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Everything posted by bandnan

  1. bandnan


    Hello, so i am currently hosting with Godady (yea its really bad to be honest) i decided to try it for one month. the load speed was terrible on my html pages (70s to be exact) even worse on my forums. i was wondering what you guys use or recommend, for a fairly cheap and reliable web host or vps. the more disk space the better too.
  2. what features are you exactly wanting to have, the whole thing with just your name. or the sword and fire aswell.
  3. or you can edit the code by. AdminCP > Customization > Your Theme > Edit HTML & CSS > updateWarning and comment out {{if $newVersion = \IPS\Application::load('core')->availableUpgrade( TRUE ) and member.hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'system', 'upgrade_manage' )}} {{if $newVersion['security']}} <div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_error" id='elLicenseKey'> {lang="dashboard_version_info" sprintf="$newVersion['version']"} {lang="this_is_a_security_update"} <ul class='ipsList_inline'> <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=upgrade&_new=1" base="admin"}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_verySmall ipsButton_veryLight'>{lang="upgrade_now"}</a> </li> </ul> </div> {{elseif !isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['updateBannerDismiss'] )}} <div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_general" id='elLicenseKey' data-controller='core.global.core.updateBanner'> {lang="dashboard_version_info" sprintf="$newVersion['version']"} <ul class='ipsList_inline'> <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=upgrade&_new=1" base="admin"}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_verySmall ipsButton_veryLight'>{lang="upgrade_now"}</a> </li> </ul> <a href='#' data-role='closeMessage' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="license_dismiss"}'>&times;</a> </div> {{endif}} {{endif}} so it looks like <!--{{if $newVersion = \IPS\Application::load('core')->availableUpgrade( TRUE ) and member.hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'system', 'upgrade_manage' )}} {{if $newVersion['security']}} <div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_error" id='elLicenseKey'> {lang="dashboard_version_info" sprintf="$newVersion['version']"} {lang="this_is_a_security_update"} <ul class='ipsList_inline'> <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=upgrade&_new=1" base="admin"}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_verySmall ipsButton_veryLight'>{lang="upgrade_now"}</a> </li> </ul> </div> {{elseif !isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['updateBannerDismiss'] )}} <div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_general" id='elLicenseKey' data-controller='core.global.core.updateBanner'> {lang="dashboard_version_info" sprintf="$newVersion['version']"} <ul class='ipsList_inline'> <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=upgrade&_new=1" base="admin"}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_verySmall ipsButton_veryLight'>{lang="upgrade_now"}</a> </li> </ul> <a href='#' data-role='closeMessage' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="license_dismiss"}'>&times;</a> </div> {{endif}} {{endif}} --> either way works, through css or edit the html.
  4. you could just remove the class for the ad's when on mobile. $(window).bind('DOMContentLoaded load resize', function () { if ($(window).innerWidth() <= problemWidth) { $(element).removeClass('class'); } });
  5. this is still happening, oh dear.
  6. Thank you for the review on http://webflake.sx/files/file/2896-nerva-41x-ipbforo-106/, I have been looking all over for it aswell so I decided to just buy the theme.


    1. modoprueba


      you are amazing !! thank you very much for that contribution, worth gold !!

  7. Version 1.0.9


    About This File Very clean a skin with advanced features designed for the IPS 4.x. Fully customizable with features you can create a website that you want. Nerva with advanced features designed for the IPS 4.x is a clean skin. Nerva was rebuilt with skin v1.0.1 release. We attach great importance to the fact that we produce the skin at the same time user-friendly. Product Details
  8. i use dedispec they are really good dedicated servers for good price. They are unmanaged so unless you know how to set everything up it a good choice to take. you can get a clearence server from them for about $13 a month with 4gb ram.
  9. will no longer update this thread as my site went down and lost the customization's. might make a new one one day, and willing to help others to make one like this.
  10. No, then none of us will win @Erza
  11. Thank you, let me know what happends. Love the way it has been made. Thank you :) I worked very hard on that. Sad that its broken but I'm working on a fix. I might just write a plugin for it instead. Hope you figure it out, Let me know what happends too please.
  12. I personally like windows 10 for gaming, but dam notification sounds are annoying and loud.
  13. Build, is nearing complete, if you wish to view a live copy please pm me and il send you the link. screenshots will be updated this week hopefully. Thank you, Don't plan on releasing this tho, would like to keep it private for community.
  14. Once my new PC is built this week i'm willing to do it for free, if no one else has.
  15. Thx, Photo's are updated with the chatbox fixed and the footer abit. Header next :)
  16. Thx, and il change that, forgot about it and just didn't pay attention.
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