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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Version 1.0.0


    [b]Collection of 6 Ranks for your community![/b] Editable PSD files inside! The color and text can be changed very easily via Photoshop. If you need more icons in other colors please let me know! By: zonic.pl & web-talk.pl staff Enjoy!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple hook that will allow you to force a given skin for any given content page using the IPB wrapper. This hook is free, completely unsupported, and released under the DBAD license.
  3. IPS is down. Hum.. comming back tomorrow for share more files to WF..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kiddo


      me to it's up

    3. Skye


      Yep, i can share again IPS files for WF. :D

    4. DarkXess


      Hope someone can get IP.Content 2.3.5 :)

  4. Skye

    Board Width

    Version 1.0.0


  5. Version 1.0.2


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]This block will show the last 4 IP.Content articles in an amazing image slider. The slider is powered by jQuery and features[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]3D-simulated transition effects. In addition, it comes with three-ready to deploy styles ensuring that you won't get stuck with only one layout....and it's free[/size][/font][/color] [b]features[/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]1- Three ready to use theme (see the attached screenshots).[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]2- No conflict with prototype JS (i.e IPB friendly)[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]3- Your article title and link appears down the image.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]4- ready to use test page for you to build upon.[/size][/font][/color] [b]limitation[/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]The javaScript plugin will resize itself to the size of the biggest image. Therefore, you should choose your images to be all of the same size to avoid overlapping.[/size][/font][/color] [b]demo[/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]The Orman theme should display like the following (please note that the articles links are disable in this demo)[/size][/font][/color] [url="http://www.tabee3i.com/page/testing/slider.html"]3D jQuery Featured Articles Slider[/url] [b]credit[/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gilbert Pellegrom of dev7studios.com[/size][/font][/color]
  6. Version 2.0


    Linked Accounts allows your members to link one or more accounts then quickly switch between them. You have a full range of options about which usergroups can use the Linked Accounts system and which usergroups cannot be linked to. The Linked Accounts system could be useful for fan fiction forums, roleplaying forums, or just those of you with multiple accounts (e.g, Alan, Administrator, Forum News). Copyright Notice[list] [*]This application was originally coded by John Moss for IP.Board 3.1.X. [/list]
  7. Version 2.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=5][b]714 Team Icons & Moods to do it Your Own Way![/b][/size][/font][/color] [b]Includes icons and smilies already on them. You provide the text.[/b] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Please do not redistribute these without my permission.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Usage:[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Create your own team icons for IPB forum. Label them your own way![/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Create your own moods for Invision Byte moods addon. Label them your own way![/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]You will need a graphics editor to put text on these buttons.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]I have provided all blank buttons so you can write your own text in your own language.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]There are 6 examples included with text.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Please do not ask for the psd. I am not providing it. Sorry.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Credit:[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Created by CallieJo at IPB.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Icons by Fugue Icons.[/size][/font][/color]
  8. Version 3.1


    This mod allows Administrators to define default content for new topics and replies in individual forums. Configuration is set in the ACP - a new module will be available in the Forums tab. From this module, you can: - Define post templates - Include BBCode/HTML inside templates - Link post templates to individual forums - Specify different templates for new topics and/or replies This hook is compatible with IPB 3.2.
  9. You have to recache your theme, if you dont do that, that will not work.. lol
  10. Systeme > Settings -> Security and Privacy -> Scroll down at the bottom of the page -> Display IP.Board version on your site
  11. Just upgraded my board to 3.4.3 without any problems, like a boss.

    1. Rooney


      I ve also upgraded my board from 3.3 to 3.4 yesterday.. I should have asked your help..! :'(

    2. Yuu


      IPS came out with 3.4.3 the day after I upgraded to 3.4.2. .-.

    3. Exterminator


      Bad Luck Sanctuary

  12. Yep, it's Ted, the most amazing bear. Do you want to have the same bear at home ? If you never see the film check this Trailer.
  13. Yeah he was uploaded much skins for FC and another files, so yep i guess.
  14. Yep, the staff still have an acces to FC, they will do that
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Joomla bridge for IPB joomla users can login to ip.board with their username or email Tested in ipb 3.4+ and joomla 2+ *it's just for ipb side and not for joomla because Dmitry Chernov made that already: [url="http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/access-a-security/site-access/authentication-bridges/19873?qh=YToxOntpOjA7czozOiJpcGIiO30%3D"]http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/access-a-security/site-access/authentication-bridges/19873?qh=YToxOntpOjA7czozOiJpcGIiO30%3D[/url]
  16. Skye

    Cookie bar

    Version 1.0.0


    Due to all the discussions on the relatively new cookie laws in the EU, here is the hook that shows you the bar at the top of your site that you see at so many other sites, asking your users to accept the use of cookies. You also have the option to block the use of your site until a user has accepted the use of cookies, but this will potentially affect your site's position in search engine rankings and might scare users away. [b]NOTE:[/b] You yourself are responsible to ensure for your own jurisdiction whether using this hook makes you compliant with the laws that apply to you. Providing you with this hook does not imply any legal advice. Blocking the use of (blacking out) your site, does not prevent from any cookies being written by the invision software or third parties. [b]Features[/b] Reset the acceptance by changing the acceptance key (e.g. if you made a major change to your privacy policy). You can adjust the language of the hook through the included language bits. You can choose whether or not you want to blackout the rest of your site until a visitor has accepted the use of cookies. Any further suggestions are appreciated and I might include these in a future release of this hook. [b]Install[/b] Upload all files and install the .xml as a hook. [b]Support[/b] Please use the support topic for support. Fix for duplicate bar showing in custom skins In your skin template files go to 'cookieBar' under Global Templates and replace the following lines:[code=auto:0] <div class="message" id="cookiePlaceholder"> <a class="input_submit">{$this->lang->words['cookieBarAccept']}</a> </div> [/code] With this code:[code=auto:0] <div class="message" id="cookiePlaceholder" style="display:none;"> </div> [/code]
  17. So usefull for have more security, thanks.
  18. Ok, glad to help you for solve this problem. I edit the BA for next user who have the same issue.
  19. In first time we have to fix that : Send that to your host for fix the warning issue. (I guess your problem if caused by "suhosin.request.max_varname_length") IP.Nexus steps failed -> for me too but it's not a problem if you don't use nexus.
  20. ACP -> Members -> Tools for members management Here you can find all IP used by a members etc with a search system
  21. Maybe they can create more app with one facebook login but after it's you the master of this application. For me, i don't understand why you don't want, if you really don't want ask a friend for do it (and the message from facebook to your phone is FREE)
  22. Try that : http://www.invisionpower.com/support/faqs http://www.invisionpower.com/files/check_requirements.zip
  23. Use your phone number. (that stay private for facebook) We have a secret key for only one board, we can't help you. Deal with it.
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