It seems we've been having some trouble with folks "not knowing" that advertising of third-party hosts is no longer allowed, so consider this our one and only warning to the community. Given that we've had an unusual number of users ignore our warnings, I feel that that simple posting restrictions and warning points are no longer being taken seriously. As such, we will be enforcing a zero-tolerance policy going forward; if you advertise third-party hosting services, you will be suspended for one week. If you violate this policy again, you'll be banned.
When you registered on this site, you agreed to our Terms of Service which explicitly outlines that it is your responsibility to periodically review our Community Guidelines and other policies for any changes made to them. We regularly announce when we make significant changes like this, so to be clear, there is no excuse for you not to be aware of this change.
The following addendum was added to our two months ago.
We also made an amendment to our Community Guidelines: