've also just completed a total overhaul of our member groups, updated our original theme, and are continuing to make a number of other modifications and improvements to our community. You can see some of those changes listed in our Release Notes, here: WebFlake Release Notes - 7.0.0 What are your plans going forward? We want to place more emphasis on quality of life and community. We recognize that our approach prior to closing last January wasn't the best and we have immense room for improvement. In the pipeline are minor things like relaxed guidelines and larger things like crowdfunding. We're also contemplating expanding our brand into other web-related ventures; more info on this to come. In the meantime, we want to ensure that we begin making up for lost time. What can I do to help out with the relaunch? Content. Come say hi, submit a file, answer a question, or join us on Discord. If you have a spare server boost or two for Discord, we would appreciate it if you applied them to WebFlake to enhance the user experience there. Do remember that you are under no obligation to contribute but know that you would have our undying gratitude. Additionally, you can promote our relaunch on social media and with your connections. We do not condone spamming other communities or Discord servers; be respectful. What if I encounter bugs or things aren't working as they should be? If you encounter any bugs, please report them on our Bug Tracker, here: If you think you can help us improve the community, we'd love to hear your thoughts; submit them via our Ideas page here: Who is managing WebFlake now? Tony, James, Logan, Cookie Monster, and GradientWizzard. To be clear, this means that Phun has retired and will no longer be involved with WebFlake in any capacity. He may stop by to say hello on occasion, but he is no longer representing or assisting in the management of WebFlake. What if I have a question that isn't covered here? Feel free to ask away on Discord or the forums, and we will answer those questions to the best of our ability.23 points
23 points
23 points
IP.Shoutbox from IPB3.4 to IPS4.2 Shoutbox is been rebuild for 4.2.x and at moment is not ready be upgraded from 3.4.x to 4.2.x but will be once we move on and fix bugs that allow us to have upgrade support. Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets so place it where you. Sound notification and user can toggle on/off. Block users. Announcement. Support emotions, URL. Flood control. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.23 points -
23 points
23 points
Version 1.0.0
It relies almost 100% on Bootstrap 3 with minimum overrides and it’s 99% tables. If you are familiar with Bootstrap 3 it’ll be like fun dealing with this MyBB theme. This is clean, basic version (default-blue), but it has four more color combinations: Green Orange Purple Generic uses different css files related to colors, depending on what color combination you wish to edit. Features: Sidebar/Full width. Font Awesome icons. Supported MyBB Plugins. Very original and unique Dark Flat Forum look. Beautiful, professional Header and Footer. Customized for both classic and Modern Postbit. Social Share included. Custom, beautiful Editor. Extensive Documentation. One of the best Responsive/Mobile look among MyBB Themes.22 points -
More and more websites are starting to use Font Glyphs or Font Icons. They're easy to make, easy to pick from and their incredibly light weight compared to independent images or even sprites. What are the major advantages of using Icon Fonts? They are vector, which means they can scale indefinitely without losing quality They are lightweight They are supported by every browser You can add almost any thinkable text css to them (shadows, colors, rotation, gradients) Takes fewer HTTP requests to your server = less load :3 So what are disadvantages of using Icon Fonts? Screenreaders may misinterpret fonticons, reading them out loud DUSTY OLD BROWSERS cannot render font icons. But really, who uses IE7 anymore. You can only serve font icons in a single color -or- in a gradient. No fancy multicolor rainbow awesomeness. Firefox sometimes renders icon fonts with a larger font-weight (bolder), so they may look differently on there. The top list of FREE icon Fonts Foundation 3 - 283 beautiful icons with rounded corners Font Awesome - 439 icons in a constantly updated icon font Google Material Icons - Over 200 icons by google. IconSweets - 60 icons by YummyGum (has a paid v2) IcoMoon - 450 free beautiful icons, with editor on site if you want to pay HeyDings - 60 pretty awesome webfont icons Open Iconic - 223 icons in a lightweight and beautiful package (.woff = 12.4kb!) Sosa - 160+ icons Glyphish - 200 free icons (you must provide credit), also has a paid version of $100 for over 1500 icons Glyphicons - 470 free icons and 50 free social icons Batch - 300+ icons for use on the web and apps, now free Brankic1979 - 350 pixel perfect icons, scalable to any size IconMinia - 139 vector icons Octicons - by GitHub, usable in any of your projects So there you have it, pretty icon fonts for free, available for you to use in your projects. Most come with a handy-dandy instruction page aswell. If you have any additional icon fonts and you would like to see them back on this list, do not fear to comment down below!22 points
Version 4.1
Deflection for IP.Suite 4.1.x [ Nulled ] Full work // Tested by me on IPS software // version 4.1.19 Deflection is a clean, dark IPS theme with a soothing colour scheme. The header can be configured with background images if preferred, which can be controlled even further with the background picker enabled. This theme is built on a modern framework with minimal HTML modifications, which means it'll upgrade easily (and usually automatically) between IPS versions. This theme is compatible with the latest version of IPS Community Suite 4.x, including all official IPS addons. Please upgrade to the latest version of IPS.Suite before installing this theme. After purchasing this theme, you will be able to download it immediately from your Client Area. Initial price of the theme is $30.00 which includes 6 months of free support & updates. A renewal fee of $10.00 every 6 months maintains access to support & updates. For more information, check the FAQ's and Terms & Conditions.22 points -
22 points
Version 1.0.0
Purchased this theme and im gonna share it with you! Be sure the smash the button if you like this theme. Live Demo (Scroll to bottom and select Slant from the theme selector) Sales Page Check version compability before leaving negative reviews! Lot of people say it doesn't work but you need IPB 4.1.1622 points -
Fluent Design Theme Edition is a combination of Fluent Design styles Microsoft, iOS Design, Android Design and Google Design. We have also introduced many interesting features that are unique in standard themes. ? ? === Demo === ? ? (Change the theme in the footer to "Fluent Design Theme Edition") ? === Release Notes - [Theme] Fluent Design Theme Edition === ? Comaptibly: (The applications listed below mean specially adapted to the theme or adding support for notification icons) Forums, Calendar, Pages, Blogs, Downloads, Gallery, Commerce, (BIM) Chatbox FREE, Trophies and Medals, Post Notes, (aXen) Secondary Groups Indicator, (aXen) Yours chat entries from Chatbox, (BIM) Hide Link And Code, (GS) Chatbox/Chatbox+ Plus Enhancements, (BIM) GIPHY, Quizzes, (SD) Company Directory, (SD) Course Box, (SD) Game Keys Store, (SD) Image Host, (SD) Live Streams, (SD) My Places, (SD) Newsletter, (SD) Sales Portal Pro, (BIM) Chatbox+, Sticky Notes, (BIM) Quick Search, * NEW in 2.3.1 * Release Notes in Pages Built-in modifications: (aXen) Record Result Line, (aXen) Group formatting in mention, (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS The theme is available in light and dark version21 points -
20 points
Step:1 Go to ACP > Customization > Themes and Select the skin you wish to edit Step: 2 Find postContainer in the templates Step: 3 Look for <li class='cAuthorPane_photo'> {template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$comment->author(), 'large', $comment->warningRef()"} </li> Step: 4 Replace it with <li class='cAuthorPane_photo'> {template="userPhoto2" app="core" group="global" params="$comment->author(), 'variable', $comment->warningRef()"} </li> Step: 5 Create New HTML Template Name: UserPhoto2 Variables: $member, $size='small', $warningRef=NULL, $classes='', $hovercard=TRUE Location: Add To an existing location Existing Location: front Group: Add to an existing group Existing Group: global Application: System Step 6: Find HTML template "UserPhoto2" and paste the following code into it {{if $member->member_id and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members' ) )}} {{$memberURL = ( $warningRef ) ? $member->url()->setQueryString( 'wr', $warningRef ) : $member->url();}} <a href="{$memberURL}" {{if $hovercard}}data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="{$memberURL->setQueryString( 'do', 'hovercard' )}"{{endif}} class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_{$size}{{if $classes}} {$classes}{{endif}}" title="{lang="view_user_profile" sprintf="$member->name"}"> <img src='{{if $member->pp_main_photo}}{file="$member->pp_main_photo"}{{else}}{file="$member->photo"}{{endif}}' alt='{$member->name}'> </a> {{else}} <span class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_{$size} {{if $classes}}{$classes}{{endif}}'> <img src='{file="$member->photo"}' alt='{$member->name}'> </span> {{endif}} Step: 7 Find custom.css and Add this line of code below .ipsUserPhoto_variable img, img.ipsUserPhoto_variable, .ipsUserPhoto_variable:after { width: 170px; {{if theme.rounded_photos}} border-radius: 0px; {{endif}} } after you have completed all the steps above the results should be like this below20 points
20 points
Go to admin -> skin_cp -> cp_skin_global.php and find: and replace it with this: Save and go to admin -> applications -> core -> extensions -> dashboardNotifications.php and find: and replace with this: Save and you're done. In general, this works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x.20 points
Version 3.0.0
The FAQ System allows Administrators to create custom questions and answers and display them anywhere on their site. Uses the full IPB Editor Group Questions into FAQ Collections to show different questions on different pages Display Collections easily on any page, in any IPS component Answers are displayed in a popup window so users are not taken to another screen19 points -
So uh.. we're still here.. And we're gonna stick around for a bit. So i've talked it over with a certain someone you guys might already know and we're gonna get some of the old crew together and see where this ship goes over the course of the next half year. You might see some familiar faces around who are going to help me with this and mainly drive the website from then on. The exact details are still vague and i'm going to talk to that team in the next few days to plan it out but yeah, don't leave us just yet Have a great week!19 points
Version 1.0.8
Hi all, I've decided to start purchasing app/plugins from IPB again and share them with you. If you would like to contribute towards this, send me a PM. Screenshots on IPB page was not working so I cannot add any at this time. Sorry about that. Enjoy it! Best, - RR ---------------------- ---------------------- This application will add a members shop and a built in point system to your site, where your members can earn and spend their well earned points they gained ( or brought if you have IPCommerce installed ) from this app or you can intregrate it to run along with Points by Anatik DEMO Main Features Points Earning System Forums Allow members to earn points for starting topics Allow members to earn points for replying to topics Allow topic starter to earn points for replies to their topics You can set different amounts of points for each category of the forums Downloads ( IPDownloads must be installed for this feature but is not required to run / use the app ) Allow your members to earn points for uploading files Allow the file uploader to earn points for each download received from their file You can set different amounts of points for each category in the downloads section Reactions Allow your members to earn points for receiving reactions from their content ( If a user removes the reaction it will also remove the points awarded ) If you are using evox_points then this feature will not show / work, as points has its own reputation system Clubs Award users for joining a club Remove points from users for leaving / getting kicked from a club Bonus Points Award bonus points based on a daily basis ( Members will need to login at least once in that time period ) Award bonus points based on a weekly basis ( Members will need to login at least once in that time period ) Award bonus points based on a monthly basis ( Members will need to login at least once in that time period ) These points can be set on a per user group basis You can enable or disable any of them features Award Points Award points to your selected members or user groups via the ACP Users Profile Adds a section to the users profile showing the amount of points they have and a link to donate ( Read below ) Donations Select what user groups can donate their points Set the minimum and maximum amount of points allowed to donate per donation Shows a page in the ACP with a list of all donations / who donated / who received the donation / the amount and the time & date of the donation Points Format All points are formatted with decimals for the users to read / understand easy ( example 1,000 10,000 10,000,000 ) Members Shop Items ( Allow your members to spend their well earned points in the shop ) Each item can be created unlimited times and you can select different prices and permissions for each user group for each item giving you unlimited options to pick from Create categories to place the items in All random amounts ( LIke mystery boxes, random post count etc ) can be set by the admin in the shop items menu from the minimum amount to the maximum amount they can receive from redeeming the items Set a stock amount on each item with a unlimited option ( How many you have in stock ) After a user purchases a item it will store the rewards for that purchased item, so say they buy multiple and store them away, then at a later time you change the rewards for that item in the ACP, they will still receive the rewards set when they purchased the item, as that's how they bought it All items use their own code, Example, if you have selected say the member group to not be able to upload avatars in the ACP member group permissions, the avatar item will still allow them to upload one if they redeem it, if you gave them permissions to buy that item or they got the item sent to them Each item can have its own permission matrix to select what usergroups can view it / buy it / send it DEFAULT ITEMS LISTED BELOW ( These can be added unlimited times giving you unlimited rewards to choose from ) Open a random post count mystery box Open a random reputaion points mystery box Change their username Change their member title Add or edit their signature Upload a avatar Steal a random amount of reputation from another member Will also send a notification to both users saying that they stole X amount of reputation Open a mystery points box Reset their warning points Allow members to go browse anonymous until their session ends ( Session means till they logout ) View a password from a password protected forum Play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock ( Basically Rock, Paper, Scissors but the extended Big Bang Theory's version ), Users can double up their points if they win, Get their points back if they draw, Or get nothing if they lose, You can also allow users to increase their bet by a selected maximum amount you will set in the ACP item settings Allow users to pin topics for a selected amount of days ( Topic's will automatically be unpinned after X amount of days ) Allow members to feature files for a selected amount of days ( Files's will automatically be unfeatured after X amount of days, IPDownloads must be installed for this item ) Upgrade your usergroup for x amount of days, months or years, ( Members will automatically move back to their original user group after X days, months or years ) Gamble to win a random trophy from Trophy's & Medals ( Trophys & Medals must be installed for this item ) Guess the number ( You will set a maximum amount to generate and the members will guess from 1-X and if they get it correct they will win their stake multiplied by your chosen amount ( Each item will generate a different number this is not one where you remove the wrong answers from the equasion, if you buy one and guess number 20 and it is wrong then it still could be nu,ber 20 in the next box ) Embed a video to your profile ( Profile Video must be installed for this item ) Upload a image to use as a background on your profile ( Profile Backgrounds must be installed for this item ) Send a personal sticky note ( Sticky Notes must be installed for this item ) Add / Edit your social info ( Members Social Info must be installed for this item ) CUSTOM ITEMS ( You can add unlimited custom items in the store where the admin fills in the price and the name / description etc ) Each Custom Item has to be manually awarded to the members, it could be for a coupon code, it could be anything ( as long as you can manually award it that is ) Choose to receive a notification or email saying x member brought x custom item and you need to award it etc Pick what member receives the notification Pick what member will receive a email saying a custom item has been redeemed Shows a table in the ACP with all custom purchases your users have brought showing if the item has been awarded or not Click to confirm you have awarded the item to the user so that you keep the table updated letting you know what you need to do When confirming you have awarded the item you can choose to send a PM to the user with your own message saying that you have done it or you could use that to send them what you have awarded them, example the coupon code, or a voucher code etc Add a block to the ACP dashboard with the total amount of items you need to award manually Rewards & Logs View all the rewards and logs of the redeemed items in a nice members table or grid Shows the award they redeemed or received Shows what they got from the reward Statistics Pages Shows a statistics page with a graph of the global points gained on your site per day / week / month Shows a leaderboard with 3 tables under the graph mentioned above Shows a list of the members with the most points Shows a list of the members who have generated the most points via their content ( example, for the reactions they get / topics they create ) Shows a list of the members who have received the most rewards from their redeemed items and their posted content Shows another statistics page with a graph of the amount of shop items purchased globally and the global points spent per day / week / month Shows a leaderboard with 3 tables under the graph mentioned above Who brought the most items Who spent the most points Who sent the most items Shows a 3rd statistics page with a graph of the global points won using items what you gamble your points with Shows a leaderboard with 3 tables under the graph mentioned above Who has won the most points Who has brought the most items to gamble with Shows a list of the latest item redeemed rewards and the members who redeemed / won them Members Bank Allow your members to store their points in a bank Charge members to deposit their points Award interest to members each month on their banked points The interest rate can be set on a per user group basis Members can view all their transactions in a nice and tidy pop up table Shows a table in the ACP with all the members who have created a bank account You can edit the members bank points from here You can view all the members transactions to the bank here Shows a 3D pie chart in the ACP with the points per member group Shows a 3D pie chart in the ACP with the current interest to pay per usergroup Shows a graph of the banks transactions from your selected time periods Notifications Members will receive notifications when someone steals reputation from them Members will receive notifications if they have received a item from someone or a item has been generated from the ACP for them Members will receive notifications if they have received a donation of points with the amount of points donated and the donator You can select a member ( Admin probably ) to receive a notification when a member buys a custom item from the shop saying that you need to award it etc Other ACP Stuff Rename the points to whatever you want Choose what points system you want to use from this apps own points or if you have installed Points by Anatik then you can select to use evox_points instead Choose what user groups can gain points with-in the forums / downloads / reaction settings You can generate unique purchases ( Of the items available in the shop ) for members and fully customize the items rewards to what you see fit ( You can charge the user for this or send it free ) Shows the shop items in a nice and clean node table giving you the ability to drag and drop them to different categories and sort them in your prefered positions Edit members points via their edit member page in the member section of the ACP Reset all members points / reset x member's points / reset all points from x usergroup Select the amount of items to show per page in the shop and my items page Choose the select to view the shop page / my items page / rewards & logs page from either a table view or a nice new grid view If you allow users to send items to others you can select a % of the value of the item to charge the users to send said item You can pick to show either a category in the sidebar of show the categories in a filter button on the table it self Add a block to the ACP dashboard showing the amount of custom items you need to award to the users IPCommerce ( IPCommerce must be installed for this feature but is not required to run / use this app ) Store And Packages Users can buy points in the store for real money ( IPCommerce store not the members shop ) You add amount of points in the packages so there are 2 ways to sell points You can just sell the points on their own You can award the points when buying x package Trophys & Medals ( Trophys & Medals must be installed for this feature but is not required to run / use the app ) Shop Items Try your luck for a random trophy ( This will generate a random trophy and award it to the member, If the member has the award already then they will lose and not gain anything, By the laws of average 10 trophys in play will work out to a 10% chance of winning ) Trophy Criteria Award trophy if user has at least X amount of points Award trophy if user has at redeemed at least X amount of items Award trophy if user has sent more than X amount of items Supported Applications & Plugins IPDownloads ( Invision Power Suite App ) IPCommerce ( Invision Power Suite App ) Sports Betting App ( Official IPSDev App ) Lottery ( Official IPSDev App ) Profile Video ( Official IPSDev Plugin ) Profile Backgrounds ( Official IPSDev Plugin ) Sticky Notes ( Official IPSDev App ) Members Social Info ( Official IPSDev App ) Trophys & Medals ( 3rd Party App ) Points ( 3rd Party App ) Note.. All the supported apps & plugins are intregraded to work with this app ALTHOUGH NONE ARE REQUIRED TO RUN / USE IT, If you don't own any of them apps / plugins it just won't show or allow use of them features How to install Download the .tar file and go to your ACP and applications then install the downloaded .tar file Navigate to the members shop tab in the ACP and go to categories & items then create your own categories and add the items from the little plus icon on the category header If there is anything you would like to see added to this application then feel free to visit one of the support topics and let me know your ideas, I am always happy to update my files with requests Copyright / Branding Removal can be purchased from here What's New in Version 1.0.8 See changelog Released Friday at 03:56 PM New Features Updated for the release of IPS 4.318 points -
Version 1.1.1 - 4.2+
The theme of «Surface» is a fully modernized design IPS in different colors.We tried to make the best design and make it easier to customize style, so have worked out every detail.We wish to make as high quality a product as possible and «Surface» will reveal it.18 points -
Version 1.1.4
MusicBox is an application for IPS 4.x that allows users to upload their music online and share them to social networks. Demo: Support Topic: Features: Upload your music. Create playlists. Genres (categories) for songs, playlists. Custom Fields: create any number of custom fields that can be required (or optional) when users upload songs. Integrated with Nexus so users can sell/buy songs. Profile page for artist with rating system. Favorite system: users can create custom playlists. Play music when embedding the link in other apps (Forums, Pages, Blogs,...). Comment system. Rating system. Sharing system. Friendly URL. What's New in Version 1.1.4 New option default autoplay for the first visiting without cookie. Fixed bug that saved uploaded files in root path.18 points -
18 points
18 points