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Everything posted by Ketchup

  1. I don't just rage, i allow scumbags like you to insult my numerous times before i respond. Like i did 2 times now, it's to the point mods had to edit your other post. For some reason you just think your top dog everywhere and can take verbal jabs at people. No one really cares to be honest but you, or maybe you have to compensate for something? The original poster claims it works, and he quite honestly doesn't care. So why don't you bow out of his thread with your ego and if you feel like you need to stroke your ego some more then drop me a pm.
  2. https://gyazo.com/256f6ca17c419996e2b752ec7039724e Them are some epic pro skills, shame with all that elite css talent you have you can't seem to align something correctly lol. Hop off my nuts and worry about your own really.
  3. The second media query is for xenforo responsive sizes, you know this is basic xenforo stuff. Maybe you should read the thread, you might actually learn something instead of giving these subliminal jabs about how godly your thought process is.
  4. i replied back in pm and this is mostly likely solved. For anyone else who is looking for this for quark, this code will work. .thread_view .messageList .messageUserInfo a.avatar img, .thread_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo a.avatar img, .conversation_view .messageList .messageUserInfo a.avatar img, .conversation_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo a.avatar img, .avatar img, .avatar .img, .avatarCropper { max-width: 142px; height: auto; } .messageUserInfo { width: 160px !important; } .messageUserBlock .arrow { right: -10px !important; } .messageUserBlock .arrow span { left: -11px !important; } .messageUserBlock h3.userText { width: 140px !important; } .messageUserBlock div.uix_avatarHolderInner { max-width: 142px !important; } #QuickReply { margin-left: 180px !important; } <xen:if is="@enableResponsive"> @media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth) { .thread_view .messageList .messageUserInfo a.avatar img, .thread_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo a.avatar img, .conversation_view .messageList .messageUserInfo a.avatar img, .conversation_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo a.avatar img { width: 48px; height: auto; } .avatarHolder .userMood img { display: none; } } </xen:if>
  5. Send me a pm with a link to your site, or drop it here.
  6. Post the vid to w/e your listening to that your currently vibing to. Also to keep this thread legit and non deleted... Rate the song above your post
  7. Welcome Roger, if you need anything be sure to ask
  8. You should have clarified the toolbar lol... .cke_top { background: #000 !important; }
  9. .cke_wysiwyg_frame, .cke_wysiwyg_div { background-color: #000 !important; } or .cke_editable { background: #000 !important; } ^ try this.
  10. Don't mean to necro but... You can use a service like no-ip and have your ip linked to the domain. Then you would just allow the domain in the htaccess. This requires you to though to have the app installed and on though. It is a work around though. Also this blocking can be done this way to with php: Cloudflare: <?php $ValidCheck = array('IP GOES HERE'); if (!in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'],$ValidCheck)) { header('Location: http://mycoolepicsite.com'); // change according to your site setup exit(); } ?> Non-Cloudflare: <?php $ValidCheck = array('IP GOES HERE'); if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],$ValidCheck)) { header('Location: http://mycoolepicsite.com'); // change according to your site setup exit(); } ?>
  11. html[dir="ltr"] .ipsComposeArea_withPhoto .ipsComposeArea_editor { background: #000 !important; }
  12. Nice skin however, i don't read/speak romanian so i won't be joining. Overall, looks impressive.
  13. #categories table tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) td, .category_block table tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) td, table#forum_table tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) td { background-color: #181818 !important; } ^ Should work
  14. I don't see the theme changer or the theme as a guest
  15. Make the theme visible to guests on your site and toss the site url.
  16. Try this: .ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra .ipsDataItem:not(.ipsDataItem_selected):not(.ipsModerated):not(.ipsDataItem_new):not(.ipsDataItem_success):not(.ipsDataItem_warning):not(.ipsDataItem_error):not(.ipsDataItem_info):not(.ipsDataItem_status):nth-child(even) { background: #181818 !important; background-color: #181818 !important; } Replace #181818 with desired color, let me know if it works.
  17. https://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/impex_guide Download: https://github.com/internetbrands/vbimpex This stuff can easily be googled.
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