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Everything posted by James

  1. Hi David, it's nice to meet you. Welcome to WebFlake, hope you enjoy your stay!
  2. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  3. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  4. This is not a request board, use the correct board as long as you meet the board's requirements (which it states in the description of the board).
  5. James

    Forum icons

    As your topic appears to be a support topic for IPS, we have moved it to the appropriate forum.
  6. As your topic appears to be a support topic for IPS, we have moved it to the appropriate forum.
  7. James


    This is not the correct way to request a theme, you must using whichever requests board correlates to the forum software you're using. You must first meet the requirements to post in said request board. Your thread has been archived.
  8. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  9. As your topic appears to be a support topic for IPS, we have moved it to the appropriate forum. Your thread has been moved but since you've seem to have found the answer, I'm going to make your topic as handled. Feel free to make another one if you've ended up not being able to fix the issue.
  10. Glad you decided to make yourself known after all this time. Looking forward to see what you bring on to the table, see you around. ?
  11. For people who are starting out on the forum and looking for some questions to be answered, I would recommend starting off at our FAQ page. https://webflake.sx/guidelines-faq/ To answer your question specifically though:
  12. This year has been a Hell-hole for me but it is what it is. Just hoping next year will be better for all of us.
  13. Merry Christmas to you all, hope you all enjoy the holidays with your friends and family. Be safe! Let's hope 2021 turns around for the best.
  14. Welcome to the forum, Oni.
  15. I'm personally not looking at the entire country but my state are a bunch of idiots. Not great.
  16. I agree with the removal of Discord. I know it was up for discussion for some time because of the gap it caused for the community. It initially scared the Hell out of me haha, but I understand now. P.S. That chatbox is a thing of beauty, excellent work Jeffrey.
  17. Ever since Windows 7, I've used Google Chrome. I've never had any issues with their UI, and the design is pretty sleek and simple. This browser sounds like it's been made for developers, or business men/women. Good for them but I think I will stick with GC still.
  18. Hey Mark, sounds like you've had quite the life so far. Looking forward to see what you bring to WebFlake, welcome!
  19. Welcome to WebFlake, I hope you enjoy your stay.
  20. Good evening everyone, It's finally come to the time where I felt the need to put in my resignation. I've been apart of the staff team for five years, the longest time I've ever been apart of staff team before (including RSPS for those who know about that). And been apart of the website for at least seven years (probably a little more when this community used to be known as ForumCore, but wasn't active as I was on WebFlake because I was young and didn't really know what to do). This site has taught me so much, really! Including things like maturity (mostly because I have looked up to Davlin, and wanted to copy his sense of professionalism in his topics/posts and tackling issues head-on the way he always has, I've used that in many other forums I've been apart of), confidence in my moderation skills (considering this is the FIRST forum I had ever moderated outside of my comfort zone, and when I had first started, I had a lot to learn and asked a lot of questions to the point where I thought I was annoying the administration.. haha), and so much more. It has been such a honor moderating under both Davlin and Phun, and sometimes teaching the other moderators about their roles. I enjoy helping, teaching, and making people understand something so much especially when the end result is watching them prosper in their role. I've seen so many staff come and go as well, but it has all been worth it in the end. There's definitely been some up's and down's but when isn't there? This site has been apart of my childhood and some of my adulthood. I was only about 13-14 when I had joined the community (including the time period before WebFlake). I couldn't imagine putting so much effort into something like this thinking back on it but it's something I don't regret, and wouldn't ever change. WebFlake is definitely going to be a site that I will continue to visit from time-to-time (and hopefully more frequently after I'm not so busy with real life things) because of how much it means to me and the people that are around. This site is definitely a place where people always come back to. It's impossible not to! It has also been such a honor to help the people I have, make the connections I have, and laugh with the people I have. This ENTIRE forum has literally been something that has raised me, or at least played a part in doing so because of how much it's taught me. That's all I got... this was an emotional one, and one I didn't want to make but I know this team deserves someone that is able to be on a lot more so both the team and site can achieve much more. I don't want to be the boundary that stops the site from doing so. Thank you all so much! James
  21. Hello, welcome to WebFlake!
  22. Hi Leo, welcome to WebFlake! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  23. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  24. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  25. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
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