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Everything posted by Jrock

  1. Save the page, then get all the images, css files, etc. Once you have all the files you can just take the page and modify it however you wish.
  2. I did a logo for you a few days ago. You can expect this to be the last. Pick a forum style and stick with it, please. http://i.imgur.com/fTQdcyn.png
  3. Topic title changed to something more descriptive from "IP.Board Question".
  4. Jrock

    Webflake's Cereal

    Lovin' the overall appearance, but as Paradiizee said, Kellogg's?
  5. If you're on shared hosting, you won't be able to and your hosting provider needs to.
  6. Here. Now stop posting everywhere asking for it.
  7. A more advanced way is just setting a default webpage hierarchy in your webserver. If you have no idea what I just said, disregard.
  8. This isn't a support topic. But you should always make a backup first. Thread Locked.
  9. Just a post letting everyone know that IPS has released a publicly available security update for 3.2.x, 3.3.x, and 3.4.x which replaces two files in your admin directory, core.php and ipsMember.php. This is said to fix a possible issue with un-authorized people gaining access to your site's administration area. More info and download links: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/385207-ipboard-32x-33x-and-34x-critical-security-update/ For those of you running any of the listed versions of IPB, we suggest you upload and overwrite these files. It does not matter if you are on a nulled or retail version.
  10. Make me remember you, like you remember me.. bad bitch.

  11. Many places. He was also on the cover of "Out" magazine, a popular gay and lesbian themed magainze last may. He also used to be a male stripper. Aaaand.. he also admitted to it on Entertainment Tonight and MTV.
  12. What a bold statement. Welcome to WebFlake. Make sure you acquaint yourself with our Community Guidelines.
  13. Using IPB (Because in the world of forums, nothing else compares) you can make it so no public person can register randomly once you get a fair amount of your club members registered, and then give them the ability to invite other club members using something like this: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3430-dp34-referrals-system/
  14. I don't really know a whole lot about who she even is, but I like the effects on the second and fourth one.
  15. Welcome to WebFlake and I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it so far. Make sure you take a stroll past our Community Guidelines and you should have nothing but smooth sailing! - J
  16. Welcome to WebFlake. Make sure you read out Community Guidelines which can be found here. Enjoy!
  17. Basically, you fill up an account with funds, hook up the API to WHMCS, and then it will use RC to register the domains and can be managed through WHMCS. I know they have a $100 minimum deposit for new accounts. I got mine back when WHMCS still had a promo offer with them. Not sure what happened to it. I think they have a similar thing with eNom now; You'll have to check. But WHMCS pretty much automates everything once you have it setup properly.
  18. Usually ResellerClub or eNom are what people are using.
  19. Not much, just cracking down on spam posts. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find any, would you? (The OP has been warned for spamming. This is part of an administrative initiative to prevent spam. He could have easily been suspended or banned for this. Let this serve as an example, and this guy's lucky day.) On a happier note, welcome to WebFlake. Make sure you read our community rules. Seriously..
  20. True. The person below me is too broke to afford IPB.
  21. Jrock


    16 and in college, eh? You sure about that? Anyways, welcome to WF.
  22. Is that video HD? As in Hazy and Distorted? I didn't even see him hit the ground..
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