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  • 755151167_blackbear-runninlow.mp3

James last won the day on January 16

James had the most liked content!


About James

  • Birthday 04/15/1996

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  1. Welcome to WebFlake! I hope you enjoy your stay.
  2. The request(s) in this topic have been filled and the file has been provided. This topic is now closed. If you have other requests, please open a new topic.
  3. A very happy belated Happy Thanksgiving! It's been a very crazy week.
  4. Emails have been fixed, thanks to @ Logan_Rocks reminder that our domain is still being flagged as spam, so they'll be automatically sent to junk Disabled 'Join Us' block on the homepage for now as we're not looking for the positions listed on the page can still be accessed under 'about us' menu however View full release
  5. James

    Question Donated

    Just to clarify, this usergroup is not a 'donate' for usergroup. It's a matter of reaching a certain amount of points to get the next rank. I have verified your account, and it should be fine now; please let me know. Sorry for the delay in a reply. If you have donated, that is a separate issue so I need some clarification.
  6. Hello, I hope you enjoy your stay!
  7. Hi there, welcome back! Hope you enjoy your time here.
  8. Hello there! Welcome to WebFlake.
  9. It's such a crazy concept to me on how this is being handled. I understand the bit about their downloads being down for some time, but it amazes me that they're releasing all of it altogether versus coming up with something else to help drive sales/downloads. I mean, something tells me that a majority of their traffic/relevance is from the downloads section; could be wrong though.
  10. Happy Halloween! Hope everyone has a safe night, and tons of fun!
  11. That plugin is VERY old at this point, would also think it needs to be removed. The YouTube idea isn't a bad alternative.
  12. I'm probably going to wait until it's at least several months into development maybe. The BETA wasn't bad, and it felt a lot more fluid than MW2 but overall it was the same damn thing. I'm not sure what to think about it lol.
  13. If you want a correct response (or a response at all, really) then use the correct section/board next time. I would recommend that you take some time to read our community guidelines located here. Your thread has been archived and you're welcome to post in the correct board next time.
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