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Everything posted by Slutcake

  1. Saying, "Work's fine for mine." doesn't help much, please offer some tip in a post at least.
  2. The copyright link is originally removed because clicking the link would send Invision Power the referral for your site, and they would know you were using nulled software. It's possible to put it back in templates, though it's advised to not.
  3. It's actually super easy using Full SSL, just self-sign a cert and add it to Apache/Nginx (a .crt and .key file). Regardless of whichever option, forcing all SSL causes bad issues with some links on the site.
  4. MyBB is insanely lightweight, I've got it to run faster than most. It's also helping that my webserver is behind CloudFlare with absolute maximum performance improvements. Only problem I've had is that I'm utterly incompetent when it comes to SSL, so running CloudFlare's Flexible SSL or Full SSL (CloudFlare's cert + self-signed cert), the entire site just becomes the dreaded HTML page with zero formatting.
  5. I don't have an actual website up right now, though I managed to get this off my home connection and a test install of MyBB 1.8.3: Pingdom: GTmetrix:
  6. Many thanks, sir knight!

  7. Worried that my work could go down a drain. (I've had a bad string of luck when it comes to site admins backing up their sites)
  8. From what I've found, buying into a license is much better than trying to get nulled scripts. I used to do it, and I'd always feel like I'm missing a thousand little addons nobody cared about. Buy a license, and they're there. Also, a license is really only expensive on the initial $175, then it's cheap pay if you need to renew. Sure, add on a bunch of IPS apps and you're getting very expensive, but by then you probably have the money to support it. Back on topic, I don't really care what a site's using, if I'm staff on it I don't care, if I'm an Admin on it I'll have a few concerns.
  9. The only problem with that is that people payed for a service that was advertised as lasting for their life. Now, we are being told that it's not going to last for life. I understand the costs of the site and I will probably donate again, but I feel that this breaches what we were originally told and bought.
  10. Version 3.2.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]This hook will show in board index a box with the last topics/posts made on your forum. You can set how many topics do you want to show, the interval for the list auto update, exclude forums and groups allowed to see the list.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]To notify you about new topics/posts, this hook uses an effect that will pulsate the list only if some new topic or new post is made.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Features[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color][list] [*]Topic preview [*]Topic pagination [*]Forums prefixes (pinned, poll and hot topic) [*]Attachments link to view topic attachements [*]Restriction by number of posts [*]Option to hide CLOSED topics [*]Ability to user use settings in User Control Panel: enable/disable Recent Topics block in board index; number of topics to show and block forums [/list] [b]Compatibility[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color][list] [*]Version 3.2.0 => IP.Board 3.4.X [*]Version 3.1.0 => IP.Board 3.3.X [*]Version 3.0.2 => IP.Board 3.2.X [/list]
  11. Version 1.3.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Will show group color in user link.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Compatibility[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color][list] [*]Version 1.3.0: IP.Board 3.4.X [*]Version 1.2.0: IP.Board 3.3.X [*]Version 1.1.3: IP.Board 3.2.X [/list] [color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]IMPORTANT NOTICE[/b]:[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color][list] [*][color=rgb(255,0,0)]if you upgrade from 3.3 to 3.4, [b]UNINSTALL THE VERSION FOR IP.BOARD 3.3 AND INSTALL THE VERSION FOR 3.4[/b][/color][color=rgb(255,0,0)]![/color] [/list]
  12. Version 1.4.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]This hook installs a quick login feature, with most login options available. Click the regular "Sign in" link, and a new panel will slide in from the top.[/size][/font][/color]
  13. Version 1.5.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]This application is set of tasks you can use to manage your inactive member base.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Notify Inactive is a task that sends out a notification PM/email to inactive members.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Move Inactive moves an inactive member to a different member group, and moves them back again if they return or make a post.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Delete Inactive [/size][/font][/color][b]deletes[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] an inactive member.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]I recommend that you combine these three tasks. First, send out a notification, then move them to their own group, and finally, delete members of the inactive group.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]And finally, Delete old messages. This is a task that goes trough all personal topics, and deletes the ones older than a set number of days.[/size][/font][/color]
  14. Version 2.1.2


    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Contact Form to enable users to contact your moderation team.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Features[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color][list] [*]Security: [list] [*]Use of Recaptcha [*]Abillity to create/manage anti spam questions on ACP [/list][*]Abillity to create/manage custom fields on ACP [*]Abillity to use Department to separate matters for staff via forum or e-mail address [*]Abillity to use the application even if the board is offline (switchable setting) [*]Abillity to use announcement [*]4 ways to receive the message: [list] [*]New topic [*]Private Message [*]Email [*]ALL [/list][*]Topic and Private Message prefix on ACP [*]Topic and Private Message template on ACP [*]...and more. [/list][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]DEMO: [/size][/font][/color][code=auto:0]http://demo.rawcodes.net/[/code][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]user: demo[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]pass: demo[/size][/font][/color]
  15. Version 2.2.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]To put it simply it welcomes newly registered members. It will welcome them with an optional personal message, email or topic alert. From there you can further customize each pm, email or topic message, the subject / title and so on. It also has the ability to welcome members that are added manually through the Admin CP.[/size][/font][/color]
  16. Version 2.1.5


    [b][color=rgb(255,0,0)]Tested and working with IP.Board 3.4[/color][/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Adds a check during registration submission that checks the registers IP address and email address against a known list of spammer IP's and emails from stopforumspam.com. If it returns true for a spamming IP or email the registration is declined and the IP and email address can be added to IPB's ban filters.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color] [b]Features:[/b][list] [*]Uses IPB built in functions to query Stop Forum Spam [*]Matched spam registrations can be added to IPB ban filter [*]Report spammers directly from ACP with evidence [*]Ability to whitelist IP's and Email addresses [*]Page showing the registrations that have been blocked [*]Graphs showing amount of spammers blocked per month [*]Email notification of blocked registrations [/list] [b]Extras:[/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]There is an extras folder in this release that has a hook requested by Extreame. If you run your forum with the normal board stats turned off but want the amount of spammers stopped to still show on your board. Disable or uninstall the hook that installs with the mod and install the hook in the extras folder.[/size][/font][/color] [b]FURTHER INFORMATION:[/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]The ability to report spammers from the ACP was only added after a lot of discussion with pedigree from SFS. I have been in contact with him since the first release of this mod when it was still just a hook. It follows guidelines that he requested. Any abuse of the ability will lead to you being banned from using SFS. Please be responsible with this. It is only available to Admins and is in the ACP.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]I will continue to work with him and the changes he is implementing be sure this mod does not cause them any problems.[/size][/font][/color]
  17. Version 1.0.6


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]With this modification you can display similar topics tab in topic view.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Features:[/b][list] [*]enable/disable mod, [*]show/hide tab without search results, [*]choose which groups can see similar topics, [*]choose in which forums you want to display similar topics, [*]allow/disallow to searching similar topics in the same forum as posted topic, [*]set minimum lenght for keyword, [*]choose sort type: random, last post, start date, [*]choose sort order: descending or ascending, [*]enable/disable exclude keywords list, [*]show/hide watch icons ( save one query ), [*]similar topics tab is with expand/collapse function. [/list]
  18. Version 1.1.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]With this modification you can send mass PM to group of users with optionally filtering by some filters.[/size][/font][/color]
  19. Version 2.0.3


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]With this modification you can add any custom page on your board with header and footer from skin board but body will be any you want. Fully HTML and BBCode are allowed.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Before upgrade from version lower than 2.0.0 please make BACKUP of all pages![/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Features:[/size][/font][/color][list] [*]Fully HTML and BBCode formating, [*]Choose which groups can read specific page, [*]Simply changing active status - click on red cross to enable page or click on green 'bird' to disable page, [*]Showing date added and updated, [*]Delete one or ALL pages in one simple step, [*]Allow/disallow to see pages list, [*]metatags for each page. [/list]
  20. Version 1.0.1


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Simple to configure hook that adds a Paypal donation form to your sidebar. With the option to enter your own custom html donate code. Also includes group permissions as well as a percentage status bar of your donations based on an entered goal amount.[/size][/font][/color]
  21. I started up the discussion with Phun before, but it would be nice.
  22. Never expected a name change, oh well. Hello everybody, I'm one of the few guys that was lucky enough to get into the new FC early. Probably the last. Anyway, I'll be uploading a ton of files (hopefully not with the attachments system) soon. P.S. I like cookies. No cake.
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