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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    RIP Paul Walker

    Paul Walker dead at 40: 'Fast and Furious' star killed in fiery car crash The star of 'The Fast and the Furious' movie franchise and a friend identified as Roger Rodas died in Southern California after the Porsche they were in crashed violently into a tree, his rep confirmed to the Daily News. Police said speed was a factor. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/paul-walker-dies-crash-report-article-1.1533786#ixzz2mDxzun00 RIP Paul !
  2. Skye

    Feedback Issue on profile

    Hello, We have an issue on a profile member. When we click on the box for the best awnser, we are redirect to the old domain (.net) Can you edit it for the .sx ? Thanks ;-)
  3. Yes, i upload a file at 50Mo/s http://upload.supreme-elite.fr/images/5Fiqp.png

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skye


      I have your approvement for download Justin Biber album ?

    3. Phun
    4. Skye


      Fuuuuuuuuuuu :(

  4. Why do porn sites have a "Share to Facebook" button? Who watches porn and thinks, "You know who'd really enjoy this? My family and friends."

    1. Evarni


      Funny. Seen this dozens of times before though.

  5. Yep, it's a Volkswagen car, can you find this model ?
  6. Skye

    Gris (ripped)


  7. Time to RIP Forumvolt skin for a public release ?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Skreamzja


      I'ts already done, I customized the skin I'm Skreamzja XDD +++ before mods ban me, phun and para already know XD

    3. highrulez


      Born2Be hahah... no wonder you waited someone try to rip it. lol.

    4. Skreamzja


      haha! I wasn't bothered if someone did, since I practically gave it away in the donator section on that other site, but i quit there ;p

  8. I have to think that : Edit my fav bar where WF is. Again the old url, as FC and that didn't redirect my to WF. :(

  9. I found my error, and i fixed it.
  10. After following this tuts, i have a problem, that dont work and i cant understand why. Here is my code, and the image is correctly uploaded. <if test="$cat_data['id'] = 1"> <php>$groups = array(4, 2, 3);</php><if test="in_array($this->memberData['member_group_id'], $groups)"><style type='text/css'>#category_158.category_block {position: relative;}#category_158:after {content: "Ferrari member Only";background: url("{style_images_url}/transw80.png") repeat;background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;font-size: 30px;line-height: 350px;text-align: center;z-index: 10;cursor: normal;}</style></if></if>
  11. Terabyte is currently updating all TB hooks for work with IPB 3.4.5.. Come on !

    1. OpFor


      Bout time he does.

    2. Skye


      He posted it, the 13 june

  12. You just got REICHROLL'D!! http-~~-//reichrolld.com/flash.swf Direct link for full screen: http://reichrolld.com/
  13. Back from the wedding, drunked, one more time.

  14. Everytime i want to use a google search on WF, i need to refresh the page for "checking ur browser"..
  15. 3.2.3 is the best for me.
  16. "Successfully upgraded to version 3.4.5"..

    1. Pooba


      same here,just about 3 hours ago with no problem yet

  17. Skin By Luke Flynn - iBreakMy 1.0 And the footer was the same like on ForumCore.net
  18. A good rip can take few days / week for do it if it's a complete and realy nice coded skin. (with a lot of work)
  19. Here is a little video on what happens on the internet in 60 sec. If you never know it, a lot of ppl watch porn in the world.
  20. Like Ehran forum, lol.
  21. Banned from IPS, thanks to the WF member who tell i'm uploading files for WF. PS : i love too have my donator status removed when i help WF community.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Justin™


      Yeah, it's a shame but, IPS has their spies here.

    3. Skye


      Lol. Gonna try to be banned cuz I don't break any IPS TOS.

    4. Pooba


      sorry to hear this,it sucks you try and help people out to have this happen.

  22. Skye


    Version 3.4.4


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Nature Skin by Fisana (ipbskins.ru) for IP.Board 3.4.4 IP.Blog 2.6.2 IP.Calendar 3.3.3 IP.Content 2.3.5 IP.Downloads 2.5.3 IP.Gallery 5.0.4 [b]Installation instructions.[/b] If you have not installed a skin before and are unsure what to do, follow this guide: [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/articles.html/_/ipboard-3x/skinning/detailed-step-by-step-guide-to-importing-a-skin-r543"]http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/articles.html/_/ipboard-3x/skinning/detailed-step-by-step-guide-to-importing-a-skin-r543[/url] [b]Changing the logo.[/b] Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates in nature Open Global Templates > defaultHeader[code=auto:0] <a class='logo' href='{$this->settings['board_url']}' title='{$this->lang->words['go_home']}' rel="home" accesskey='1'>NATURE</a><br /> <span class='logo'>Designed by IPBSkins.ru Team</span>[/code]Replace the text ('NATURE' and 'Designed by IPBSkins.ru Team') with your Board Name and Descriptions. If you want to change the font size Open ipb_styles.css find[code=auto:0] a.logo { font-size:65px; color:#ededc5; text-decoration: none; } span.logo { font-size:19px; color:#fff; text-decoration: none; } [/code] Edit font size [b]Changing[/b] [b]the footer:[/b] 1. Go to ACP 2. Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates in nature 2. Open Global Templates > globalTemplate 3. Find [code=auto:0] <div class='foot'><span class='left'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/pic.png' alt=''/></span><span class='right'>Copyright © {parse expression="strftime('%Y')"} Your Company Name</span></div>[/code]4. Edit "Your Company Name"[/size][/font][/color]
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