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Everything posted by Bomberman

  1. Thanks for support, that gave me something to work on .ipsEmbeddedVideo iframe { max-height: 400px; max-width: 700px; } .ipsEmbeddedVideo.ipsEmbeddedVideo_limited > div, .ipsEmbeddedVideo:not( .ipsEmbeddedVideo_limited ){ padding-bottom: 400px; max-width: 60% !important; margin: auto; } Result: http://prnt.sc/b95i9m
  2. Url sent by private message Via ACP i even had 480px But for content allready posted i see this Future youtbe videos posted have the size i defined, BUT content allready posted they are huge.
  3. I have figure it out that if i enable themes fluid widht the player will do it too. any way to stop for example the youtube player to change size too? For some reason expands the player as well.
  4. On default is like that, installed subway theme as well and didint changed either. This is driving me mad.
  5. i converted from 3.4.8 to 4.1.11 and cant find the settings to resize it. It shows way too big. Why does it show too big and where to fix it? Thanks in advance.
  6. solved Reuploaded the file adminsourcesclassesclass_tbGroupFormat.php
  7. @Kingy didint worked, somehow stresses with (SOS34) Group Color on User Links v1.3.0 cant see why
  8. The image code im using is <img src="image" width="10" height="14"> I have disabled the hook (SOS34) Group Color on User Links v1.3.0 and stopped duplicating. Is there any way to work with both?
  9. Why this image is showing duplicated in this 2 areas and how to sort it?
  10. Try Editor Themes by IPS Themes 1.0.1
  11. Tested on v3.4.7 but how to show membergroup colors?
  12. What file should i edit so that texts that are inside code tags stay centered by default? best regards
  13. Bomberman here to help and get helped
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