About This File
MyBB is the free and open source, intuitive, extensible, and incredibly powerful forum software you've been looking for.
With everything from forums to threads, posts to private messages, search to profiles, and reputation to warnings, MyBB features everything you need to run an efficient and captivating community. Through plugins and themes, you can extend MyBB's functionality to build your community exactly as you'd like it.
What's New in Version 1.8.17 See changelog
Issues Resolved:
- Unable to retrieve guest permissions while logged in
- Missing `my_post_key` for login form in several places
- Incorrect `offclock` usage in `index` template.
- Spieders activity not updating on who's online
- SQL Error 1064 Upgrading from 1.8.12 to 1.8.16
- Closed forum & AJAX mark read
- Unnecessary comma in Who's online
- Missed out template versioning in 1.8.16 update
- Can't report content to a moderator
- Redundant `|` next to `Forum Team` on index for guests
- Userstars/groupimages are not displayed