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Lock Down

Rising Star
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Everything posted by Lock Down

  1. Ok all I can tell you is that error is an error that is caused by bad programming. A hook or app usually checks if a class was loaded , in this case profile_plugin_parent. Then if not loaded loads it. Looks like in this case they just loaded it and because it was already loaded the error cannot redeclare class profile_plugin_parent.. What about apps you just installed?
  2. No. They should show up by now. If you want me to look at it pm me an admin login and the url to your site.
  3. Then I would guess that it is caused by some hook or app that you have recently installed. Disable the hooks and test if the error still happens until you find the one causing it.
  4. Yes click all boxes on both sides then click rebuild.
  5. In template tools rebuild all your skin sets at top of screen. If that doesn't work also do this further down the page Rebuild Master Skin Data Rebuild: Rebuild HTML Rebuild CSS Rebuild Replacements For Applications: System (templates.xml last updated - 29-May 14) Forums (templates.xml last updated - 29-May 14) Members (templates.xml last updated - 29-May 14) Calendar (templates.xml last updated - --) Chat Services (templates.xml last updated - --) Stop Forum Spam (templates.xml last updated - --)
  6. Your hooks folder need to be set to permission 777.
  7. Yes upload them in the uploads folder and name them as I said in my other post. if the member is 0 they will get image nitrox20.jpg if 5 nitrox25.jpg if -5 nitrox2-5.jpg and so forth. And how do you intend to update the members points? Through the database using phpmyadmin? It would be easier if you created the cpf and used a default value of 0 and not allowing members to edit it. Then you could edit it by editing the member profile and using the method I suggested here
  8. Ok just create 11 images for the graphs called nitrox2-5.jpg thru nitrox25.jpg. there will be 1 image for each possible number from -5 through +5. Then edit userinfopane template and place this code anywhere you want. Maybe above the posts. <php>$nitrox2 = ipsRegistry::DB()->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'nitrox2_points', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => 'member_id=' . $author['member_id']) );</php> <li><img src="{$this->settings['upload_url']}/nitrox2{$nitrox2['nitrox2_points']}.jpg"></li>
  9. acp > System Settings > System > General Configuration Path to 'upload' directory This is a path, not a URL. IP.Board has detected your uploads path as: use what is listed here
  10. If you have not altered the member's table yet then you should do that first. alter TABLE members add column nitrox2_points tinyint(3) default 0; Or Just create it in the cpf then you will have to add the amount to the field manually for each member. I think this second method is easier to show to the userinfo and profile screens.
  11. First what table are you adding the field Nitrox2 points ? How can 0 be half full if 5 is full? ) should be empty.
  12. If you are talking about your website, it works fine for me on chrome. Sounds like it might be timing out before loading for you. Clear Browsing data and check if in advanced settings you have these checked. Clear browsing data... Google Chrome may use web services to improve your browsing experience. Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar or the app launcher search box Predict network actions to improve page load performance Use hardware acceleration when available
  13. So why are you duplicating that topic??
  14. First change the acp -> settings -> general configuration uploads path to what it says the new one should be under the box. next go to cache management and click the red minus next to Cached Posts & Cached Signatures and and say yes to remove all. (this does not delete them). The at top of page click all the rebuild cache and furl and global. Then go to template tools and recache all your skins.
  15. That is correct. Do you have multiple languages on your forum? You can force the , by editing this file adminsourcesclassesclass_localization.php using ftp or file manager. find public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return is_numeric( $number ) ? str_replace( 'x', $this->local_data['thousands_sep'], number_format( $number, $places, $this->local_data['decimal_point'], 'x' ) ) : 0; } change to public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return is_numeric( $number ) ? str_replace( 'x', ',', number_format( $number, $places, $this->local_data['decimal_point'], 'x' ) ) : 0; }
  16. In the boardindextemplate show us in a code tag in a spoiler tag what is between this line <div id='board_stats'> and this line <div id='board_statistics' class='statistics clearfix'>
  17. You have 3 choices. 1. Create new template bits for the profileModern & statusUpdates with new names and use them in the new code changing the new statusUpdates template to choose only ?? statuses in the foreach statement. 2. Change the number of status updates shown for all by editing file adminapplicationsmembersextensionsprofileTabsstatus.php using ftp or file manager. find $statuses = $this->registry->getClass('memberStatus')->fetch( $this->memberData, array( 'relatedTo' => $member['member_id'], 'isApproved' => true, 'limit' => 10 ) ); Change the 10 to whatever number you want. 3. in acp system settings > members > user profiles click add a setting then follow the image then edit the file adminapplicationsmembersextensionsprofileTabsstatus.php using ftp or file manager. find $statuses = $this->registry->getClass('memberStatus')->fetch( $this->memberData, array( 'relatedTo' => $member['member_id'], 'isApproved' => true, 'limit' => 10 ) ); Change the 10 to $this->settings['maxStatusUpdates'] then the code I made change this $tab = 'status'; to this $tab = 'status'; $this->settings['maxStatusUpdates']=1; You can make the 1 anything you want.
  18. Ok since you didn't say where on that screen you wanted it I am putting it after Community stats header. You can move anywhere in the template you want. Edit template profiles > profileModern find <div class='general_box clearfix'> <h3>{$this->lang->words['community_stats']}</h3> <br /> put this after it <php> $tab = 'status'; $this->settings['maxStatusUpdates']=1; if (!class_exists('profile_plugin_parent')) { require( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'members' ) . '/sources/tabs/pluginParentClass.php' ); /*noLibHook*/} $LDclassToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( $tabs[ $tab ]['app'] ) . '/extensions/profileTabs/' . $tab . '.php', 'profile_' . $tab, $tabs[ $tab ]['app'] ); $LDplugin = new $LDclassToLoad( $this->registry ); $tab_html = $LDplugin->return_html_block( $member,1,1 ); unset($LDclassToLoad); unset($LDplugin); $start = strpos($tab_html,'</form>'); $start1 = strpos($tab_html,'</div>',$start); $tab_html = substr($tab_html,$start1+6); </php> {$tab_html} Updated : The extra code will hopefully stop the errors caused by the hooks / apps that don't check if class was loaded.
  19. What are you talking about? The sidebar that is on WF? Do you use a sidebar? Is it the same one? Or are you talking about something else? SHOW A PICTURE OF YOUR BOARD!!!!
  20. You put it in the wrong spot. Put it back where you had it in the first place and just add this in front of it <span class='desc lighter ipsType_small' style='padding-left: 67px;' > and this after it </span> If you can't figure it pm me an admin login and url.
  21. ok try this for that skin edit ipb_styles.css . find #ipbwrapper { background: #1b1b1b; border-left: 1px solid #161616; border-right: 1px solid #161616; } change to this #ipbwrapper { background: #1b1b1b; border-left: 1px solid #161616; border-right: 1px solid #161616; min-width: 1250px; } Main thing is add the min-width css of about 1250px should stop the right bar from shrinking the logo.
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