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Everything posted by Death

  1. I never had any problem with mine either. But to whom had this issue will be satisfied someone found the fix. +rep
  2. I will notify my provider. Thanks.
  3. I'm stuck on an error and I know how to resolve it, just I can't figure out how to enable mhash and mcrypt_decrypt on ipb. Or would I need to install it?
  4. Agree, welcome to WebFlake Geonode.
  5. I'm pretty sure he's asking how to get cloudflare on his website.. OT: If you have a webhost provider, there should be a cloudflare icon on the cpanel.
  6. Go to ACP -> Members - > Manage Member groups - > Select the member group you want permission to give awards -> Go to Awards tab in the permission and allow them access to give.
  7. Right click the image and copy image location. Then paste the image location in your URL and find the directory of where the image should be. Now re download the module file and pull the images. (You may of placed the images in the wrong location.)
  8. #1 Login to your Database or PHPADMIN.#2 Go to members#3 Find your user account name#4 Set group Id to the admin group id. (Try 3 if you don't know it.)Or... ^ He beat me to it :s
  9. What skin are you using? And can you provide screenshots on what you mean by animated banner skin?
  10. Welcome to WebFlake, 200807575. Please read over the Community Guidelines so you know the do's and don't's of the community. (I didn't read them when I joined.. Now I have 3 warnings. QQ)
  11. Hello tmortavu, I'm sorry for the late reply! The setting is located in your Security and Privacy settings on your admin control panel. #1 Go to: ACP > System > System Settings > Security and Privacy #2 Find column: "Security [Managing Members]" #3 Set New registration email validation to NONE. #4 Save and done! Thanks for your patients and I hope you will find my information useful. If so, please hit the like button!
  12. I think it's pretty sexy. [*]Colors 9/10 (You should darken the menu background so it comes off the index background a bit more) [*]Positioning: 10/10 (I love the slider and how you have your logo and top menu organized) [*]I absolutely love your footer, however, if you rescaled the logo on the bottom down a bit, that would square that off. [*]Overall: 10/10 So... Where is the download link? XDD
  13. Welcome to the arsonal of web flakes. I welcome you to the community Fpsh_net. But I wouldn't suggest looking for staff here.
  14. When I try to edit any group but guests I get this error: I recently updated my board to 3.4.4 Anyone else have this problem?
  15. The Call Of duty background, then the light forum colors.. Green/blue/pink etc.
  16. I don't care much for the color.. Especially when it goes from a black/white to extremly light colors.
  17. Death

    Webflake's Cereal

    Well yeah, that's what it is. That's where I got the box model.
  18. You said gold & silver or something amazing. Well, I think red and black is amazing
  19. Death

    Webflake's Cereal

    Haha, it is what it is. ^.^
  20. He has the voice of an angel.... It's breath taking! xD
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