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Everything posted by Shy

  1. Thank you! it's really helpful did you know how to put these awards just for one special member?
  2. Life would be much easier if you could mark people as spam! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desire


      Or you could knock them out an get a tattoo put on them, marking them as "Spam".

      Or you could lock them in a room and make them eat SPAM.

    3. Shy


      lol nice ideas @ Evarni and Desire..

    4. Desire


      I aspire for nice ideas. ^_^

  3. oh yeah didn't see that.. my bad! is there any way to do this on 3.4.x ??
  4. Hello, I wanna know if there's any way to put 2 members of the month in MOTM app/hook? I am able to put only 1 member at the moment.
  5. Hello, I want to know if there's a way to hide/delete Admin username changing history.
  6. Do yew luv da way yewr lyf is? An Optimist or A Pessimist?

  7. Thanks everyone for the help!
  8. Thanks everyone for the help!
  9. Hello everyone, well I was using xenforo in one of my forums and its fine and now I installed IPB on same hosting plan, it crashes most of the time... Is IPB is more heavy than xenforo? and what about VB? same as IPB?
  10. hello everyone, well, I wanna know whether i should purchase hosting or go with 000webhost.com? Does 000webhost.com put ads on your site?anyone have tried their free/paid hosting service? how fast is it? and is there any problem with bandwidth?
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