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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2015 in all areas

  1. From the look of it through permissions and from what I saw, I don't recall allowing an administrator being able to do this. I would imagine some kind of hook would have to do the trick for this kind of thing (and I wasn't able to find one that could do this, at least from a 10 second search). You obviously can make it so the regular member can not see the board, or at least can see the board and view the threads but not be able to post in the board. You could perhaps make another uploading board for regular members where all content of it is moderated and people in an uploader usergroup will have another board where they can post as they wish without the moderation setting being on. I personally wasn't able to find anything past this though, sorry.
    1 point
  2. Try replacing default_thumb.png as well. If it still hasn't changed you will have "Allow users to use Gravatars" set as "Yes" You will need to set this as "No" Go to: System > System Settings > Members > User Profiles > Scroll down to "Allow users to use Gravatars" and set it to "No" Like the image below. Thanks, Matt
    1 point
  3. http://themeforest.net/item/woocommerce-game-theme-gameworld/9278334 thank you
    -1 points
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