About This File
I represent the optimal game design for a kind of Polish styles
Exit updates will now only be on this style that style //
CleanyGaming It will be maximally remade to remove I think it's not worth the global redesign!
Now about the innovations of this style, code-named POLIZEIPL
Home page
- Added icons to all blocks sidebar - forum
- Changed the global font of the forum site
- Uban error style and design codes (bugs)
- Added style and design codes (optimiz)
Navbar - Logos
- Not a lot of redesigned header header
- Redesigned menu site
- Added a second Logo under the navbar (Sub partner)
- Changed footer For further improvements
Now about why I did so that I filled a new style and did not update the one that was previously added by me.
I had an idea to make a better version of CleanyGaming
- But the whole color palette of design will be redone all the blocks and sections
- The slider will be completely reworked and people will begin to negatively affect this style of what I do not want.
- Further a basement of a site of a theme theme under forums and other so will go under a full census of styles and classes.
- Later something will be added here ........................
- One of these days I will redesign the slider so much I do not like it but people ask for an update drezhite
- The footer will not be much redone, but it will not go far away from the current design.
Mini profile and registration class will not be much redesigned for style
- Now about where I got these styles - from where do I get them ???? !!? I take the idea and bring it to the end already here on IPS4 !!!
- For a long time I was interested in the Polish gaming portals, they are very interestingly made and the styles they have funny
- From that moment on I fell in love with their styles and the demand is there for many at first it may seem that this is garbage >>
- Made only from png - svg pictures - icons but after a dental inspection you understand what a difficult job was >>
- Creation of this style on sitting is not much on this style you understand how much it is interesting to make these classes - codes >>
- Although the style is on cms IPS4, but the classes are all changed # ^% # ^ & $ & @@ uu (_ *% (# * _ # (% * _ # (% i _% (i) # *! *% @ & ^ $ & * $ (* & @ $ (7