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  1. Both have their own advantages but I feel more comfortable on IPB. I would say on a general basis that IPB is better.
  2. Hey guys/girls, just wanted to let you know I'm ONLINE and taking work.
  3. Happens from time to time. I think its a good way to keep the forums active and not just use-leave sort of thing.
  4. IPB is my first choice. XenForo feels a bit off aesthetically and I hate the admin end ui.
  5. Hello, I previously had this issue where PHP 7+ was causing problems with the forums https://webflake.sx/topic/28753-when-i-click-on-a-linkcategoryprofile-etc-it-takes-me-back-to-main-page-index/ Now that I switched back to PHP 5.6 I cannot edit the skin files and it gives me the error = This theme file could not be saved. Switched back to PHP 7.3 (rest of the versions breaks the forums) and the skin error is still coming up. What do I do? Thank you in advance. Solved: As reference this is what my webhost did:
  6. I managed to solve it with an alternative method which I believe gives reason for this problem. I switched from PHP 7+ to 5.6 and it solved the problem. Remembered I made a thread about this previously and just looked back.
  7. Title says it all. I'm really confused. I installed IPB on forums and when I click on a link, a category/forums, profile etc. it just takes me back to the main index page (like a refresh). What have I done wrong here?
  8. Thank you Davlin. I'll give it a go when I have the free time.
  9. Hey people, I have a few ideas for plugins. I'd like to start getting more involved in creating & releasing some resources for here and a few other communities but I'm not sure where to begin exactly. Does anyone have a dummies thread or page for creating IPB plugins? I've heard various things from different people about 'nulled' plugin creating, using IPB's database to create scripts outside of IPB, conflicting information about plugins etc. so its a little confusing. If it doesnt exist would anyone be able to create one, should help a lot of people besides me who want to start this. Thanks in advance.
  10. After years of pirating software, I finally found one company worth paying for because of what they provide and the company's profile; MalwareBytes. I strongly recommend them.
  11. Hey buddy, do you mind giving me your discord here or via pm please
  12. Welcome to the community buddy. Hope you enjoy your stay here.
  13. Outside of being unsecure, it was just disadvantageous to use in general with so many flaws in various areas.
  14. There are some forums on 3.4 (my version is 3.4.8) where they post the image link within a page template like Imgur but it automatically grabs the image file. Just wanted to know how they do this. So for example instead of posting the full link https://i.imgur.com/KqQkX4A.gif you post https://imgur.com/a/JElDu and it shows up or can use the 'paste image' button to grab the image and place it. Does anyone have a plugin or know how to do this? EDIT: Afaik its called image embedding but so far all the plugins I've found aren't compatible or simply not working. Thanks in advance.
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