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Everything posted by driver37

  1. When I used Android I used a custom rom can’t for the life of me remember which one. It was pretty decent and ran very well but I missed my iPhone and switched back.
  2. The last episode? More like the last 2 seasons but definitely the last season. We wait two years to watch garbage that HBO just throws together and can’t even bother to edit out a Starbucks cup. It’s a shame HBO couldn’t do better by the fans of the show.
  3. Well considering one is commercial software it will get security fixes quicker than the other so my vote would go with Invision.
  4. This can be closed actually found it posted here already. Using search didn’t turn up any results.
  5. I would like to request the following please https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8543-members-teams/ I’d like the version that’s compatible with 4.4.4 please. Thank you.
  6. I got it earlier too. Honestly such an awesome deal.
  7. As stated above after season 5 the show started going downhill but season 8 was truly awful and HBO should be embarrassed by releasing such garbage. The fight with the white walkers wasn’t much of a fight really and just how the show ended was horrible.
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