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Everything posted by GTAIVCode3

  1. Thanks for another great tutorial TJ. This will come in handy for me.
  2. What's on your mind?

  3. Welcome! Nice to see that people care about the community and want to keep it alive as long as they can.
  4. Would you mind making a tutorial on how how to make general text flash?
  5. Really nice tutorial TJ. Hopefully this will be useful for many members!
  6. It might be a skin problem. Have you tried to recache the skin?
  7. Welcome to the forums! It's nice to see people coming from all over the world.
  8. First off, what's the site about? Tell us about what site is about. You can showcase your site in this forum http://webflake.sx/forum/52-website-showcase/ Make sure you follow the forum guidelines. They can be found here
  9. GTAIVCode3


    Hi, see you around the forums!
  10. Nice to see you here and welcome to the community. Your english can only get better if you try and practice it. I am sure it will over time!
  11. IPB by far. I just love it so much!
  12. Version 1.0.1


    Custom name style appears styled throughout the board, thanks in large part to Terabyte's Group Format hook. This application is designed so that you don't need to have Group Format also installed. Additionally, this should not be used with (e32) Points Per Name Style ibEconomy plug-in, as they have the same functionality, just different means for editing name styles. [b][color=#ff0000]This REQUIRES IPB 3.2.3+[/color][/b] Main Settings:[list] [*]On/Off [*]Default to (TB) Group Format? [*]Groups Allowed [/list] Public:[list] [*]Ability to customize own display name [*]Bold/italic/background/text/outline/shadow [/list] ACP:[list] [*]View and Edit current styled names [*]Add new styled name [*]Use shadow instead of outline [/list]
  13. You guys going to put the backup downloads in?
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