Version 1.0.10
Based on the official tutorial (but with lots of extra features!), I made a simple plugin to allow for custom page header messages. You can change the styling, the icon, choose what groups the message appears for, and allow/disallow users to dismiss the header message. It uses the WYSIWYG editor, so you should be able to change the formatting however you want.
When you update the message, the dismissals will be reset so users will see the new message.
Here's my to-do list for upcoming features I hope to implement:
Since you can specify what group sees a message, I should allow for multiple messages, so you can have one for groupa and groupb, and another for groupc. Or just multiple!
"When you update the message, the dismissals will be reset" - I will make this a standalone button.
More styles. The current ones are based on stock IPS theme resources, they could have some more variation