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Everything posted by Frosti

  1. Hello, I want request this free Addon: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7368-automation-rules-lite/ Maybe someone with an License could get this new Version? Would be nice. ♥
  2. How can i move a banned User automatically in a banned Usergroup + give him a strikethrough Username & Title? Like this: Do i need an Addon for this? I am using IPS 4.4.1 Thx!
  3. I am in, i give you the other 5€. But i will go to lunch now, i will send you a message when i am back.
  4. But with the default Cloudflare Settings the VPS Mailserver will expose the real Server IP, isn`t it? Is there a fix for this?
  5. Hi, I dont use Cloudflare atm, but afaik there is an free SSL with Cloudflare. I have an new VPS with cPanel, and use the cPanel Auto SSL. So, is there any Reason to use Cloudflare SSL, or can i stay with cPanel? Thanks ♥
  6. I put the VPS Server IP (Hoster recommend this) in, and Port 6379 - i think it`s working. Very fast now. Redis Cache rocks.
  7. @Lady C last Question: What should i put in Server Adress, Port and PW? Server IP, Port 0 and Server Root PW? I have Direct Admin as Control Panel.
  8. @Lady C - i send my Hoster a Link to your Redis Config on pastebin.com - is there something to change, or can he use it as it is?
  9. Thank You, will ask my Hoster now to install this Redis Cache. ♥
  10. Hey, Which Caching Method are you using for IPS, or which is the best? Because i contact my Hoster soon, to install one of this Methods:
  11. <<<< this is new with 4.3.3. Anyone know where i can find it in the ACP?
  12. Hello Guys, I want to switch from XenForo to Woltlab. Anyone know where i can find Woltlab Burning Board Stuff? Or do i really have to buy a WBB License?
  13. That`s really funny!! Cookie posted in 2 of my Threads, and i was thinking: This Guy would be good as Moderator. And now he is Junior Mod.
  14. Will do it right now. Thx Cookie. The Link from Ice Flake sounds very complicated, because i am not a VPS or Cloudflare pro.
  15. Hello Boys & Girls, I have a Tonga (.to) Domain, and i am using Cloudflare (to hide the Server IP & Protect me from DDoS). Now i found an Cloudflare Resolver, which shows the real IP behind Cloudflare. I really dont know what should i do now. Stay with Cloudflare, or dont use Cloudflare, or use another Provider. I searched in Google for an Cloudflare Alternative, and found Incapsula: https://www.incapsula.com/ I created an Account there, but i cant add A Records oder CNAME in the Tonga DNS Panel. I can only add primary and secondary Nameserver: So i cant use Incapusla, because is necessary to add A Records and a CNAME. Is here anybody using Incapsula or Cloudflare?
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