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Everything posted by GTAIVCode3

  1. Hi and welcome to WebFlake!
  2. Hi and welcome to webflake!
  3. ACP > Look / Feel > Skin Manager > (choose skin) > Manage Templates / CSS > Global Templates > UserInfoPane Find: <li class='post_count desc lighter'> {parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"} {$this->lang->words['m_posts']} </li> </if> </ul> Add this after the </if> tag but before the </ul> tag <span class='group_title'>{$this->lang->words['m_joined']}</span> <span class='post_count desc lighter'>{parse date="$author['joined']" format="joined"}</span> Should look like this <li class='post_count desc lighter'> {parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"} {$this->lang->words['m_posts']} </li> </if> <span class='group_title'>{$this->lang->words['m_joined']}</span> <span class='post_count desc lighter'>{parse date="$author['joined']" format="joined"}</span> </ul> Then you can save it. If you have any questions/problems, post in the topic.
  4. Staff member may close the topic. I will be assisting the user over Teamviewer.
  5. Hi and welcome to WebFlake.
  6. Hi and welcome to WebFlake!
  7. Nice to see you here and welcome to WebFlake. See you around!
  8. GTAIVCode3


    Hey Bob, welcome to WebFlake!
  9. Log into your ACP --> System Settings --> Click on the "members" tab --> Reputation System.
  10. I would need to take a look at the code but make a backup and try moving stuff around. Just try experimenting and you will learn a lot over time. Mind posting the code?
  11. Welcome to WebFlake. If you keep using English over time here, it will only get better over time. Good luck!
  12. Hello Aurelio, nice to see people here from all over the world. Hope you enjoy yourself here on WebFlake.
  13. Hi, welcome to WebFlake! Hope to see you around the forums.
  14. Hi and welcome to WebFlake!
  15. You can use this Red Message <div class="message error">Enter text here</div> Green Message <div class="message success">Enter text here </div> You can customize it by using various variables like <b> </b> is bold <center> </center> Centers text. Ect
  16. Won't promise that it will be fixed but I will try, drop me a PM with your Skype name.
  17. GTAIVCode3

    Feedback Archives

    Maybe have an archive for one that's visible to the public and another one only visible to staff but then what's the point of having the filled support/mod request archives. Think we should maybe start reorganizing them?
  18. Are you using the correct version of IP.Content with the correct version of the forum? What you changed, I don't know what it's for or what it does. Have you tried changing it back?
  19. Who is the account in which you made when you installed IPB, do you have access to that? I think that no one can change the permissions because it has the highest permissions. You can try that if you can or you can try what's said above. That sucks that the person did that to you. Good luck!
  20. Yo, what's up? Welcome to WebFlake
  21. You need IP.Content to move it. That's the only way I know of doing it unless their is another way you can do it.
  22. As said above, I don;t think their is any other download software other than IP.Downloads. If you want, you can find an external download system outside of IPB and just link it to your forums.
  23. You could use the custom moderator team page found here http://webflake.sx/files/file/1523-custom-moderator-team-page/
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