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Everything posted by ilovekiwi

  1. So I've been trying to enable Friendly URL but it doesn't really seem to work. I've searched the internet, and I've seen that there are some issues ( I think ) with Litespeed Server and FriendlyURL? Here's what error I am getting: https://gyazo.com/5f334a2a8702ee268f3edc643caadaf2 And here is my .htaccess that is located in the uploads folder. If anything else I can provide further photos or stuff if needed. Thanks for helping!
  2. Cheers! Worked like a charm! Thanks one more time!
  3. Did what you said, I'll link the photos, but nothing changed. Maybe I did it incorrectly? https://gyazo.com/da88c515a55108e57123f1729e7a8fd2 I mention that this is my only language : https://gyazo.com/dae1956aa6cfa6e0f74874e21ec44209 The result after doing it : https://gyazo.com/9cc90698f98c0de86985bf4ec3506386 @S!r.ReaDy
  4. Sorry, I did not find what you were trying to say, I went to that location but couldn't do that last step. Could you be more specific? https://gyazo.com/1ce08535887f4fc30ff476d14c584fda @S!r.ReaDy
  5. So I've been trying to edit a button that it's related to the application "Application Forms", I would like it to say Submit instead of Save, but I've searched for hours and couldn't get around it. Maybe anyone that could help me out and tell me where I should edit it? https://gyazo.com/590760f505d0fc6067feaf92cedc4589 https://gyazo.com/495e2fc653ddc11a39f611abf59dfb16 Don't know what other pictures I can give, but if any more are required I can provide more. Cheers!
  6. PC for better graphics and FPS.
  7. Pretty obvious from the title I want the remove the 'shrinking' from the navbar. You can see below what I am talking about. b154804580e96a057dd869c6626bc261.mp4
  8. Sorry for being late. I will first post my issues, to be clear. Move my logo in the middle of the Menu Move the header/navbar a little bit down Remove the bottom breadcrumb # FIRST ISSUE # Being helped a little bit by Davlin, ( thank you! ) he gave me a tip, to remove the menu made by the IPS Menu Manager. So I did that and made my new menu. This is the code ( I removed all links so I wouldn't advertise or anything. You can replace it by yourself if you ever need this code. ). I went to AdminCP -> Appearance -> Themes -> Edit HTML & CSS -> Templates : NavBar and removed the code of the Menu Manager and added mine. # SECOND ISSUE # Now my second issue was pretty easy to fix. Go into the AdminCP -> Appearance -> Themes -> Edit HTML & CSS -> CSS -> Search for .ipsApp #header ( I found mine into the _ipsfocus_theme.css ). After you find this, your code should look something like this. .ipsApp #header{ background: {hextorgb="header" opacity="0.9"}; box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); Now just add this position: absolute !important; top: 30px !important;} So it looks like this now .ipsApp #header{ background: {hextorgb="header" opacity="0.9"}; box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); position: absolute !important; top: 30px !important;} Now I also wanted my navigation bar not to move, so if you would like that as well, do it like this! ( remove absolute and add fixed! ) .ipsApp #header{ background: {hextorgb="header" opacity="0.9"}; box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); position: fixed !important; top: 30px !important;} # THIRD ISSUE # I have posted this earlier in my thread, but I'll make sure to repost it in this post! I have removed the bottom breadcrumb by going into the AdminCP -> Themes -> HTML & CSS Edit -> Templates -> globalTemplate Remove this line : {template="breadcrumb" app="core" group="global" params="'bottom'"} That's it! Thank you all for your help and see you around!
  9. I have fixed all my issues. Thanks for all the help guys!
  10. What do you mean you don't see it? ( not trying to sound rude or anything! ). I've added a margin top to the menu, and i would like it transparent. Just like in the image. Right, now I know what you mean. I've reseted my theme since I've messed something up. You can only see what I meant only in the picture from the 1st page, at the moment. If it's easier for you, I want to move my navBar a little bit down. But I want the space above the navBar to be transparent.
  11. Sure thing. https://ravennetowrk.000webhostapp.com
  12. Yeah, well thanks for all the help tonight though! I appreciate your time given
  13. Works on default, but I need it on the custom theme ( Chameleon Dark 4.3.X ). I am trying at this point any of those since I did not find a solution. So, any of the 2 methods is good for me.
  14. 602x315, but before the system would've automatically resized the logo to the height of the navBar. Guess I didn't recover all the code. I have fixed the issue with the logo but still did not get in which file I should place your code. Any more specific explanation? Maybe a name of the template / CSS file?
  15. I have added the logo back, but now it's way too big. Wasn't there an option to automatically set it to the height of the navBar?
  16. Thank you anyways , I'll try your method and come with an update when I'll get the logo back working.
  17. Do you have any idea where would the be the logo in PHP? I removed the code earlier ( something with flex01 ) and now it's not showing at all, not even if I access AdminCP and I try to put it again.
  18. A third of my problem has been fixed. I have removed the bottom breadcrumb by going into the AdminCP -> Themes -> HTML & CSS Edit -> Templates -> globalTemplate Remove this line : {template="breadcrumb" app="core" group="global" params="'bottom'"}
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