So for add a ribbon on your topic view for a special group without a plugin just follow this tutorial (tested on 3.2.3, 3.3.X):
1) Log into your Admin CP
2) Click on "Look and Feel" > "Manage Template Sets"
3) Click on the name of the template set you wish to edit
4) In the left hand menu, select 'Topic Views' under 'post'
5) In the HTML code, scroll down until you see the following code :
<div class='post entry-content <if test="$post['post']['_repignored'] == 1">imgsize_ignore</if>'> {$post['post']['post']} {$post['post']['attachmentHtml']}
Add this code ABOVE the previous HTML code (maybe need adapte the position of the code depends the skin)
<if test="in_array($post['author']['member_group_id'], array(4,6,7,11,10) )"><img src="http://chost.us/public/style_images/imgfc/staff5.png" class="staffpost"></if>
Adapte the number for the groud ID like you want.
Change the name of images if you uploaded image is not named "staff5.png"
Now go in your CSS
1) Open ipb_styles.css
2) Scroll at the end and add this code :
.staffpost {top: -27px;right: -20px;z-index: 1000;float: right;position: relative;}
Adapte the css for you skin with the top and right variable.
A important step is to upload your image on your "style_image_name" folder.
For guys who want to have differents ribbon for moderators and admins (for exemple) just duplicate the code and change the name of image + group ID
<if test="in_array($post['author']['member_group_id'], array(7,11) )"><img src="http://xxx.us/public/style_images/imgfc/staff5.png" class="staffpost"></if><if test="in_array($post['author']['member_group_id'], array(4,10) )"><img src="http://xxx.us/public/style_images/imgfc/staff6.png" class="staffpost"></if>
Tutorial by Skye