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Everything posted by taylormcgaw

  1. SQL ErrorAn error occured with the SQL server:mySQL query error: SELECT * FROM ipb_banfiltersThis is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.i test the register fnction but i register i get this.......url dhgclan.tkwhy how!!!!
  2. glad I could help dont hesitate to skype me skype: die-hard-gaming if you have any questions
  3. it will alwsys be localhost unlesss your host has provided additional information in the cpanel under mysql with tye sql host. some free web host do that
  4. no Sorry ill look for the application for you ok
  5. Need a SEO mod for that. Webflake currently doesnt have it
  6. it wasnt really i was joking...
  7. MLP was originally a adult show FYI!
  8. Us bronies just want to be treated like everyone else.
  9. what you thing it my buddy jared
  10. ill be on after i get food been doing ipb support all day.....

    1. Justin™


      Pizza sounds good to me.

    2. taylormcgaw


      that what i had to lol

  11. issue resolved and i helped him with removing the license key notification
  12. solved member had to remove and reinstall the application some key files were missing works fine now
  13. have you enabled it via other apps-> ibeconemy and turned the app on?
  14. have you recahed the skin and rebuilt everything via the template tools?
  15. Welcome to WebFlake!! Before you post here are some important links you might want to check you [*]Community guidelines [*]Privacy Policy [*]Upload Policy [*]DMCA Info [*]xF Downloads [*]xF Support Need assistance? contact me here or on skype skype: die-hard-gaming hope you enjoy your stay
  16. re upoad files again that helped me
  17. Welcome to WF ! #11 ........... hope you enjoy your stay Best Regards, taylormcgaw #9
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